Iron Germany

Chapter 1170 Defending Baku

Russia, Moscow, General Staff.

Shaposhnikov, chief of the Russian army's general staff, sat in his office without saying a word. His gaze fell on a map of the Middle East hanging on the wall. He knew that hundreds of thousands of Russian troops were being massacred by the Germans there. However, as the chief of the general staff, he has nothing to do about it.

Originally, these Russian officers and soldiers could be withdrawn. Even if they can't withdraw all of them, they can still withdraw the main force. However, because of his own face, Joseph refused the retreat of these troops and asked them to fight to the end. Obviously, this means that these Russian officers and soldiers are going to die! The casualties of hundreds of thousands of troops made Shaposhnikov blame himself very much. However, in order to keep his position, he could not refute Joseph, but could only obey Joseph's arrangement.

Shaposhnikov finally became the chief of the general staff of the Russian army, and now he also serves as the people's commissar of national defense. However, Shaposhnikov did not want his career to end like this. He still wants to keep climbing. For example, the military rank was promoted to marshal, became a member of the Politburo of the cloth party, and so on. If he wanted to realize his dreams, he had to hug Joseph's thigh tightly. Otherwise, let alone further climbing, even if you want to keep your current position, it will be very difficult.

"Comrade Chief of Staff, just got the news that the 47th Army and the 51st Army have been wiped out by the Germans. Lieutenant General Kozlov, Commander of the Caucasus Front, Major General Shamanin, Political Commissar, and Major General Torbukhin, Chief of Staff, all Die!" a staff officer reported.

"I see. Prepare the car, I'm going to the Kremlin!" Shaposhnikov said.

"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff!"

Although it was already night, Shaposhnikov knew that Joseph was still awake. The annihilation of a front army is also a major event for Buer, and he needs to report to Joseph immediately.

After arriving in the Kremlin, Shaposhnikov went to Joseph's office. As Shaposhnikov expected, Joseph was working and not sleeping. To some extent, Joseph is also a very hardworking leader. However, his dictatorship, suspicion and coldness are not a good thing for Buer. After all, like the previous big cleansing, there were countless unjust deaths.

"Comrade Shaposhnikov, what's the matter?" Joseph asked.

Shaposhnikov took a deep breath, and then said: "Comrade Joseph, just got the news that the 47th Army and the 51st Army were besieged by German armored forces. Now, the entire army has been wiped out." Lieutenant General Kozlov and other generals, all died in battle!"

After hearing the news, Joseph froze for a moment, a strange flash of light flashed in his eyes, but then he calmed down.

"They all died for Bu'er's great cause, and they are considered worthy of death!" Joseph said.

Shaposhnikov nodded, even though Joseph's words so lightly concluded the death of hundreds of thousands of people, Shaposhnikov felt a little uncomfortable. But he knew that in the eyes of a leader like Joseph, the life of an ordinary soldier was never taken seriously, and was just a number.

"With the loss of the 44th, 45th, and 46th Army Groups under the Turkish attack, the entire Caucasus Front Army has been lost?" Joseph asked.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph. Now the Turks have invaded Georgia and Armenia. The Germans are about to be pushed forward. The situation in the entire Transcaucasus is very unfavorable to us." Shaposhnikov said.

A look of anger appeared on Joseph's face. Georgia was his hometown, but now it was broken by the Turks. You know, the Turks and the Russians are feuds. Who knows what kind of angry things those Turks will do in Georgia.

Besides, the Baku oil field is in Transcaucasus! It is conceivable that after the Caucasus Front Army was wiped out, the Germans would definitely not let the Baku Oilfield go. Almost all of the oil currently used by Russia comes from the Baku oil fields. If the Baku oil field is lost, Russia's war power will be fatally weakened.

Without oil, Burusa's tanks, armored vehicles, trucks, and planes could not move. At that time, what else will they use to resist the German attack! Even if the United States will provide support to them, due to the influence of the Trans-Siberian Railway, the oil is just a drop in the bucket, and it cannot support the huge consumption of the Russian army at all. It can be said that they have almost no chance of winning this battle.

Such a result was naturally not acceptable to Joseph.

"What about the Baku oil fields? The Germans will definitely attack the Baku oil fields. Can we hold the Baku oil fields?" Joseph asked.

Shaposhnikov hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "Comrade Joseph, the purpose of the Germans forming Army Group E is probably not only to defeat our Caucasus Front Army, but more importantly, to attack the Baku oil field. Go. At present, we don’t have many troops in the Caucasus region, and it is impossible to stop the German attack. Unless the Germans do not attack the Baku oil field, otherwise, we will definitely not be able to defend the Baku oil field!”

When Joseph heard Shaposhnikov's words, a trace of remorse flashed in his eyes. If the Caucasus Army does not go south to attack the Persian Gulf, they may still have enough troops to defend the Baku oil fields. But now, there is a huge hole in the Caucasus. The Germans will never let go of this opportunity to kill Bu Russia with one blow.

"No, we have to find a way to defend the Baku Oilfield! Otherwise, without the oil in the Baku Oilfield, there is no need to fight this battle!" Joseph said.

"Comrade Joseph, we have stored a lot of oil before, and we should be able to last for a while. If the Americans can provide us with a large amount of oil in time, we can last longer." Shaposhnikov said.

When Germany was storing oil for war, Bu Russia was also storing oil. Moreover, there are not many cars in Burusa among the people, and the consumption of oil is not much. Therefore, in addition to selling to Germany, the oil extracted over the years has also been stored a lot. Especially after the relationship between the two countries became stalemate, most of the oil extracted from the Baku oilfield was stored.

However, if you just sit and eat like this, judging from the consumption of more and more tanks, armored vehicles and trucks, it will not last long.

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