Iron Germany

Chapter 986 President's Choice

The confrontation between the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet and the U.S. Navy in the Atlantic has also attracted the attention of countries all over the world. This kind of confrontation happened in the last world war.

At that time, Germany forcibly designated the British coast as a no-navigation zone, prohibiting ships from other countries from entering. For its own benefit, the United States dispatched a fleet to forcibly break into the no-sail zone in an attempt to make Germany's no-sail zone useless. However, it was eventually intercepted by the German Navy. And eventually had to retreat.

This has always been a shame for the US Navy. If possible, of course they want to avenge their shame. And this time is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for them. If they can successfully eat the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet, then they will be able to gain an advantage in the Atlantic.

Of course, if they really did this, when faced with the full-scale counterattack of the German navy, they might have to retreat into the military port and be shy. Unless they wait until the subsequent new capital ships enter service, they will have no chance to enter the Atlantic Ocean to confront the German Navy.

Similarly, the Atlantic Fleet of the German Navy does not want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Relying on the Atlantic Fleet alone certainly did not eat up the strength of the US Navy. However, if it cooperates with the carrier-based aircraft force, the possibility of eating up the US fleet is as high as more than 90%. In that case, the German navy will maintain its long-term advantage in the Atlantic Ocean. However, this may lead to a war between Germany and the United States. What kind of consequences would that have, those generals did not think about it.

It is precisely because of this that Germany will veto their plan. So that they can only watch the U.S. fleet drool.

The United States is also worried about this confrontation. After all, no one knows what kind of emergencies will happen in the ocean thousands of miles away. Once an emergency breaks out and the navies of the two countries misfire, then the problem will become serious. Therefore, many people in the United States have begun to call for calmness in the country and withdraw the fleet. If a war does break out, it will definitely do more harm than good to the United States.

Washington, D.C., White House, inside the Oval Office. Cabinet ministers are meeting to discuss the situation this time around. Also present at the meeting was Admiral William Benson, Chief of Naval Operations of the United States. In the U.S. military, the Chief of Staff of the Army and the Chief of Naval Operations are the de facto leaders of the Army and Navy, respectively.

"Gentlemen, so far, our fleet and the Germans have been confronting each other in the eastern waters of the Atlantic Ocean for half a month. Although the situation looks dangerous. However, it may be because both sides have exercised restraint and have not provoked conflicts and The reason for the provocation. However, no one can guarantee what will happen next!" Secretary of the Navy Daniels said.

"If we misfired with the Germans and even started a war, would we be able to take advantage?" asked Treasury Secretary McAdoo.

"Your Excellency, at this stage, our fleet is stronger than the German Atlantic Fleet. If we pay a certain price, we should be able to eat the German Atlantic Fleet." Admiral William Benson replied.

"Can this change the balance of power between us and the Germans? Or, once the main force of the Germans retaliates, can we resist it?" Secretary of State Bryan also asked.

"Your Excellency, this is probably very difficult. Now, we only have 11 battleships. Although these battleships are cutting-edge warships. However, the performance of the German battleships is also very powerful, not inferior to ours, and even stronger A little. In addition, the number of German capital ships is very large, which is more than three times that of ours. Therefore, if we are lucky enough to eat the German Atlantic Fleet unscathed, but if we face the main force of the German Navy, We are still no match. At that time, we can only return to the naval port and wait for the next batch of battleships to enter service before trying to find a way to compete with the Germans for the Atlantic Ocean." Admiral William Benson continued.

"That is to say, although we are sure to eat a fleet of the Germans. But if the main force of the Germans returns to aid, then we have to hide in the naval port. In that case, what will happen to our east coast? If the Germans attack us If the bombardment is launched on the east coast of China, our prosperous cities may have to be turned into ruins. The Germans have done such things. Didn’t they do the same thing in the island country? By then, people living in The people on the east coast will definitely flee to the west frantically. This will be a disaster for the American Republic." Franklin Lane, Secretary of the Interior, shook his head again and again.

"Gentlemen, it is impossible for the Germans to put all their naval power into the Atlantic Ocean. After all, they still need to leave a strong fleet in the Far East. Otherwise, our greedy island allies will definitely take this opportunity to attack them The Far East colonies." Minister Daniels said.

"But even so, we are no match for the German navy!" Commerce Secretary Redfield said.

"Yes, I admit it. But if our'North Carolina-class' battleships and'South Dakota-class' battleships are in service, we will have the strength to fight against the Germans." Daniels said.

"The risks involved are still too great. Now our strength is still very weak. If we rashly go to war with the Germans, it will be very detrimental to us! Not only us, our allies, but also Germany's potential opponents are still in the The stage of weak strength. On the other hand, the Germans, although they are trying to digest the benefits gained from the war, in fact, their strength, at least the strength of the war, is still at the peak. Those demobilized soldiers can be eliminated within a month. Rearm. Their fleet can reach our east coast within a month. If the Germans attack us at all costs, we are afraid that it will be difficult for us to resist. So, at this time, we had better not Excessive stimulation of the Germans. Otherwise, we will pay a big price!" War Secretary Garrison also said.

President Woodrow Wilson did not speak, but was listening to everyone's opinions. He needs to synthesize everyone's opinions before making a decision. Only in that way can the most correct judgment be made.

In fact, President Woodrow Wilson does not want to tear himself apart with Germany now. Because in his view, the current United States simply does not have the strength to defeat Germany.

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