Iron Germany

Chapter 1172 Who Wins?

The Russian Caucasus Front Army was wiped out, and the entire Transcaucasus region fell into the hands of the German and Turkish troops. It can be said that the Russian army suffered a complete defeat in this battle.

Almost all of the five armies under the Caucasus Front were wiped out. Not only that, but Russia also lost the Baku oil field. This completely cut off Bu Russia's oil access channels, which is undoubtedly worse for the current situation in Bu Russia. It is undoubtedly more difficult for Bu Russia to win this war, or to resist the German attack in this war.

After the German Army Group E advanced to the Caucasus Mountains, it did not continue to attack. Instead, it confronted the Russian army across the Caucasus Mountains and the Samur River. In the northern part of the Caucasus Mountains, it is winter. If an attack is launched at this time, the German army will suffer a lot. Therefore, the German Army Group E was ordered to rest and wait until next spring before launching an offensive. In that case, the loss of troops can be effectively reduced.

In addition, tomorrow spring the German Army Group D will also attack Josephgrad along the Don River. It happens to be able to cooperate with the E group army group. In one fell swoop, it won the Don River Basin and the lower Volga River Basin in the northern Caucasus.

The supply problem of the hundreds of thousands of troops of the German Army Group E was originally a big problem. However, the Logistics Department proposed that it can be transported to the Black Sea by sea, and then shipped all the way to the coast of Georgia. In this case, it will save a long distance. The only thing to worry about is undoubtedly the resistance of the Russians. Fortunately, with the help of the Turkish army. Although the Turkish army did not perform well on the battlefield. However, when dealing with those guerrillas, the performance is still very good. The Turkish army, I am afraid, is also happy to undertake the work of eliminating guerrillas. In this way, they can take revenge on the Russians.

In this battle, the German army not only successfully kept the oil fields in the Persian Gulf, but also further severely damaged the Russian army. It stands to reason that this battle was won by Germany.

However, in his speech to all the people of Bu Russia, Joseph declared that Bu Russia won the battle. Although the Russian Caucasian Front Army was wiped out, Joseph claimed that the Russian Caucasian Front Army only lost more than 200,000 people. However, the result of the Caucasus Front Army is as high as one million. This is because they counted the previous defeats of the Turkish army and the Iranian army. However, even this is still a lot of exaggeration.

When Kaiser Qin Tian heard the news, he couldn't laugh or cry, he was really shocked by Joseph's thick skin. However, he can also understand. After all, the current situation is very unfavorable to Bu Russia. A series of failures made the senior party, government and military officials in Bu Russia already worried that they would lose. Even though Bu Russia blocked the news, ordinary Bu Russia people can still get a lot of news. This also caused panic among the people. Joseph naturally needed a victory to inspire the confidence of the people. Even if he was ridiculed internationally, he couldn't care less.

Of course, the current Russian people are undoubtedly very deceived. Long-term speech control and false propaganda, as well as the god-making movement, have made Joseph equated with a god in the eyes of the Russian people. They believed in Joseph's words. It is believed that the final victory of this war must belong to Bu Russia. Therefore, there are still many young people who walk into the barracks in high spirits, take up weapons and go to the front line to die. These people will only know that everything is not what they imagined after they actually go to the battlefield. Only then will they know how cruel this war is, and it is not as easy as they thought. War kills people. The chances of Russian soldiers being killed on the battlefield are undoubtedly much higher. However, by that time they were already out of control.

Although the war has only erupted for two months. But the German army has already wiped out more than two million Russian troops through a series of battles. Although, this is only a small part of Bu Russia's huge army. But in the case of losing so much vitality, Buer is undoubtedly at an absolute disadvantage.

If they only rely on Bu Russia's strength, they will have no chance of winning in this war.

Joseph is not a fool, he naturally knows this. What he relies on is undoubtedly that Buer is not fighting alone. The United States, the island countries and even the United Kingdom will soon declare war on Germany. At that time, Germany's powerful army will have to be scattered all over the world. In this case, the pressure on Bu Russia will not be so great. Even, if the Anti-German Coalition can defeat Germany on other battlefields and win, it will eventually cause fundamental changes in the situation on the Russian battlefield. At that time, Bu Russia will be able to win the war.

Although the current battle situation is somewhat unfavorable for Bu Russia. But Joseph still firmly believes that all this is only temporary. The final victory will definitely belong to Bu Russia.

When Bu Russia suffered another disastrous defeat, the US government on the other side of the ocean was also analyzing the current war situation. After detailed deduction, the U.S. Army and Navy concluded that if they do not receive reinforcements from other countries, Bu Russia may only last a year and a half at most in this war. Such a result made President Roosevelt and other high-level American leaders a little unbelievable. After all, Bu Russia is not a small country, but a huge country with a population of 170 million, and at the same time has an industrial strength that ranks among the top in the world. In the case of a war of annihilation, how could they only persist for such a short time?

You know, the Americans were optimistic before that Bu Russia would be able to persist for at least three years or even longer under the German attack. After all, Russia's huge military power and strategic depth are their best defense. No matter how strong Germany is, it is impossible to eliminate Bu Russia in a short time. That's why the United States can watch the fierce battle between Germany and Russia with a mentality of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, hoping that both of them will suffer heavy losses on the battlefield.

But now it seems that the development of the war situation seems to have exceeded the expectations of the Americans. In this war, the Germans were far stronger than they thought. And Bue is not as tough as they imagined. This also means that Germany will have a great chance of winning quickly on the Russian battlefield. That is undoubtedly bad news for the United States and other countries allied against Germany.

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