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The Taiyi Pill Furnace was restored to the King Grade at the price of sacrificing the Sunspear and ten spiritual artifacts.

Moreover, the name is to sacrifice the sun-burning gun.

You know, the Sunburst spear is refined by the true gods, and its value is much higher than ordinary king-grade artifacts.

To sacrifice or not to sacrifice?

In Chu Yuan's eyes, the Sunburning Gun was not worth mentioning compared to the value of the Taiyi Pill Furnace, it was rubbish.

"Choose one, sacrifice the Sunburst Spear, and sacrifice ten spiritual artifacts to repair the Taiyi Pill Furnace and restore it to the King Grade."

Chu Yuan took out the Sunburning Gun and ten spiritual artifacts.

Chu Yuan has a lot of spiritual artifacts. He destroyed the Hanging Dynasty, annihilated the Demon Abyss Legion, and conquered the Demon Shark Empire, swept across the different dimensions, and made him possess dozens of spiritual artifacts. .

"The host made choice one, sacrificed the Sunburst Spear, repaired the Taiyi Pill Furnace with ten spiritual artifacts, and gained five hundred fate points."

"The current Fate Point has a surplus of 1,050 points."

"The Taiyi Pill Furnace is being repaired."

Immediately after Chu Yuan made a choice, the eleven artifacts he took out disappeared out of thin air.

In his eyes, after systematic transformation, it turned into a pure energy torrent, condensed into various laws and fell into the Taiyi Pill Furnace.

"The Taiyi Pill Furnace was successfully repaired and the quality was restored to the king grade."

Taiyi Pill Furnace (Broken): It was originally a magic weapon made by Taiyi Heavenly Sovereign, but it was damaged in the battle between gods and demons and fell into the heavens. As long as you put in various medicinal materials, you can automatically follow the elixir Refining the pill is 100% successful.

Remarks: Because the Taiyi Pill Furnace has been severely damaged and its grade has fallen, the highest level can be refined to the King Grade Divine Pill, but it cannot be refined above the King Grade.

"The Taiyi Pill Furnace has been restored to the king grade!"

Chu Yuan looked happy.

He immediately felt the pill in the pill furnace, the pill that belonged to the king grade had already shining.

In fact, in his treasury, there are some medicinal materials for refining King Grade Shen Dan, but it was impossible to refine King Grade or above.

It can be used now.

"Great Devouring Technique, Wang Pin's Divine Vein!"

Chu Yuan pulled the mountains and moved the sea, and the king-pin divine vein that contained the power of the king rose from the ground and was directly collected by him.

Right now, there are no treasures to be treasured in this alien space, and we can only wait for time to collide with other alien spaces to bring treasures from other planes.

He looked at the edge of this alien space and found that it was an extremely heavy crystal wall. Although he could cut it with a large cutting technique, he would not cut it stupidly.

Otherwise, I don't know which unknown time and space it will be brought into.

"It's time to go back."

Chu Yuan returned to Dawu Imperial City.

This Wangpin divine vein was also buried under the ground of the imperial city by him, and the formation was set up, exuding an extremely pure Wangpin spirit.

Dawu Imperial City!

Now the scale has expanded again!

With the creation of countless craftsmen, it has become larger than the former Hanging City, and almost the entire Dawu realm before has become a part of the Imperial City.

Moreover, the rich aura here has turned into mist, and it will often rain in the aura, as if it has become the center of the martial arts.

As Dawu became the master of the Martial Domain, all resources were dispatched by the Dawu court, avoiding a lot of waste.

In addition, Chu Yuan could refine a large number of medicines, and after registering them, they were distributed to the entire domain, so that the cultivation of the people in a domain was growing by leaps and bounds.

Today, the number of the Shenwu Legion has soared to 50 million people, and most of them are in the supernatural power realm.

In the past, the requirement of being able to join the Shenwu Legion in the Yuanshen Realm was still low as Dawu's national strength increased. Those who joined before could be upgraded to magic powers through pill, and now recruits must have the strength of magic power level.

Moreover, Chu Yuan received two spiritual artifact advanced cards after completing the main task.

That war army chessboard has been upgraded to a spiritual product, which can bind one billion people, and has nurtured the spirit of the chessboard, which can report the situation on the battlefield to the coach.

The Wings of Xuan Ling had also been upgraded to a spiritual rank. Although the five-second void time did not increase, it could still be invincible with the power of a strong god. Even the king of the virtual **** could resist some of the power.

There is also the ability to travel through the void, which consumes the energy of the spar and can shuttle through the void to achieve the effect of teleportation.

After Chu Yuan obtained the Demon Shark Treasury and searched the alien space, the number of Tongshen Sky Warriors had reached three.

The number of sky battleships has reached fifteen.

Xuanguang armor is also being built and equipped throughout the army.

Dawu is now embarking on a period of rapid development, and breakthroughs by various powerhouses have emerged one after another. After he converted the medicinal materials in his hands into spiritual products and Wangpin Shendan, the existence of various gods has also sprung up at the speed of the rain.

Dawu's national fortune is also strong to the extreme.

Most of the current gods are trained by Chu Yuan, and these people are naturally loyal to Chu Yuan.

Tianyuan tea trees have also been planted across the country through the spiritual seed conversion device. Although they are not as powerful as the mother plant, they are actually not psychic. The tea from the child plants will increase greatly.

Nowadays, there is no shortage of Dawu resources, no lack of cultivation techniques, and the lack is time.

"Your Majesty, the minister has followed your instructions and cooperated with the people of the Department of Education to build the Great Martial Arts Academy throughout the martial arts. All children of sufficient age can go to the Academy to study. Various training resources are provided by the court, and there are special martial arts experts. There are also great Confucian scholars who are full of economics."

Lu Qianfu arrived.

He was taking Tongshen Pill, and his cultivation had reached Tongshen.

He knew what Chu Yuan had bestowed on him.

As for Dawu Academy.

This is the academy opened by Chu Yuan after he unified the whole domain.

Develop strong people from an early age, and let those children learn martial arts knowledge systematically from an early age, so as not to waste the time to build the best foundation.

And these people become Dawu's best soldiers when they reach adulthood.

It's like the sect recruits geniuses.

Chu Yuan expands infinitely, as long as children can learn.

Now the college is still in its infancy, and it will be improved step by step over time.

"The Great Martial Arts Academy is a national policy. It has been implemented for a long time. Although the martial arts are now unified, it has been chaotic for too long. In the army, in addition to basic training, there must be strong people to teach those generals about martial arts every day. The corps competed, and the winner received better treatment."

Chu Yuan nodded and said, "Furthermore, Dawu Academy can allocate one day every seven days for the people to go to the academy to listen to the strong lectures~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will not let those strong lectures in vain, it will be credited to the merits. It is used to exchange various materials to make the entire martial arts prosper, and the strong will be hit if they become more orderly. Therefore, relevant laws will be formulated. The casualty will deprive all resources, and the more serious will abolish repairs. For, even put to death directly."

"The ministers will urge people to handle these things." Lu Qianfu said.

"Arrange these things and the Martial Domain is stable. After everything is on the right track, I will also go to a more powerful and prosperous domain." Chu Yuan said.

"Your Majesty is leaving Wuyu!"

Lu Qianfu shocked.

"Although the Martial Domain is large, it is too remote after all. If you live in a corner, you will be like the dangling dynasty, the frog at the bottom of the well, and you will never see the power outside. As an emperor, I cannot only see a small piece of it. Heaven and earth, but to see a broader world, let the great warriors compete in the entire eternal world!"

Chu Yuan said, "And you are wrong. I didn't leave the Martial Domain, but to open up the connection between the Martial Domain and other domains, and open up the territory again!"

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