Iron Germany

Chapter 1178 Air Strike

Admiral Isakov of the Russian Navy, after leaving the Kremlin, went straight to the airport and flew to Murmansk.

Although Ulyanovgrad has been captured by the German army, the territories to the north are still under the control of Bu Russia. Especially now that the weather is cold, the German army has no further actions. This allows Bu Russia to still use these territories to transport supplies and the like. It's just that it is very difficult to transfer supplies when the sky is full of ice and snow.

Although Murmansk has a very high latitude, because of the North Atlantic warm current, it does not freeze in winter. It can be regarded as one of the few ice-free ports in Burus. This is why the Russian Navy moved its station here after leaving Ulyanovgrad.

Before the plane landed, Admiral Isakov saw four huge battleships moored in the port. These four battleships are exactly the "Burus-class" battleships purchased from Germany, with a full load displacement of up to 45,000 tons, and are equipped with three triple-mounted 45-caliber 410mm main guns. Twenty years ago, or even ten years ago, this was considered a very powerful battleship. But unfortunately, from the current point of view, these battleships are already obsolete.

The speed is too slow, the armor is too weak, and the firepower is not very strong. In addition, there are not many anti-aircraft guns. When attacked by enemy carrier-based aircraft, they are just living targets. Therefore, it can be clearly seen that Germany fooled Bu Russia into buying these capital ships, just to cheat them. With the current strength of the German Navy, these capital ships can be easily sent to the bottom of the sea.

But even so, these four capital ships have become the most powerful warships of the Russian Navy. After feeling the threat from the air, the Russian Navy also installed a lot of anti-aircraft guns on these four battleships. However, because there is no overall design, these anti-aircraft guns cannot form a complete air defense network. Once attacked by the enemy's carrier-based aircraft, it is easy to break through the air defense network.

After Admiral Isakov's plane landed, the generals of the Russian Navy were already waiting at the airport.

"Comrade Commander, let's go back to the headquarters, the weather is too cold!" said Admiral Orlov, political commissar of the Russian Navy.

Admiral Isakov nodded and got into the car.

It was already evening when we returned to the naval headquarters in the port of Murmansk. Admiral Isakov ignored the rest and held a meeting directly.

"Comrades, I have some bad news to tell you. The Germans are already preparing to attack us. Their fleet is already on its way. It is estimated that it will arrive in Murmansk in about three days." Isa Admiral Cove said.

"What? The Germans are coming?"

Immediately, all the generals of the Russian Navy turned pale with fright. Among the Russian army, the navy is a service that is not valued, not even the air force. They haven't added new ships for a long time.

Compared with the Russian Navy, the German Navy is the world's maritime hegemony. As early as in the last world war, the German navy was able to defeat the British navy and become the maritime supremacy. In the past twenty years, the German navy has been developing continuously, and it is conceivable how powerful it will be. In contrast, the German Navy has no warships at all, except for the four "Burus-class" battleships purchased more than 20 years ago. Even these "Burus-class" battleships are nothing but rubbish in front of the German Navy. Therefore, everyone can imagine what the outcome of a war with the German navy will be.

"According to the news reported to us by the US allies, the German Navy dispatched four 'Kaiser-class' battleships and two 'Constellation-class' aircraft carriers to deal with us!" Admiral Isakov continued.

"Comrade Commander, it's not that I'm afraid of the German navy, but that the German navy is stronger than ours! Even if they dispatched only four battleships and two aircraft carriers, it's definitely not something we can deal with!" Battleship 'Buer' Rear Admiral Kasatonov said.

The other generals also nodded again and again. Almost everyone believed that if they fought with the German navy, they would be the ones who would lose in the end. Moreover, they will lose ugly, a crushing defeat!

Admiral Isakov nodded: "I know. So, I have already consulted Comrade Joseph. Comrade Joseph agreed that we should avoid the German fleet and preserve our strength!"

After hearing Admiral Isakov's words, the generals of the Russian Navy breathed a sigh of relief. In their view, at least they don't have to fight the Germans desperately, and their lives should be saved.

"The German navy is too powerful, much stronger than ours. In front of them, we have no power to fight back. Therefore, for the future of the Russian Navy, we have to avoid fighting the Germans. But I believe that in the future One day, our navy will be even stronger! At that time, we will definitely become a world-class navy!" Admiral Isakov said.

"Yes, Comrade Commander!" The others replied one after another. But many people don't think so. It is really too difficult for the Russian Navy to develop into a world-class navy. In terms of innate conditions, they are insufficient.

"Everyone, go back and prepare. The fleet will leave Murmansk tomorrow morning!" Admiral Isakov ordered.

Early the next morning, the Russian Navy left Murmansk and sailed into the vast Barents Sea.

But now the weather is cold and there are icebergs everywhere on the sea. The area where they can move is not very large. If it hits an iceberg, even a warship will also be severely traumatized.

The German fleet arrived in the sea less than 100 kilometers away from Murmansk on the morning of December 8.

The reconnaissance plane that took off from the "Sagittarius" aircraft carrier conducted a reconnaissance of the Murmansk military port, but found that the military port had become empty, and there was no Russian warship.

"Huh! The Russians are running quite fast. But, do they think they can escape? Order the fleet, dispatch cruisers, destroyers, and seaplanes, and search the nearby sea. In addition, let the aircraft carrier prepare and dispatch bombers to attack Murmansk The military port, destroy it! I want to see how long the Russians can stay at sea without the military port!" Marshal Lütjens ordered.

Under the order of Marshal Lütjens, the aircraft carriers "Archer" and "Capricorn" of the German Navy began to be very carrier-based.

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