Iron Germany

Chapter 1177 avoiding and not fighting

Wilhelmshaven, home base of the German Navy, on December 2, 1939. Admiral Lütjens, Commander of the Home Fleet, boarded the battleship Kaiser.

Although, the aircraft carrier has become the absolute main force of the German Navy. But many generals are still willing to use battleships as their flagships. This time, the four "Lion-class" battleships are undoubtedly the main force for the attack on the Russian Navy. That's why Marshal Lütjens chose the battleship 'Caesar' as his flagship.

If there is a decisive battle with the US Navy in the future, he may move his headquarters to an aircraft carrier. After all, in the decisive battle with the US Navy, the aircraft carrier is the well-deserved main force.

"Your Excellency, please rest assured, we will surely win this battle easily!" Marshal Lütjens looked confident.

Marshal Raeder nodded. He believed that with the strength of the German Navy's home fleet, it would definitely be able to defeat the Russian Navy.

In order to cover up this action, when the home fleet left Wilhelmshaven, there were not only four "Caesar-class" battleships and two "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers, but all eight capital ships and four "Constellation-class" Aircraft carriers are all out to sea.

This action of the German Navy immediately made the US Navy on the other side of the ocean feel like an enemy. After all, the German Navy's home fleet is dispatched. If it is directed at the US Navy, they will be in danger.

For a while, the U.S. Naval Operations Department issued an order that the U.S. Navy canceled all vacations, and all personnel must return to their warships as soon as possible. At the same time, various reconnaissance planes, reconnaissance ships, and spies were active, trying to figure out the purpose of the German Navy.

Even President Roosevelt paid attention to this matter, and he was also worried about whether the German navy would undeclared war and launch a sneak attack on the U.S. navy. If it is succeeded by the German navy, the United States will have to suffer heavy losses. In this war, it is even more impossible for the United States to win.

The United States has many spies in Germany. Especially after the relationship between the two countries became stalemate, a large number of German-Americans left the United States and returned to Germany. Among these people, there are also many spies from the US military.

In order to find out the actions of the German Navy, the U.S. military did not hesitate to expose a large number of spies, which led to the joint efforts of the German security and intelligence agencies to arrest many American spies, which made the U.S. spy network in Germany almost fatally attacked. blow.

It was not until four days later that an American submarine operating in the Norwegian Sea discovered the German fleet and sent a telegram desperately, that the U.S. Navy was able to affirm the actions of the German Navy. Of course, after the American submarine sent the telegram, it was not able to escape. It was caught by the anti-submarine destroyer of the German Navy who quickly caught up, and was finally bombed and sunk in the icy Norwegian Sea.

Admiral Harold Stark, Chief of Naval Operations of the United States, and Admiral James Richardson, Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Navy Fleet, Admiral Nimitz, Deputy Commander of the Fleet, Admiral Ernest King, Commander of the Atlantic Fleet, and the main force Admiral Hasben Kimmel, commander of the ship, Lieutenant General Halsey, commander of the US Navy's 1st aircraft carrier fleet. Lieutenant General Fletcher, Commander of the 2nd Aircraft Carrier Fleet, Rear Admiral Spruance, Commander of the 3rd Aircraft Carrier Fleet, and others discussed the situation.

"Your Excellency, the German navy should not be directed at us. They are now heading to the northern part of the Norwegian Sea. Moreover, their fleet is not large, only four battleships, two aircraft carriers and some escort warships. Therefore , The Germans should deal with the Russian navy this time, not us!" Admiral James Richardson said.

Admiral Harold Stark nodded. After receiving the information, he actually thought so.

"However, even so, we cannot take it lightly. After all, the other four capital ships of the German home fleet and the two 'Constellation-class' aircraft carriers are also gone. If they cooperate with the German Atlantic Fleet, it is still necessary We have a big threat," Admiral Nimitz said.

Admiral Harold Stark discussed with the other generals again, and made a decision after comprehensively considering everyone's opinions.

"From now on, all fleets maintain the highest combat readiness. In addition, notify the Russians of the movements of the Germans." Admiral Harold Stark said.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Everyone replied.

After the meeting was over, Major General Spruance stayed, and he still had his own opinions to express. It's just that there were too many people just now, so he didn't say anything.

"Minister, can we use this opportunity to sneak attack the German Navy? If all goes well, we can eliminate half of the strength of the German Navy's home fleet. If other fleets can cooperate well, maybe the results of the battle can be further improved. said Major General Spruance.

Admiral Harold Stark thought for a while, but still shook his head: "The Germans will not be attacked by us so easily. What's more, we have not gone to war with Germany. Now we are not ready to participate In the middle of the war. A rash attack will cause the war to break out in advance. In addition, even if we sink a few German battleships and aircraft carriers, it will not pose a great threat to the German navy."

Major General Spruance nodded and didn't say much. This was just his initial idea.

After the Russian high-level officials learned that the German navy had dispatched a fleet to attack their navy, Joseph immediately summoned Admiral Isakov, the commander-in-chief of the Russian navy.

After Admiral Isakov sent two aircraft carriers and four powerful battleships to deal with them, his face suddenly became very ugly. He is very aware of the strength of the Russian Navy. Against the fleet sent by the German Navy, there is no possibility of winning at all.

"Comrade Joseph, the German fleet is too powerful. If we rashly engage the German fleet, we may not have any chance of winning!" Admiral Isakov said bravely.

Joseph nodded, he knew that General Isakov was telling the truth. After all, apart from the initial purchase of four battleships from Germany, Bu Russia did not pay much attention to the development of the navy. Now facing the powerful fleet of the German Navy, it is naturally impossible to beat it.

"Comrade Isakov, how are you going to deal with the Germans?" Joseph asked.

"Comrade Joseph, if possible, I hope to avoid the German navy and preserve my strength!" Isakov said.

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