Iron Germany

Chapter 1171 Destroy Baku

"Comrade Shaposhnikov, we are now desperately producing tanks and armored vehicles. Especially the T-34 tank, which will be mass-produced soon. It will be a powerful tank. I have decided to mass-produce it This kind of tank. At that time, our oil consumption will further increase. Judging from our oil reserves, it will not last long. Even if the Americans can provide us with oil, how much oil can they transport? The capacity of the Trans-Siberian Railway is very limited!" Joseph sighed.

Originally, he thought that after the Russian army conquered the Persian Gulf in the Middle East, it would plunge Germany into an oil crisis. But unexpectedly, not only did his strategic goal fail to be realized, but it also put Bu Russia in a difficult situation. The oil crisis is about to come to Bu Russia! This will be a fatal blow to Bu Russia.

Shaposhnikov nodded, he also knew how terrible this problem was for Buer. If it is not done well, because of the lack of oil, Bu Russia will not be able to last long in the German attack.

"Comrade Shaposhnikov, we must mobilize troops to defend Baku. If we can hold the Baku oil fields, that would be the best. If we can't hold them, then blow up the oil wells in the Baku oil fields And other equipment, these equipment must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the Germans!" Joseph gritted his teeth and said. He would rather destroy those wells and equipment than let the Germans take advantage of it.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph!" Shaposhnikov replied. However, he didn't take it seriously in his heart. As far as the oil fields controlled by the Germans in the Middle East are concerned, they simply look down on the little output of the Baku oil field. For Burusa, the Baku oilfield is indispensable. However, for the Germans, it is nothing more than tasteless. Of course, when Joseph gave an order, he had to carry it out.

"In addition, before the Baku oil field is lost, all the oil extracted there will be transported away. Those oil intruders and technical experts must also be withdrawn. Let them look for oil on other lands. Our territory is like this I don’t believe that there is no oil in other places. Only by rediscovering oil can we completely resolve this crisis!” Joseph said.

Joseph's guess is correct. In addition to the Baku oil field, Bu Russia has many oil fields. Especially on the West Siberia Plain, the oil resources here are very rich. But unfortunately, those oils are all under the permafrost layer, and with the current technology, they cannot be extracted at all. Isn't Russia in later generations relying on the sale of these oil and gas resources to re-develop Russia, and even be able to wrestle with the United States?

"Yes, Comrade Joseph," Shaposhnikov replied.

"So, how many troops can we deploy now to reinforce the Baku oil fields?" Joseph asked.

Shaposhnikov thought for a while, and then said: "At present, I am afraid that the only way to deploy troops is from the Southern Front and Josephgrad. Winter has come, and the German Army Group D has stopped attacking. If we temporarily deploy this There should be no problem with the troops in the first area. However, I don’t know if there is enough time. The Turks are not far from the Baku oil field.”

"Well, let's do this first! If it's too late, let the troops stick to the northern part of the Caucasus Mountains, and absolutely not let the Germans break into the Don River Basin and the lower Volga River!" Joseph said.

"Yes, Comrade Joseph," Shaposhnikov replied.

Early the next morning, Joseph submitted a plan to rebuild the Caucasus Front. This time, the Caucasus Front will have the 60th, 62nd, 64th and 69th armies. Although these group armies are all newly formed troops, they can only recruit recruits when other troops have missions.

The newly formed Caucasus Front will be led by Lieutenant General Vatutin as commander, Major General Susaikov as political commissar, and Major General Shevchenko as chief of staff. After the formation of this group army, it will immediately go to the northern part of the Caucasus Mountains to defend the German army from going north. As for keeping the Baku oil fields, Shaposhnikov has no hope of reporting.

As Shaposhnikov expected, the Turkish army and the German army, after eliminating the Russian army, began to march towards Azerbaijan. There is no doubt that the Baku oil fields are undoubtedly their primary target.

After the Turkish army invaded Georgia and Armenia, it was resisted by the Burusas. Although, Bu Russia's army has almost been wiped out. But those people are extremely opposed to them. They organized a lot of guerrillas to fight against the Turkish army.

Faced with these resistances, the Turkish army was relentless. Enver directly ordered that anyone who threatened the Turkish army be killed directly. In addition, the Turks originally hated the Russians. As a result, the Turkish army began to kill in Georgia and Armenia. I don't know how many Russians died under their guns.

Of course, this is the cruelty of war. In war, human life is inherently very fragile.

At the same time, the German 21st Army and 22nd Army were also rushing from northern Iraq to the Caucasus. However, they need to cross the Zarogos Mountains. The German troops were equipped with a large number of heavy weapons, which made them encounter even greater problems when they crossed the mountains. Therefore, General Lundstedt, the commander of the German Army Group E, had to send a telegram to the Turkish chief of staff, General Enver, to let the Turkish army occupy Baku.

There is no way, when the German army arrives over the mountains, the day lily will be cold.

Admiral Enver readily accepted this order. He ordered the Turkish Army's 1st Army and 2nd Army to wipe out the Bu-Russian resistance forces in Georgia and Armenia, and he led the Turkish Army's 3rd Army to the Baku oil field.

At this moment, the Russians are trying to remove the oil from the Baku oilfield, as well as those personnel and machinery. Things that can't be taken away are buried like this.

At the end of November, when the 3rd Army of the Turkish Army was only 20 kilometers away from Baku, the Russian army staying in Baku detonated the buried explosives.

Immediately, all the oil extraction and refining equipment in the Baku oilfield were destroyed in the explosion. At the same time, the oil well was also ignited, and the flames and thick smoke billowed into the sky.

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