Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 899: 1 foot trampled to death

In fact, he had already coveted Ye Xiaochan, but when he saw that Young Master Chen was so concerned, he immediately changed his strategy and began to advise him.


   When I heard that Ye Xiaochan came with a scholar, and the scholar was seriously ill behind his bed.


   Chen Jiayu suddenly stopped worrying.


   Because in his opinion, this Ye Xiaochan is already the prey in the palm of his hand, what he has to do now is to have a good time.


   So he ordered Yang Zelin to suppress and isolate Ye Xiaochan through various means.


  He wanted to push her into desperation through this method, and then let her obediently beg for mercy.


   I didn't expect this seemingly weak little girl to insist on abruptly.


   And if you insist, it will be ten days.


   Chen Jiayu was a little uncomfortable, and followed Yang Zelin to put pressure on it.


   But at this moment, Xue An woke up unexpectedly.


   And Yang Zelin also brought back good news.


   That is what Xue An wants to use Ye Xiaochan to make a bet.


   After hearing that, Chen Jiayu couldn't help but laugh three times.


   Isn't this little maid loyal?


   As soon as her master woke up, the first thing was to sell her.


   In this way, how can she persist?


   And there was a sneer in Chen Jiayu's heart.


   He didn't want to let Ye Xiaochan off so simply.


   Aren’t you loyal to your master?


  Wait for tomorrow, I will get you into my hands, and then play with you in front of your master!


   When the time comes, I will see how you will behave.


   Thinking of this, Chen Jiayu trembled slightly with excitement.


   And the gang of boys and girls in the room were even more excited about discussing unsightly topics.


   In Xue An's perception, these gangs of young and old are all familiar with it. Obviously this is not the first time to do this.


   It can be seen how many women have been brutally attacked by them.


   This made Xue An's heart murderous.


   A pair of eyes gradually became colder.


   None of these people can stay!


   Xue An thought in his heart, then raised his foot to take a step, and began to walk into the study.


   He, who was perfectly fused with the darkness, showed his aura instantly with this step.


   "Who?" The nursing homes patrolling around the study screamed.


   Xue An didn't talk nonsense at all, so he raised it casually.


   A few faint sword lights flew out instantly, and directly cut the throats of these people.


   These master guards held their wounds tightly with their hands, staring at Xue An, who was slowly walking out of the darkness, in disbelief, then threw a plop and fell to the ground.


   The blood was winding down the ground.


   dyed the quiet night with a blood of killing.


   Such a huge noise naturally shocked everyone in the study.


   "What's the matter? What's wrong outside?"


   "It sounds like someone is coming!"


   These rich and young men and women who are usually domineering, all showed a trace of panic at the moment.


   Only Chen Jiayu remained calm, and then glanced behind him.


   Immediately, two tall men walked to the door.


   These two are both masters invited by Chen Jiayu.


   Therefore, Chen Jiayu didn't panic at all.


   But at the moment when these two people just walked to the door of the room.


  The door made of hardwood shattered like waste paper.


   Then these two masters, who are known as masters, were knocked out before they even hum.


   After landing, he was bleeding from his seven orifices and was shaken to death.


   This time, the audience was surprised.


   includes Chen Jiayu.


   At this moment, he finally couldn't keep calm.


   I saw him standing up suddenly, looking at the dark night sky outside the door with a green face, and said in a deep voice: "Who is an expert, why should I be against my Chen family?"


no respond.


   Chen Jiayu was about to say something.


   heard a slight sigh in the night.


   Then Xue An emerged from the darkness and stepped into the room.


   "What a wonderful night! This kind of night is most suitable for bleeding!" Xue An said lightly.


   The whole audience was silent.


   Then Chen Jiayu's expression changed wildly, " are!"


   He has recognized Xue An.


   Because when Xue An was unconscious, he had met once.


   But he never thought that this scholar who was dying of illness at the beginning would suddenly appear here, and he would kill.


   Xue An glanced at Chen Jiayu, and smiled slightly, "Let me guess, you should be the son of Chen Jiayu? That is the guy behind the master who wants to be against Chan'er?"


   Chen Jiayu was shocked, and his heart was cold.


   How does he know everything?


But the dignity of being a son of the Chen family quickly calmed him down, and then calmly said: "Yes, it's me! I am the son of the Chen family, Xue An, I admit that I missed you, but I didn't expect you to be one. A peerless master!"


   "Why don't we just expose this matter, I promise that I won't provoke your maid again, and you killed my subordinates, I have never happened, how?"


   While talking, Chen Jiayu's head turned wildly.


   I'll talk about it after this time.


   As long as he stabilizes him first, then I will immediately mobilize the master, and after catching him, first give this guy a crime of gangster.


   At that time, I will slowly torture that little maid in front of him.


   was thinking bitterly in his heart.


   Xue An laughed, "I guess you must be thinking about how to deal with me afterwards!"


"I do not……."


   Before the words fell, Xue An snapped a finger.


   A sword light directly cut off Chen Jiayu's legs.


   Chen Jiayu pounced and fell to the ground.


   At the beginning, he hadn't reacted, but immediately, he saw the two broken legs standing on the ground.


   He was taken aback for a moment, then let out a stern roar.


   "My legs! Xue How dare you..."


   Xue An walked forward blankly, stepped on Chen Jiayu's head, and said lightly: "You are really noisy!"


   Although he was trampled underfoot, Chen Jiayu did not feel humiliated.


   Because he felt a real death threat.


   It was a kind of murderous intention that made him tremble all over.


   So he immediately closed his howling mouth, and then said in an extremely anxious voice: "Xue Gongzi, I know it was wrong, you..."


   The voice did not fall.


   Xue An said lightly: "No need!"


   After that, Xue An stepped on it.




   There was a muffled sound.


   The head of Chen Jiayu burst out.


   Brain pulp splashed all over the floor.


   And Chen Jiayu's body was still twitching unconsciously.


   Such a horrible scene made everyone in the audience pale, and some of the courageous were fighting with their legs, almost fainting.


   Then Xue An slowly pulled his foot out of his brain and rubbed the sole of Chen Jiayu's body.


   The understatement is like pulling a carrot from the ground.


   Then Xue An looked around the audience and smiled faintly.


"Good evening, everybody!"

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