Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 898: The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, the clouds stop and the wind stays

Xue An was taken aback, and then couldn't help laughing.


   This silly girl, I really thought I would sell her!


   Xue An stretched out his hand and lightly tapped Ye Xiaochan's forehead.


   The little girl fell into the deepest sleep. It is estimated that at least she would have to sleep until dawn.


   Then Xue An stood up, pushed the door and walked out.


   The moon is bright and the stars are sparse outside, and the wind stops and the clouds stop.


  Because the night is already deep, everything around is silent, as if the whole world is asleep.


   Xue An's eyes flickered with brilliance, and then he leaped, and the whole person soared into the air silently and disappeared into the vast night.


   This is a small city.


   From the easternmost wall to the westernmost, the straight-line distance is only seven or eight miles long.


   But because it is on a main road leading to the capital, this small city is very prosperous.


   Even though it is dead at night, I can still see the shining lights everywhere in the city.


   Xue An walked in the dark night sky like a stroll in the garden, overlooking the city at his feet.


at last.


   In the northeast corner of this city, Xue Anton lived in shape.


   is a deep house compound in front of him.


   Xue An narrowed his eyes and looked at the house.


   A moment later, he showed a silent smile, then jumped up and disappeared behind the high wall.


   On the front entrance of this house, the four characters of Chen Jiagong Mansion were engraved impressively.


   If there are people from the city here, they will be dismayed after seeing these four words, and even avoid them for fear.


   Because in this city, the Chen family symbolizes absolute power.


   No one dared to disobey the orders of this family.


   Even a sneeze from the Chen family makes this small town tremble.


   And this Chen family's behavior has always been domineering, as long as they see things or people, it must belong to them.


   Even a servant of the Chen family at the back will yell five and six when outside, which is extremely arrogant.


   So by now, this city has reached the point of talking about Chen's discoloration.


   If someone inadvertently provokes, or someone from the Chen family sees something, then the best end is to escape the city as soon as possible, otherwise it is very likely that the person's body will be seen in the gutter the next day.


   As the eldest son of the Chen family, Chen Jiayu has enjoyed the treatment of a prince in this city since his childhood.


   this moment.


   Xue An came to the outside of the study in the back house and was about to go in. Suddenly, he heard voices coming from inside.


   He was stunned for a moment, then stopped, his whole figure instantly merged with the darkness, and he could perceive everything inside with his extremely keen senses.


   I saw this Chen Jiayu comfortably lying on the armchair, drinking and chatting with a few friends beside him.


   At this time, a kid with half a piece of dog skin ointment stuck on his face said flatteringly: "My son, I heard that you recently fell in love with a foreign girl?"


   This gang of hu-peng-gou friends has no other abilities, but when they talk about women, they are all refreshed.


   I saw a rich young man with several large satin shops in his house and said with beaming eyes: "Oh, you may not know, but I met that little lady with Shao Chen, tusk..."


   "How is it? Don't tsk!" The other fat man with a pocky face, but who runs a few pawnshops in his home, said impatiently.


   "Hey, is the little red jade of Yuxiufang beautiful?" The satin boy laughed.


   "Of course it's beautiful! Damn, it cost me a hundred taels of silver to sleep with her last time!" The pockmark said bitterly.


   "Hehe, just like Xiao Hongyu, it's not worthy of shoes for this little lady!"


   "Fuck, is it so beautiful?" The rich and young people in the room were all shocked.


   "Tsk tsk, in front of Shao Chen, do I dare to speak nonsense? The little lady, tusk, I feel amazing now when I think about it!"


   "Don't tsk tsk, you just talk about it in detail!"


"Hey!" This silk satin was rare enough to suffocate everyone's appetite, before Yinxie said: "I won't talk about the picturesque eyebrows, but this little lady looks really white, just like a white satin! "




   All the young and old in the audience took a breath.


   The pockmarked eyes were even more excited, "Really?"


   "Of course, and this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this little lady is only fourteen or five years old this year. It is the time when the tender can pinch the water!"


   At this time, the eyes of this group of young and old have become extremely silvery, after looking at each other, they all laughed.


   "Hey, Shao Chen, congratulations!"


   "That is, just those pretty girls in our city, we are all tired of having fun, and as a result, a foreign girl came here and she is so beautiful! God is helping us!"


   "Chen Shao, when are you going to start meat? When you take the lead, you will also reward our brother for a taste?"


   These foul language filled the whole room.


  Outside the house.


   Xue An's eyes grew colder, but did not move, but continued to listen.


   This Chen Jiayu never said a word. Instead, he lay on the Grand Master's chair for a long time, tapping the armrest with his fingers, and then said lightly: "I didn't move this time! Because I think that's too boring!"


   "And this little girl is very stubborn and fierce. If you are strong, you can easily play disability!"


   "So this time I used another method to drive her into desperation a little bit."


   "I want her to surrender to me completely, it will be more interesting!"


   heard these words of Chen Jiayu.


   There was silence in the room.


   Then the sound of flattery emerged like a surge.


   "It's still the cow that we played with Master Chen!"


   "That's right, UU reading, we are still at the preliminary stage, but Chen Dashao has already begun to play with people!"


   Listen to these flattering voices.


   Chen Jiayu smiled, very happy.


   He remembered the surprise glance of the other day.


   I was bored at that time, and took a few hands down to play in Yang Zelin's inn.


   is actually playing, just to see if there are any new items.


   As a result, he ran into Ye Xiaochan who was about to go out to buy medicine.


   Chen Jiayu was stunned.


   It's not that he has never seen a beautiful woman, but he has never seen such a beautiful woman as Ye Xiaochan.


   After returning to his senses, Chen Jiayu couldn't help being overjoyed.


   He was worried that he had nothing to do, but after seeing Ye Xiaochan, he immediately decided that he was going to decide on this woman.


   But when he wanted to touch this Ye Xiaochan, he touched his nose.


  Because Ye Xiaochan was very guarded, he ignored all strange men's strike-ups.


   After several attempts, Chen Jiayu returned to no avail, which made him full of irritation, so he was ready to send someone to rob him directly.


   Coincidentally, at this time, the inn shopkeeper Yang Zelin arrived.


   When this Yang Zelin saw Chen Jiayu's expression, he understood what was going on.

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