Iron Germany

Chapter 987 Retreat

"Gentlemen, this time the plan we launched in the Austro-Hungarian Empire has failed. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is too vulnerable. Their army has no combat effectiveness at all. In addition, the states that make up the Austro-Hungarian Empire , Betrayed one after another. This made the Austro-Hungarian Empire defeated before the war even started. Therefore, there is no need for us to invest additional forces." Secretary of State Bryan said.

"Well, everyone, I already know your opinions. Now, it is indeed not the time to tear faces with the Germans. If the Austro-Hungarian Empire can behave decently, we may be able to give them more help. Or Said, if they can withstand the German attack, it is not impossible for us to send troops to land in Europe. However, now they are simply unable to support the wall with mud, so naturally we cannot be stupid enough to lose ourselves!" Wood President Luo Wilson said.

"But, Your Excellency. Now the main force of the German Navy is chasing the Austro-Hungarian Navy. The Germans have assembled all the strength of their home fleet, Mediterranean Fleet and Indian Ocean Fleet. The Austro-Hungarian Navy, although it has sixteen capital ships However, the performance of those battleships can compete with the new battleships of the German Navy. Therefore, the Austro-Hungarian Empire must have lost in this naval battle. In addition, the German Navy mobilized a lot of power, This makes their strength in the Atlantic Ocean seriously empty, and this is also an opportunity for us. Once the German Navy wipes out the Austro-Hungarian Navy and the local fleet returns to the Atlantic Ocean, our strength will once again be at a disadvantage. At that time, we will Facing the oppression of the Germans again." Admiral William Benson said.

The generals of the U.S. Navy undoubtedly hope to take this opportunity to deal a severe blow to the German Navy. In this case, at least the gap in strength between the two navies can be further shortened. Even if the German navy reports retaliation next, they can use coastal defense artillery to fight against it, and then re-accumulate their strength and wait for the opportunity.

If this opportunity is missed, the U.S. Navy may never find such a good opportunity again. They will all be suppressed by the German Navy for a long time to come.

"Although the Austro-Hungarian navy is not as powerful as the German navy, if they can cause certain casualties to the German navy, such as sinking or severely damaging a few German capital ships, that would be great!" Minister Garrison said.

"It's probably very difficult! The main guns of the Austro-Hungarian Navy have a maximum caliber of only 350mm. Even the 343mm main guns with 50 times the caliber of the warships sold to them by the Germans have strong armor-piercing capabilities, but I'm afraid It was also unable to penetrate the main armor of the new German battleships. Therefore, it is almost impossible for the Austro-Hungarian Navy to seriously damage or even sink the new German battleships." Minister Daniels shook his head again and again.

"Everyone, why don't we make a decision after the results of the naval battle between the German Navy and the Austro-Hungarian Navy come out! If the Austro-Hungarian Navy can really cause some casualties to the German Navy, we may take a risk. However, If the Austro-Hungarian navy has nothing to do with the German navy, then we should take the initiative to retreat to avoid further intensification!" Secretary of State Bryan suggested.

"Well, that's a good idea!" said President Woodrow Wilson.

Secretary of the Navy Daniels and Chief of Naval Operations Admiral William Benson, although they felt a little dissatisfied, they still nodded. After all, if the U.S. Navy takes the initiative to retreat again this time, they will undoubtedly lose face again. This will also cause a great blow to the morale of the US Navy.

The decisive battle between the German Navy and the Austro-Hungarian Navy did not make the United States wait too long. That evening, they had already received the news.

The generals of the U.S. cabinet and the U.S. Navy all turned pale after learning the final result.

"Unexpectedly, the Americans won again. And they won the victory at an extremely small price. Not even one of their capital ships suffered moderate trauma. The US Navy is really too powerful!" Wood President Rowe Wilson sighed.

The other ministers of the American cabinet also nodded repeatedly. The strength of the German navy once again shocked them. Obviously, in this case, the U.S. Navy will be even more unable to act rashly. Otherwise, once the undamaged German navy launches a counterattack, it is definitely not something the U.S. navy can resist. At that time, the east coast of the United States will be devastated. Such a price cannot be afforded by the United States.

"Secretary Daniels, General Benson, do you have any comments?" President Woodrow Wilson asked.

Obviously, President Woodrow Wilson has made a decision to ensure the safety of the U.S. Navy even if it means losing face again. After all, it's not easy for them to save these family assets! Once lost, they have to start all over again. No matter how rich and powerful the United States is, it cannot afford such a loss!

"Your Excellency, we have no objection!" Minister Daniels said.

"Your Excellency, I will give the fleet an order to retreat!" Admiral William Benson also said.

They also know that choosing to give in at this time is the best way.

When Admiral William Benson's order to retreat reached the hands of Admiral Henry Mayo, commander of the Atlantic Fleet, Admiral Henry Mayo did not object, but complied with the order.

In fact, after learning that the German Navy had eliminated the Austro-Hungarian Navy at a small cost, Admiral Henry Mayo's attitude changed. He didn't need to think about it to know that the German Navy's home fleet, even the Mediterranean Fleet, had been rushing back. Once the main force of the German navy rushed back, there was enough strength to eat them. If you stay any longer, it will be very dangerous.

The U.S. Navy immediately turned to withdraw from the confrontation area.

The German Navy's Atlantic Fleet, after learning of the news, slowly followed behind the American Fleet, and did not return until it had crossed the midline of the Atlantic Ocean.

As for the U.S. Navy, they also got a piece of information later, which made the generals of the U.S. Navy feel lingering fear. That is the aircraft carrier moored in Germany, all of which have disappeared. There is no doubt that those aircraft carriers are all in the Atlantic Ocean. If a war really breaks out, everyone can imagine what the consequences will be with their toes.

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