Iron Germany

Chapter 1181 Desperate

"Comrade Commander, what should we do now?" Political Commissar General Orlov asked.

The other generals of the Russian Navy also looked at Admiral Isakov, waiting for him to make up his mind. Who made him the commander of the Russian Navy? Under such circumstances, it is natural that he should make the final decision.

"Comrades, the current situation is very critical for us. The military port of Murmansk was destroyed by the Germans. Now we have a home and cannot return. There are only two roads before us. One is to fight the Germans. Even if we are all sunk, we must do our best to make the Germans pay the price!" Admiral Isakov said.

All the generals of the Russian Navy were silent. They know very well that a decisive battle with the German navy is completely hitting a stone with a pebble, and they have only a dead end. Although, at this point, they should fight to the death for Bue. However, if they really want to send them to die, many people may still be reluctant in their hearts. After all, no one wants to die if they can live.

"What about the second one?" Admiral Orlov asked.

"The second is to leave here and go to the United States. The United States is our ally now, and we can go to the United States to seek opportunities. Although the United States has not entered the war, they can detain us. After the United States enters the war, we can join the Americans and invest In the war against the Germans. In this case, we have retained our strength!" Admiral Isakov continued.

As soon as this way out was spoken, everyone's eyes lit up. If successful, they would all be able to survive. Moreover, you can also see the prosperous America. If they can defeat Germany in the future, they will be able to make great contributions.

"Comrade Commander, this is a good idea. The country invested a huge amount of money in building this navy. It would be a pity if it was lost like this. We should keep our useful bodies and fight the Germans in the future!" Chief of Staff Viktorov spoke first.

The other generals also expressed their support for this method. Although, everyone is under the guise of preserving strength and for the sake of the country. But what everyone thinks in their hearts, everyone knows very well. It's just that everyone is on the same boat now, so no one will expose it.

Admiral Isakov did not make a decision immediately, but looked at the political commissar, Admiral Orlov. If you want to choose the second method, you must get the consent of General Orlov. Otherwise, they would never have been able to do that.

Admiral Orlov also felt that everyone's eyes were on him.

"Comrade Commander, I have no objection to this. However, I think we still need to ask Comrade Joseph for instructions!" Admiral Orlov said. He also didn't want to die. If he could live on, that would be the best.

"Okay, send a telegram to Moscow!" said Admiral Isakov.

However, just as the communicator was starting to send a telegram, a shrill siren sounded. All the generals of the Russian Navy changed their expressions.

"Damn it, did the Germans come here so soon? How is that possible? Didn't they just destroy Murmansk?" Almost all the Russian admirals had this question in their minds.

"What's going on?" Admiral Isakov asked loudly.

"Comrade Commander, a German seaplane has been spotted!" a staff officer reported.

I saw a small black spot in the sky not far to the southwest of the fleet. If you use a telescope, you can clearly see that it is a seaplane.

Immediately, the generals of the Russian Navy all turned pale. They are all well aware that at this point, they have been exposed. I am afraid that the German fleet will find them soon.

"Damn, how did this happen? How did the Germans come so fast? How did they find us here?" Admiral Isakov scolded with a livid face.

This was obviously beyond everyone's expectations. Originally, they also decided to flee to the United States. But now they all know that it is impossible. The Germans have already discovered them, and it is impossible to escape to the United States.

"Comrade Commander, what should we do now?"

"Send warships and drive away the German seaplanes! It is best to shoot them down!" Admiral Isakov ordered.

Several Russian destroyers rushed to the sea area, and the anti-aircraft guns were aimed at the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Soon the Russian anti-aircraft guns began to shoot, but as the German seaplane began to pull up, it did not pose any threat to it. Immediately afterwards, another seaplane flew from the southwest.

This immediately made the generals of the Russian navy almost desperate. Because they knew that the German Navy already knew their location, so they sent seaplanes one after another.

"The German fleet must be on its way. What should we do now?" Admiral Viktorov asked.

"It's impossible for us to go to the United States. Now that the Germans have found us, they can't let us go again." Admiral Isakov shook his head. Obviously, now they have only one last option left, and that is to prepare to fight the German Navy desperately!

"Comrades, since we can't go anymore, then, please carry forward the style of every member of the Budapest party! For our country, for our party, fight to the death with the Germans!" General Orlov said .

"Yes, Comrade Political Commissar!" All the generals of the Russian Navy replied. In the absence of other options, they had only this way left. Besides, if they can fight to the death, their families can also get preferential treatment. It is undoubtedly worthwhile to be able to exchange one's own death for the family to live a good life.

Admiral Isakov is thinking about what to do next, and how to cause greater losses to the German fleet. Although he is worth it, the Russian navy has absolutely no chance of winning. However, he hoped that even if the Russian Navy was wiped out, it would have to cause greater casualties to the German fleet.

"The fleet turned immediately and sailed northwest. Wait until after dark, and then turn south! Comrades, get ready for a night battle with the Germans! We will have a decisive battle with the Germans at night!" Admiral Isakov ordered road. At this point, he can only put all his eggs in one basket.

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