Iron Germany

Chapter 1173 Unfavorable battle situation (seeking monthly ticket)

USA, Washington, White House.

In President Roosevelt's office, a group of senior officials of the US government and military gathered here.

"Gentlemen, what you have in your hands is the war game I asked the Army Staff and the Naval Operations Department to conduct against the military forces of Germany and Russia. In the end, Bu Russia may not last long. Once Bu Russia fails, The consequences will be very serious. Therefore, our original plan may have to be changed!" President Roosevelt said to these senior officials with a serious face.

"Your Excellency, President, it's unbelievable that a country as big as Russia can only survive for a year and a half? Could it be that the Germans are really so powerful?" Secretary of State Hull looked shocked.

Although, before the war broke out, they had expected that Germany was very strong. During the last world war, Germany was very powerful. Otherwise, they could not have won the World War. However, after more than two decades of development, Germany has obviously become stronger. It is so strong that several other powerful countries unite, it may be difficult to defeat Germany. This undoubtedly made these senior officials in the United States feel great pressure.

"Your Excellency, Secretary of State, this is the result of our war game deduction based on exact data. The troops, weapons and equipment, as well as their tactics and morale invested by Germany on the battlefield far exceed those of Bu Russia. In addition, they also invested a lot of money. The servant army, which puts Bu'e at a complete disadvantage in this war, and has no advantage at all. Therefore, under the lightning-like offensive of the German army, Bu'e suffered heavy losses and was beaten steadily The retreat is understandable.

We expect that next spring, Russia will suffer a fatal blow. Even if they survived next year, in the spring of 1941 the Germans would deal their final blow. Especially now that the Baku oil field has been lost, the war potential of Russia has been weakened once again. "U.S. Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall said.

"Bu Russia is now our important ally. If there is no containment of Bu Russia, more than 3 million or even more troops from Germany and its vassal states will be put into other battlefields. I am afraid it will be very difficult for us, the island countries and the United Kingdom. It can be resisted. What's more, according to the latest information, the mobilization of the Germans is still continuing. They still have almost 3 million troops that have not been involved in the war. This is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying number! No matter what, Both Bu and Russia must persevere. Only if they continue to hold back the German army of several million or more, can we have a chance to defeat the Germans on other battlefields!" said War Secretary Woodling.

"The support we can provide to Bu Russia is very limited. Although we promised to provide them with a large amount of weapons and equipment. But now most of the equipment is piled up in Vladivostok. The capacity of the Trans-Siberian Railway is limited. , cannot be transported to the Eastern European Plain. The opening of the Arctic Ocean route will have to wait until next summer. At that time, it is estimated that the Germans will attack the most powerfully. If Bu Russia suffers too much in the spring and summer of next year, then, I am afraid that Bu Russia will not be able to play any role in this war." Hopkins said.

"Gentlemen, there is no doubt that the current situation is very unfavorable to Bu Russia. At the same time, it means that it is also very unfavorable to us. If Bu Russia loses the war, then the Germans will definitely concentrate their efforts on us. Offensive. At that time, will we be able to withstand their attack?" President Roosevelt said.

Whether it is George? Marshall Admiral or Harold? Stark Admiral, are silent. Although the military power of the United States is growing rapidly. But they found that the strength shown by the German army became stronger every time. Every time they think that the U.S. military has enough strength to defeat the German army, the German army will use another victory to let them see the gap. This has happened many times in a row, and the senior leaders of the US military have almost lost the confidence to fight against the German army.

"If we go to war with Germany, the Navy will be under great pressure. Right now, we have a total of four 'South Dakota-class' battleships, six 'Iowa-class' battleships. Five 'Montana-class' battleships have not yet entered service. , It is expected that they will not be able to enter service until the middle of next year. In terms of aircraft carriers, we only have 15 aircraft carriers except for the experimental aircraft carrier 'Langley'. Among them, the 'Essex class' which we have high hopes for There are only nine aircraft carriers.

And our enemy, the German Navy, has 16 battleships and 12 aircraft carriers in the Atlantic Ocean. In terms of battleships, although the battleships of the German Navy have been in service for a long time, even after modernization, their various performances still lag behind our cutting-edge battleships. But this does not mean that the battleships of the German Navy are no longer a threat to us. If we really want to compare, we just have a slight upper hand. In terms of aircraft carriers, the German Navy's 12 aircraft carriers are all powerful aircraft carriers. Eight of them are 'Constellation-class' aircraft carriers slightly stronger than our 'Essex-class'. There are also four more powerful 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers. According to the information we have received, there are still eight "Lord God-class" aircraft carriers under construction in the German Navy's shipyard. The progress of construction is different, and the latest will be in service within a year and a half. Once those aircraft carriers are in service, this will be a very big threat to us!

In addition, the German Navy also has a powerful Mediterranean fleet with seven capital ships and four aircraft carriers, which can enter the Atlantic Ocean at any time. This will make our fleet have no advantage at all in the Atlantic Ocean.

In addition, in terms of carrier-based aircraft, our main carrier-based aircraft, the F4F fighter, may not be the opponent of the German carrier-based BF-109 fighter. According to intelligence, the German Navy is working hard to board the FW-190 fighter jets, and by then, their carrier-based aircraft will be more powerful. "

US Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Harold Stark said.

After listening to Admiral Harold Stark's analysis, all the high-ranking officials of the U.S. government fell silent. They all know that if the United States and Germany go to war, the navy will be the main force that will bear the brunt. If the navy cannot defeat the German navy, it will be impossible to land in Europe, and the army can only rely on the army to hold on to the mainland.

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