Iron Germany

Chapter 1175 The navy can't sit still anymore

Wilhelmshaven Naval Base, Germany. Both the German Naval Command and the Home Fleet Command are located here.

In the military port of the base, ships of all sizes are moored. The most eye-catching ones are undoubtedly the four "Caesar-class" battleships and the four "Brandenburg-class" battlecruisers. Although these warships have been in service for more than 20 years, they don't look old at all. The warships were modernized just before the outbreak of war.

Some small-caliber secondary batteries were removed, and more anti-aircraft guns were added to deal with threats from the air. At the same time, large-scale air-to-air search radars and sea-to-sea search radars also appeared on warships. These capital ships of the German Navy can now attack targets according to the guidance of radar. Although, at ultra-long distances, the effect is not very good. But at least the effective strike range of these capital ships can be increased to more than 25 kilometers.

Coupled with the improved installation of some other new equipment, the eight capital ships of the German Navy's home fleet have been in service for a long time, but their performance is still very advanced in the world. At least, it will not be worse than those capital ships currently in service in the US Navy.

However, in general, the German Navy has not built a capital ship in these years. As a result, these old battleships may not be able to be reused in future wars. After all, whether it is the United States or an island country, many advanced battleships have been built over the years. With capital ships alone, the German navy will not be much smaller in number than these two countries combined. But in terms of performance, I am afraid it will not take any advantage.

Fortunately, the German Navy has clearly regarded capital ships as supporting forces in naval battles. The real main force is still the aircraft carrier. The four "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers equipped by the local fleet are the four of the third batch, and they are also the most powerful batch of "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers. After adopting the angled deck, the attendance rate of the aircraft carrier can be greatly improved. For an aircraft carrier, the dispatch speed of fighter jets is undoubtedly very important. This will greatly increase the attack power of the aircraft carrier.

On the pier of the military port, several German admirals were looking at the warships moored in the military port.

"Your Excellency, the four 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers anchored in the port of Kiel, can they really not be assigned to us?" asked Admiral Lütjens, the commander of the local fleet.

Marshal Lütjens has long coveted the "Lord God-class" aircraft carrier. You know, that is a more powerful aircraft carrier than the 'Constellation-class' aircraft carrier! Although the performance improvement is limited, perhaps this little improvement can play a very important role in the future battlefield.

Marshal Raeder shook his head: "Your Majesty didn't have a clear instruction. I dare not hand over those 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers to you. No, I don't think that if our war with the Americans breaks out, those 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers will , will definitely go to battle. At that time, you will have the opportunity to command them to fight. Moreover, the second batch of four "Lord God-class" aircraft carriers will soon enter service. By then, the strength of our navy will further improved."

A look of joy flashed in the eyes of Marshal Lütjens. If the second batch of four "Lord-class" aircraft carriers enter service, this will allow the German Navy to have eight "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers and eight "Lord-class" aircraft carriers in the Atlantic Ocean. Aircraft carriers, and the carrier-based fighters used on these 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers are all carrier-based FW-190 fighters. In this case, the strength of the German navy will be further improved.

"Your Excellency, after the second batch of 'Main God-class' aircraft carriers enter service, is there any plan for the next-level aircraft carrier?" Marshal Lütjens asked.

According to the carrier-based practice of the main battleship of the German Navy, the design of the next-level aircraft carrier has obviously been completed.

"His Majesty has approved the construction plan for the next-level aircraft carrier. After the second batch of 'Lord God-class' aircraft carriers enter service, the construction will start. The performance of the next-level aircraft carrier will be greatly improved, and the displacement will increase. It has risen to 50,000 tons!" Marshal Raeder said.

"50,000 tons? That's much bigger than the 'Constellation Class' and the 'Lord God Class'. Has it been named yet?" Marshal Doenitz, who had never spoken, sighed.

Compared with these huge aircraft carriers, the submarines of his submarine force are undoubtedly like little mice in front of elephants.

"His Majesty the Emperor has already named them, and this batch of aircraft carriers will be named 'Nordic God Class'." Marshal Raeder said with a smile.

"'Norse God Level'? Is it named after the gods in Nordic mythology?" Marshal Lütjens asked.

"Yes, His Majesty the Emperor has liked to name our aircraft carriers after these mythological figures. Perhaps, it is because their characters and our aircraft carriers have god-like power!"

"Even the gods can't defeat us! We will be the most powerful navy on this planet!" Marshal Doenitz said.

These three marshals can be regarded as the Big Three of the German Navy. However, when the army was fighting in full swing, the German navy could only watch from the sidelines, which made these admirals very anxious.

"By the way, Your Excellency. My troops have discovered that the Americans are trying to transport supplies to Russia through the Arctic Ocean route during this period. In the past week, the submarine force has sunk more than ten American merchant ships!" Marshal Doenitz Said.

Marshal Raeder nodded: "Buo suffered too much loss under our attack. The Americans don't want to see Buo defeated by us so quickly, so they are desperately transfusing blood to them. In any case, we need to stop Americans, they cannot be allowed to support Bu Russia. Otherwise, this will make us pay a greater price on Bu Russia."

"I have sent more submarines to the Arctic Ocean route. However, the Russian Navy is a relatively big threat to our submarine force. If they can be solved, my submarine force can completely cut off the Arctic Ocean route. !” Marshal Dönitz said.

Because the United States did not participate in the war, the transport ships they sent to Bu Russia were all flying the flags of other countries, and no warships were sent to escort them. For the submarine force of the German Navy, this is completely a big piece of fat. However, both the northern part of the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea have Russian naval activities, which pose a greater threat to the German Navy's submarine force.

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