Iron Germany

Chapter 1180 Exposure

In the Barents Sea, in the western waters of Yuzhne Island, the Russian navy is cruising in this area. Under the protection of more than 30 cruisers and destroyers, the four "Burus-class" battleships are sailing at a slower speed in this icy sea area.

Although this sea area is only a few hundred kilometers away from Murmansk, it is not completely free from the threat of the German Navy. However, it is not that the Russian fleet does not want to go further, but that the further north it goes, the more dangerous it is. The sea is already covered with icebergs. If you are not careful, you may hit the icebergs and cause serious accidents.

Admiral Isakov, political commissar Admiral Orlov, and chief of staff Admiral Viktorov are discussing the current situation on the Russian Navy's flagship "Burus" battleship. The current situation is undoubtedly very dangerous for the Russian Navy. They were almost trapped in this icy sea and did not dare to leave. If you leave, I'm afraid you will run into the German navy that is ready. In that case, they are dead. They can only pray that the German navy can leave this sea area if they have not found them.

However, they are bound to be disappointed. The German fleet is determined to get rid of them this time. How can they return without sinking the warships of the Russian Navy?

"Comrade Commander, a telegram from Murmansk." A staff officer reported.

Admiral Isakov took the telegram and looked at it, his face suddenly became very ugly.

Admiral Orlov and Admiral Viktorov also read the telegram afterwards, and their faces immediately turned dark as if it was the bottom of the pot.

"The Germans acted too quickly. We destroyed the Murmansk military port so quickly. The docks, ammunition depots and oil depots were all destroyed. They cut off our retreat!" Isakov said the admiral.

"Comrade Commander, what should we do now? The materials on our supply ship will not last long at all. If this continues, we will have to use up all the materials in a month at most. By then, hunger and cold, Will kill us all!" Chief of Staff General Viktorov said. Because the temperature is very low, the boilers of the battleship must be running all the time. Once stopped, it is difficult to start. In addition, the heating required by personnel must also be provided by boilers. Otherwise, everyone will be frozen to death.

Admiral Isakov had no other choice. He knew that the Germans did it simply to force them to make a choice.

"How about we send a telegram to Moscow?" Admiral Orlov, the political commissar, suggested.

Admiral Isakov nodded and left the decision to Moscow. In this case, no matter what the final result is, he doesn't have to take full responsibility.

However, Admiral Isakov and others never expected that it was they who took the initiative to send a telegram, which led to their location being exposed.

With the progress of the times, the German Navy has been able to locate the enemy's position through radio signals. As long as the radio signal is detected, the enemy can be found out through three-point positioning. This kind of technology is not so advanced. But it is a pity that Buer is originally a short board in this regard. Therefore, they didn't even know that the German Navy had such a capability.

It is precisely for this reason that the German Navy often keeps radio silent when it goes to sea to fight. The telegram will not be sent to the country until the war is over.

When the Russian fleet just started sending telegrams, the radio signals were detected by the German Navy. The officers in charge of radio communications immediately asked them to measure the position of the Russian fleet.

In less than ten minutes, the approximate position of the Russian fleet was calculated.

On the battleship 'Caesar', Marshal Lütjens, the commander of the local fleet, was looking at the report submitted by the carrier-based aircraft unit. They destroyed Murmansk through three rounds of attacks. Such a result still made Marshal Lütjens very satisfied. After destroying Murmansk, their combat mission was only to deal with the Russian fleet.

Although, the Russian fleet fled. But Marshal Lütjens believes that they will be found soon. The strength gap between the two sides is too great, even if the Russian fleet wants to escape, it is almost impossible.

"Your Excellency, the Communications Department has discovered the location of the Russian fleet!" a staff officer reported.

"What? The Russians were exposed so quickly?" Marshal Lütjens seemed a little unbelievable.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the communications department has determined through three-point positioning that the Russian fleet is located 50 kilometers northwest of Yuzhne Island." The staff officer said.

Marshal Lütjens immediately found this sea area on the map, and his brows were tightly knit together. He always thought that this seemed to find the position of the Russian fleet too easily.

"Could it be a conspiracy? For example, the Russians deliberately sent warships to send telegrams on Yuzhnei Island, but their main force is in another place?" said Lieutenant General Karl Weitzer, Chief of Staff of the Home Fleet.

Marshal Lütjens thought about it, and there was indeed such a possibility: "The Russians are indeed not that stupid."

"How about this, first send the seaplane to search this sea area, and we will start to act after we find the Russian fleet!" Marshal Lütjens ordered.

"That's a good idea!" Lieutenant General Carl Witzel nodded in agreement.

Ten minutes later, six seaplanes took off from the fleet and flew to the waters northwest of Yuzhne Island, searching for traces of the Russian fleet. The German fleet also headed for the sea area at cruising speed. Once it is confirmed that the Russian fleet is really there, they will intercept the Russian fleet in the shortest possible time, and then launch a strike to send them all into the cold seabed.

On the battleship "Bu Russia", the flagship of the Bu Russia fleet, Admiral Isakov and others are still waiting for Moscow's reply.

It was more than two hours before they got a call back. Joseph's reply was very simple, that is, everything is decided by the Navy itself.

The reason why Joseph made such an answer was that Joseph didn't know what to do on the one hand. On the other hand, the Russian navy is too weak, and even if it is eliminated, it will not have much impact. Therefore, Joseph ignored them and let them fend for themselves.

Admiral Isakov and others felt like crying after receiving the telegram. They didn't expect Joseph to kick the ball back directly.

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