Iron Germany

Chapter 1168 Turkey's Counterattack

Eastern Turkey, Kars.

At the same time that the German 21st Army and 22nd Army arrived in the Persian Gulf, the Turkish Army 3rd Army led by Enver, the Turkish Army Minister and Chief of Staff, also rushed to the front line of the battlefield.

The arrival of the new force made the defense line of the 1st Army of the Turkish Army regain stability.

However, the poor performance of the Turkish Army in this battle is still indelible. Admiral Enver was very dissatisfied with this.

You know, the three Russian armies that attacked the Turkish Army's 1st Army and 2nd Army combined have less than 200,000 people. But the two armies of the Turkish Army have a total of 400,000 people. Admiral Enver was very ashamed that the battle was fought like this.

After arriving at the front line, General Enver immediately summoned the commanders of the 1st and 2nd Army of the Turkish Army and reprimanded them, scolding them bloody.

"General Arslan, General Mohammed, what are you doing? Your army is twice as large as that of the Russians! But now, you are just barely holding the line of defense! Your performance like this is really embarrassing! I'm disappointed!" Admiral Enver cursed.

You know, the top leaders of the Republic of Turkey have great expectations for this battle. They hope that the Turkish army can perform well in this battle, so that they can show their strength in front of the German Empire, and at the same time let the German Empire know that the Republic of Turkey can provide more help to the German Empire. These are all powerful guarantees for gaining more benefits after the war! Now, the battle has become like this, which undoubtedly makes the top leaders of the Republic of Turkey feel that they have lost all face.

Lieutenant General Arslan and Lieutenant General Muhammad lowered their heads and said nothing.

They also knew that, logically speaking, with the combat power of the Turkish Army, they wouldn't be beaten so badly by the Russians! However, the battle broke out so suddenly that they were completely unprepared. In addition, the Russians were too fierce and fearless during the battle. All of these made the Turkish army unable to cope on the battlefield, which eventually led to their disastrous defeat.

"General, the Russians were very strong in the early stages of the battle. But now we have held the line of defense and caused a lot of casualties to the Russians. Now, their attacks have become weaker and weaker. The Third Army has already We can take this opportunity to launch a counterattack." Lieutenant General Ilhan, commander of the 3rd Army, said.

The three armies of the Russian army were very strong at the beginning of the battle, but after the initial stage, they seem to have lost their initial momentum now. In the final analysis, the Russian army's strength is too small. After the losses are getting bigger and bigger, the morale of the troops will also be affected.

Admiral Enver nodded: "I don't want to say more about the mistakes you made before. I hope you can atone for your sins and perform well in the next battle. Otherwise, you will resign from your current position." job!"

"Yes, General!" Lieutenant General Arslan and Lieutenant General Mohamed both replied quickly. At the same time, they also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and finally escaped the catastrophe.

Admiral Enver's influence in the Republic of Turkey, especially the military, if they want to remove their positions, they have no way at all. Well now, finally gave them a chance. If you grasp it well, not only can you pay off your merits, but you can even gain a lot of military exploits. After all, the Russians don't have much strength now, and it's their turn to fight back.

"Our allies, the two armies of the German Empire, have arrived in the Persian Gulf. They will soon launch an attack on the main force of the Russian army that broke into northern Iraq. I hope that after the German army annihilates the two Russian armies Before the group army, we were able to wipe out the three group armies of the Russian army that invaded Turkey. Then, we entered the territory of Bu Russia!" Admiral Enver said.

"Yes, General!" Everyone replied.

Although, they knew that with the combat effectiveness of the German army, it would be very easy to solve the Russian 47th Army and 51st Army. But the three armies of the Russian army they had to face also suffered heavy losses. With the strength of the Turkish army, it should not be a big problem to accomplish this goal.

"Very good, then everyone go back and prepare. Two days later, the official attack will be launched! The 3rd Army will first cooperate with the 1st Army to eliminate the Russian 44th Army. Then, turn around and go south to cooperate with the 2nd Army to eliminate the Russian Army. The 45th Army and the 46th Army. After the 1st Army wiped out the 44th Army of the Russian Army, it invaded Georgia and let the Russians know that we, the Turks, have officially begun revenge!" Admiral Enver said.

"Yes, General!" Several generals answered loudly.

Turkey and Russia, that's a blood feud. The original Ottoman Turkish Empire was so powerful in Europe that it beat the crap out of European countries. However, because of the many Russian-Turkish wars that broke out with Tsarist Russia, there were fewer victories and more defeats. Gradually, a huge empire spanning Asia, Europe and Africa was turned into a sick man in West Asia. Not only lost a lot of land and colonies, but also was constantly bullied and humiliated by Western powers. This made many Turks very angry.

Now, Turkey finally has the opportunity to invade Russia again, and of course they will not let it go.

On the morning of November 13, the 1st Army of the Turkish Army and the 3rd Army of the Turkish Army launched a fierce attack on the 44th Army of the Russian Army.

The 44th Army of the Russian Army did not have many troops. Although it was able to fight against the Turkish 1st Army in the previous battles, its own losses were not small. Now facing the attack of 300,000 Turkish troops, they simply cannot resist it.

In less than two days, the 44th Army of the Russian Army was almost completely lost. Only a very small number of people fled back to the territory of Bu Russia, and the rest were wiped out.

After that, the 1st Army of the Turkish Army took advantage of the trend to attack Georgia in the territory of Burusa. The Turkish 3rd Army went south to cooperate with the 2nd Army to attack the Russian 45th Army and 46th Army. Although the Russian 45th and 46th armies felt the danger, the Turkish 2nd Army performed well, holding them back so that they could not evacuate.

After the 3rd Army arrived, they flanked the Russian army and finally wiped out the two armies.

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