"Eat meat! How can there be strength without meat?"


   Ye Xiaochan took the chicken legs sluggishly.


  Master really changed.


   The former young master always had a serious face and was very rigid. He never let himself sit down while eating, let alone pick up food for himself.


   Could it be... Master thinks I'm going to be sold, a little guilty?


When the thought of    came out, Ye Xiaochan couldn't help but feel sad, but didn't dare to cry in front of Xue An, so he lowered his head and ate the chicken thighs, and the tears dripped to the ground.


  Master, if I leave, you have to take care of yourself!


   Xue An didn't pay attention to Ye Xiaochan, who was performing a bitter drama in his heart. At this moment, he was madly accumulating strength.


   With every bite of food, he will be instantly digested by his hungry and thirsty stomach and turned into pure energy, changing his body crazily.


   This World's Tribulation is not the same as the Heart Demon Fantasy Realm.


   is neither true nor false, like illusion.


   Xue An’s original cultivation base could not be used, and Xue An also discovered that there was no trace of aura in this world.


   If the earth before being transformed was a piece of Jedi, then there is complete nothingness here.


   This also fundamentally eliminates the possibility that the cultivator wants to practice again here.


   Even Xue An couldn't even open the mustard ring and Fubao Xiaolou.




  Fu Bao Xiaolou is a world of its own, Yan Er and the two little girls are absolutely safe inside.


   As for this world without aura, it may be a problem for others, but for Xue An, it is not a problem at all.


   Because when Xue An was traveling through the heavens, he once got a book called Zhou Tianxingyu Swallowing Xuanzhen Ancient Immortal Jue.


   This fairy decision is actually not smart at all.


   But it is very unique.


  Because the Daluo monk who left this immortal decision came from a desert world with no aura.


   It is impossible to cultivate through heaven and earth spiritual energy.


   But this monk took a different path, began to transform himself through swallowing, and finally embarked on the road of cultivation.


   And this swallowing, to put it plainly, is crazy eating.


   Then digest all the food eaten into pure energy.


   This replaces the role of Reiki.


   And Xue An also knew that this monk Da Luo had even swallowed an asteroid in one bite at the later stage of his cultivation.


   If it wasn't because he was too gluttonous, he would eventually explode and die when he tried to swallow a star. Now I don't know what it looks like.


   This immortal decision may be a wasteful existence in those worlds full of aura.


   can be in this world, but it is extremely suitable.


   I saw Xue An eating big mouthfuls, and this thin body began to grow stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.


  The pure energy is transforming everything crazy.




   When I waited for a banquet at the table, Xue An ate more than half of it.


   This scene also made Ye Xiaochan silly.


   How did my young master become a rice bucket after being sick?


   "What are you looking at, eat quickly!" Xue An said.


   "Oh oh!" Ye Xiaochan didn't dare to defy, and she was indeed hungry.


   Regardless of whether the young master sells himself or not, he must eat his fill first.


   holding this idea.


   This weak-looking girl ate up half of the rest of the banquet.


   After eating, she couldn't even squat down, so she could only stand up slowly with her belly.




   Xue An was in front, and Ye Xiaochan followed suit. The master and servant returned to the house.


   And the guys in charge of clearing the dishes and chopsticks came into this room, all a little dumbfounded.


   "My God, this is slowly waiting for a banquet on the table, and it is actually consumed by these two people?"


   "You look at this plate, do you still need to brush it? You can see the figure!"


   These guys exclaimed.


   And after Xue An led Ye Xiaochan back, Ye Xiaochan asked.






   "What shall we do next?"


   Xue An lay down on the bed, "Satisfying is naturally...sleeping!"


   Ye Xiaochan was stupid.


  Master, you have been in a coma for several days. You just woke up. Why did you sleep again after eating?


   But she just wanted to say something.


   I heard Xue An, who was lying on the bed, snoring slightly, and actually fell asleep.


   Ye Xiaochan felt sour and sad, and the last glimmer of hope was shattered.


  Master, he still wants to sell me!


  Because tomorrow sunrise will take out twenty taels of silver.


   You can see how the young master is sleeping, where can I find the money?


  Thinking of this, Ye Xiaochan's tears fell down and couldn't stop it.


   After a while, Ye Xiaochan wiped the tears from his cheeks, and then began to clean up the house lightly.


   In order to treat Xue An's illness, Ye Xiaochan has pawned all his clothes.


   But none of Xue An's clothes moved.


   She turned them all over, then took out the needle and thread, and started repairing one by one.


   Ye Xiaochan didn't let it go whether it was a slight damage or a slight opening.


   Even if there are no damaged clothes, she will reinforce all the easily damaged areas.


   Ye Xiaochan mumbled softly while doing needlework.


   "Master, you have to take care of yourself after Chan'er is gone! Don't get sick again!"


   "You have to wear these clothes with care. I will put that white boy shirt separately for you and wear it when you get to the capital!"


   "Be sure to remember that wherever your clothes are broken, you can quickly repair them, or they will be tattered and will make people laugh when they enter the capital!"


   Followed Xue An since childhood, and Ye Xiaochan, who had never left for half a step, talked in a whisper.


   often sews ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She stopped the work in her hand, cried silently for a while, and then started sewing.


   Until all the clothes are sewn, and stacked neatly in the box.


   She lay carefully at Xue An's feet, curled up together, thinking about her thoughts with tears.


   During Xue An's illness, she had been caring for her day and night, and she was already exhausted.


   Plus I ate so much today.


   So after a while, she fell asleep.


   I don't know how long it took, and the sky outside gradually darkened.


   At the moment when a bright moon fell on the treetops, Xue An, lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.


   The dazzling brilliance in the eyes made the whole room like a flash.


   Then Xue An sat up and was about to get out of bed.


   Only then did he realize that Ye Xiaochan had fallen asleep at his feet.


   But when she was asleep, she was clutching the corner of her clothes with one hand.


   looked at the chan'er who was sleeping like a child.


   Xue An couldn't help but feel a gentleness in his heart.


   In a few years, I will be as big as her if I miss it!


   At this moment, Ye Xiaochan's body trembled a little, tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and then whispered softly: "Master, don't sell me!"

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