Iron Germany

Chapter 1167 Eat All

"Comrade Shaposhnikov, is the war in the Middle East really irreversible?" Joseph asked.

A few cold sweats suddenly appeared on Shaposhnikov's forehead. He understood what Joseph meant, that is, he was still unwilling to accept the war situation in the Middle East. From this, he can assert that the hundreds of thousands of people in the Caucasus Front Army may not end well.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Shaposhnikov replied: "Comrade Joseph, the Caucasus Front Army has already suffered a lot of losses in the previous battles. Moreover, the long-term high-intensity battle made the soldiers also Very tired. If they were attacked by two elite German armies, they would not be able to withstand it."

"As far as I know, the two German armies are just formed just now. Is their combat effectiveness that strong?" Joseph looked suspicious.

Shaposhnikov suddenly didn't know what to say. The newly formed troops of the German army are basically soldiers who have retired within five years, and then have undergone a long period of adaptive training. The weapons and equipment equipped are also the most advanced first-class equipment in the world. Although the combat effectiveness is not as good as the frontline troops of the German army, it is definitely much stronger than the elite troops of the German army. What's more, the several units under the Russian Caucasus Front Army are mostly expansion units based on the old units. There are many recruits and their combat effectiveness is not strong. In front of the German army, it is almost impossible to take advantage of it.

Joseph glanced at Shaposhnikov, not going to get entangled in this issue.

"Comrade Kozlov, and other leading comrades of the Caucasus Front Army, what happened? Didn't they fight smoothly before? Why is it like this now? Tell them that our plan will not change, We must find a way to win! Without an order, no retreat is allowed!" Joseph said.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph." Shaposhnikov nodded without saying anything. He knew that the fate of the officers and soldiers of the Caucasus Front Army had already been decided. They would contribute their lives to the great cause of Bu Russia on the battlefield in the Middle East.

Although, Shaposhnikov has some sympathy for the tragic ending of the Caucasus Front Army. However, in front of Joseph, he did not perform at all. There is no point in offending Joseph for the sake of the Caucasus Front Army. What's more, this is not the first time something like this has happened. Shaposhnikov has long been used to it.

When the Caucasus Front Command received the telegram from the General Staff, Lieutenant General Kozlov and others looked ashen. Although, they had expected it before, and it was very likely that this would be the result. But in everyone's heart, there is more or less a little luck. But Joseph's coldness and ruthlessness made them completely give up.

"Comrades, Comrade Joseph has issued an order. Then, we have no other choice. Start tomorrow morning and continue marching towards Baghdad!" Lieutenant General Kozlov ordered.

Although, Lieutenant General Kozlov knew that if he executed this order, he would definitely die in the end. However, he had neither the guts nor the courage to disobey Joseph's orders. In that case, it will only make him die faster.

Major General Shamanin and Major General Toerbukhin, as well as the generals of the subordinate army, all had ugly faces. Anyone who knows that he is about to die will probably feel this way.

After the surrender of the Western Front, Joseph's treatment of the surrenders became even more cruel. This also made other Russian generals even less courageous to betray.

Time passed little by little. On November 11, the 21st Armored Division, the 211th Mechanized Infantry Division and the 212th Mechanized Infantry Division of the German 21st Army took the lead in leaving Kuwait and heading towards Baghdad along the road.

Because the roads along the way were in good condition, they advanced very fast. It is expected to arrive in Baghdad by the afternoon of the 12th.

At the same time, the 47th Army and the 51st Army under the Russian Caucasus Front started from Tikrit again and launched an attack in the direction of Baghdad. However, under the bombing of the Luftwaffe, although they broke through the defense line of the Iraqi army, their advance speed was very slow. It is simply impossible to capture Baghdad before the Germans arrive.

On the night of November 12, the German 21st Armored Division, 211th Infantry Division, and 212th Infantry Division rushed to Baghdad. At this moment, the Russian Caucasus Front Army is still 80 kilometers away from Baghdad.

At the same time, other units of the German 21st Army also began to march towards Baghdad.

The transport ships of the 22nd Army also began to dock. According to Admiral Lundstedt's request, the 22nd Armored Division, the 221st Mechanized Infantry Division and the 222nd Mechanized Infantry Division will be the first to disembark. They will rush to Baghdad as soon as possible to cooperate with the German army.

"It's hard to believe that the Russians are still marching towards Baghdad at this time, instead of retreating immediately. Could it be that their heads were really caught by the door?" Admiral Lundstedt looked surprised.

"That's right! If it were me, I would have abandoned the previous combat goal a long time ago, and immediately retreated to the north of the Zagros Mountains. That would be the best choice." Lieutenant General Eckert also said.

"Your Excellency, Commander, isn't it just convenient for us to get rid of them all by doing what the Russians did?" Another middle-aged general spoke. He is Lieutenant General Ludwig Beck, commander of the 22nd Army of the German Army.

The 22nd Army was starting to disembark, but he had reached Baghdad first. The next step was the counterattack against the Russian army, and Lieutenant General Ludwig Baker didn't want his troops to miss it. This is a good opportunity to gain military exploits.

"Yes, since the 47th Army and the 51st Army of the Russians did not choose to retreat, but continued to advance. Then, their behavior is to die. We have no reason to let them go. So, I decided, this Once we're going to strike back and eat them all!" Admiral Lundstedt said.

The Russian Caucasus Front has five armies under its jurisdiction, but the 44th, 45th, and 46th armies are just fakes. They bear the name of the army group, but they don't have many troops. Only the 47th Army and the 51st Army are the main forces of the Caucasus Front Army, and their strength is relatively strong. Eating them will undoubtedly severely damage the Russian Caucasus Front Army. The remaining troops are also very easy to deal with.

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