Iron Germany

Chapter 1176 Targeting the Russian Navy

Bu Russia not only has an army that belongs to the forefront of the world, but also a navy. It's just that the Russian navy is much weaker than other naval powers.

The four capital ships of the Russian Navy were built with Germany's help. Of course, Germany also made a lot of profits from the construction of these four battleships. More importantly, the four battleships cost a lot of money, which made Bu Russia suffer for several years. In order to pay for this money, a lot of resources and agricultural products were used to offset the debt.

In addition to the four capital ships, Bu Russia built some cruisers, destroyers and submarines by itself. Although the number is not large, overall, the strength is not weak.

However, before the war broke out, the Russian navy felt threatened. So, they departed from the Baltic Sea to the naval base in Murmansk. If they still stayed in the Baltic Sea after the war broke out, they would only be locked in by the German Navy and wiped out easily. If you go to Murmansk, you can at least operate in the Barents Sea and the northern part of the Norwegian Sea, and even go deep into the Atlantic Ocean. In this case, their threat to the German navy is relatively greater.

If the German Navy kills the Russian Navy behind it in a decisive battle with the U.S. Navy, it will undoubtedly be a huge threat. Although, in the face of the huge German navy, the Russian Navy is undoubtedly very weak. But in many cases, the outcome of a war is determined by these weak forces. Especially when the German Navy's home fleet and the Atlantic Fleet are about the same strength as the US Navy, the Russian Navy may become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

"If the Russian navy continues to exist, it will be a big threat to us. It seems that we have to get rid of them before going to war with the Americans. In this way, not only can we further attack Bu Russia, but also It can cut off their overseas trade lines. More importantly, it will allow us to fight the Americans in the Atlantic Ocean without any worries!" Marshal Raeder said.

"Yes, Your Excellency. The home fleet can complete this task!" Marshal Lütjens said immediately. This is undoubtedly a good opportunity for the local fleet. Before the decisive battle with the Americans, you can use the Russian navy to practice. Of course, this is also a rare good opportunity to gain military exploits. Although the performance of the four battleships of the Russian Navy is not bad. But it is also an old-fashioned battleship that has been in service for nearly two decades. And, it hasn't been modernized yet. The home fleet of the German Navy can easily send them to the bottom of the sea.

Marshal Raeder nodded: "The main force of the local fleet also needs to be used to defend against the Americans. Therefore, it is enough to send some warships."

"Okay, Your Excellency the Minister. I think that dispatching four 'Caesar-class' battleships and two 'Constellation-class' aircraft carriers will completely eliminate them." Marshal Lütjens was full of confidence.

"After I return to Berlin, I will propose this battle plan to His Majesty the Emperor. As long as His Majesty agrees, you can dispatch. However, I hope you will be more careful. This can be regarded as the Imperial Navy's victory in this war. The first battle. Not only do we need to win, but we also need to avoid major casualties as much as possible. Otherwise, it will have a serious impact on the morale of the Imperial Navy. At the same time, it will also make the navies of other countries, The Imperial Navy has lost its awe!" Marshal Raeder reminded.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Marshal Lütjens nodded solemnly.

After the German Navy defeated the British Navy and became the overlord of the sea, it has been shocking the whole world. The navies of other countries are afraid of the German navy. To some extent, this is very beneficial to the German Navy. But if the German navy has paid a relatively large loss in the battle against the Russian navy. Especially if the capital ship or aircraft carrier is damaged, other countries may no longer be afraid of the German navy. This will undoubtedly be very detrimental to the German Navy in future wars.

Marshal Raeder returned to Berlin by train that afternoon. Although, the reliability of the aircraft has been greatly improved. But the possibility of crash still exists, and it is not small. Therefore, the emperor Qin Tian stipulated that the important ministers and generals of the empire should not take the plane unless necessary. Of course, many front-line generals are still used to taking transport planes when they go back and forth. That way, it's much faster.

The next night, Marshal Raeder had an audience with the Emperor and formally proposed to him the battle plan of the local fleet to destroy the Russian Navy.

Qin Tian put the battle plan on the table.

For the powerful German navy, even if the local fleet sends half of the capital ships and aircraft carriers, it can easily crush the Russian navy. The disparity in strength between the two is really too great.

However, the worries of Qin Tian and Marshal Raeder are also the same. I am afraid that the German Navy will have accidents in this battle. In that case, I am afraid that the gain outweighs the loss.

"Your Majesty, the local fleet is ready. It is very likely that they will eliminate the Russian Navy with a very small goal. After the Russian Navy is eliminated, the submarine force will be able to completely block the Russian Navy. In this case, the Americans will never think about it." Transporting war supplies to Russia via the North Atlantic route," Marshal Raeder said.

Qin Tian nodded. The Americans transfused blood to Russia through the North Atlantic route, which is undoubtedly very unfavorable for Germany. Although Germany has hit Bu Russia once, it has not dealt a fatal blow to Bu Russia. Even after the Baku oil field was destroyed, Bu Russia's strength is still very strong. If Bu Russia can continuously obtain war materials from the United States, they will have enough strength to fight Germany all the time. In that case, Germany will pay a greater price on the Russian battlefield. Such a result was obviously not what Qin Tian wanted to see.

"In this case, let Marshal Lütjens act! I hope they can win a perfect victory!" Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Marshal Raeder replied.

Afterwards, Qin Tian discussed with Marshal Raeder about the further development of the navy. In addition to building aircraft carriers in large quantities, the German Navy is also building supporting warships, including large air defense cruisers, heavy cruisers, anti-submarine destroyers and so on. Ensure that the German aircraft carrier can have a strong survivability in the war.

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