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Within the extremely fierce space storm, there was a figure like a fish in the water, walking here leisurely.

Whenever the fierce space power fell on this person's side, it was pushed aside by a strange force.

This figure is Chu Yuan.

And his place is also within the suspended forbidden area.

Although the suspended forbidden land is only opened once in a century, it is because when the space storm has not weakened, the gods will also face great danger when entering, so there will be a time limit.

However, Chu Yuan's cultivation is comparable to a powerhouse with six levels of power, and his combat power is even more terrifying, so he naturally has no scruples.

If someone can see, they will find out.

Chu Yuan was vertically and horizontally within the space storm. Although there were many places that created dangerous space collapse, he walked directly through the void whenever he wanted to swallow it in.

Indeed, he has the blessing of the title of Void Crosstalker, and he is extremely sensitive to the power of space.

He came to the forbidden area this time to find all the hidden treasures here.

As he continued to walk through dangerous places, pieces of unique artifacts, even spiritual artifacts, were constantly discovered by him.

He also collected a long river of spiritual energy into the system space.

Usually, when those people came to the forbidden area, Xiaoyingyi slowly searched.

However, Chu Yuan is different, directly exuding his own powerful perception, and pushing it flat, no matter how deep the treasures are hidden, as long as he is in this forbidden area, he cannot satisfy his perception.

At this time, on a desolate and vast land, Chu Yuan appeared here.

"The cutting hand."

Chu Yuan waved his hand, and the curtain-like void in front of him was directly torn apart, and a huge palace group suddenly appeared in front of him, with the word Hanging on the plaque above.

This turned out to be the treasure house of the Hanging Dynasty hidden in the Hanging Forbidden Land!

Gu Shangguo could think of hiding the important treasures of the dynasty in the forbidden area, and the Hanging dynasty could naturally think of it.

Although extremely powerful restrictions were placed outside the treasury, how much Chu Yuan existed, surpassing the Hanging Dynasty too much, and defending against the general power of God was okay, but he could not be prevented at all.

The treasure house in front of him was torn apart by his use of the Big Destruction technique.

When Chu Yuan walked in and took a look, he also saw that the Hang Kong Dynasty had hidden many of the most precious things inside. There were even a lot of materials that he could use to build sky warships and sky war soldiers.

"Although the Hanging Dynasty was destroyed, it gave me a great gift."

Chu Yuan smiled and used the Big Devouring technique to directly collect this treasure house into the system space.

The danger level of this alien space was nothing to Chu Yuan.

After searching these days, he has obtained dozens of supernatural artifacts, six spiritual artifacts, and a large number of medicinal materials that can be used to refine spiritual essence.

"There is also the most powerful aura in this alien space!"

Walking along the way, he also noticed an aura that surpassed spiritual artifacts.

"It's time to uncover it!"

The emptiness in front of him was vast, but Chu Yuan's eyes saw things that ordinary people couldn't see. His fingers suddenly glowed sharply, and a space was slowly cut like glass, opening a mysterious corner.


A breath of horror came!

Like lightning and thunder, a huge ocean appeared, which seemed to be produced after the spirit of the liquid.

However, there was a king's aura from these vast oceans, and the power was more than a hundred times stronger than the spiritual energy, and ordinary monks could not directly use it for cultivation.

"This is Wang Pin's vein!"

Chu Yuan's face changed suddenly, and then he smiled.

The Wangpin Divine Vessel is beyond the existence of the Lingpin Divine Vessel, and it is more precious!

His eyes immediately saw that at the bottom of the ocean, there seemed to be a divine dragon that contained the aura of a king, and that ocean existed by this king-grade vein.

And at this moment, Chu Yuan also saw that there was a long spear taller than one person standing in the ocean!

The spear is covered with ancient patterns, it is a red color, more dazzling than the stars in the sky, a little movement, it has the power to destroy the world.

Tongshen was extremely vulnerable in front of this spear.

"Wang Pin Artifact!"

Chu Yuan was shocked again.

Obviously, this King Grade artifact is the most precious artifact in the alien space here.

Wangpin artifacts have surpassed the existence of spiritual artifacts, and those with strong gods can’t refine them. Only when the Void God King breaks into the Void God Law, can they be reluctantly refined with their own power, enough to become a Six or Seven Star Dynasty. Town and country.

"Wang Pin Divine Tool, bring me here!"

Chu Yuan's big hand suddenly grabbed it, extremely tyrannical.

The power of destruction destroys the power of the void densely surrounding this artifact, and it will fall on the spear in an instant.


Spiritual artifacts have spirituality, not to mention that they are king artifacts.

The moment Chu Yuan grabbed it, the spear burst out with angry thoughts, as if someone was desecrating it.

The endless sky fire swept through, burning fiercely, causing the gas in the space to be burned into solids, and ordinary powers would be directly burned to death.

Only relying on one's own instinctive opinion can kill Tongshen, this king-grade artifact is too powerful.

However, Chu Yuan was not an ordinary power of God. He wore the palm of the God of War and grabbed the spear directly, and the spear immediately twisted like a mad dragon.

The sky-sun flames it emitted were swallowed directly by the Buddha God Fire, causing the Buddha God Fire to send out excited thoughts, swallowing the flame power above it, and weakening its power.

"Sunburning Sun Gun."

Chu Yuan extracted a burst of information in an instant.

This gun is called the Sunburst Gun. It gathers the power of stars and condenses it to create the crystals of stars. No wonder the flames are so fierce. If there is not the Buddha of God Fire, it would take a lot of effort to surrender it. .

"True Sun Sun God."

Chu Yuan's expression condensed.

This Sunburning Spear was not refined by the Void God King, but a true True God powerhouse.

The imaginary god, although possessing divine power, is still a hypocritical god.

But the true **** is the true god!

How mighty the power of the gods is!

The Void God can't leave the eternal world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But when you reach the True God, you can cross the universe.

Although they are both king grade artifacts, if they come from the hands of the true gods, their value is definitely higher than that of the imaginary gods, and the laws in them are different.

The sun-burning spear in his hand is extremely high in the king-grade artifact. It is extremely powerful and can kill the gods like nothing.

"In addition to the Sunburst Spear, I also got a royal vein!"

Just when Chu Yuan wanted to collect Wang Pin's spiritual pulse, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

"It has been detected that the host has the conditions to repair the Taiyi Pill Furnace. Is it repaired?"

[Option 1: Sacrifice the sun-burning spear, free ten spiritual artifacts, restore the Taiyi Pill Furnace to the King Grade, you can refine the King Grade God Pill, and get 500 fate points. 】

[Option 2: Don’t sacrifice Sunburst for the time being, get 500 Fate Points. 】

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