Iron Germany

Chapter 1182 Night Battle

"Your Excellency, Commander, our seaplane has dispatched the Russian fleet. All four battleships are there!" a staff officer reported excitedly. The location of the Russian fleet has been determined, which means that it is impossible for the Russian fleet to escape. This is undoubtedly excellent news for the officers and soldiers of the German Navy who are eager to gain military exploits.

"Our aircraft carrier is now dispatching carrier-based aircraft, can it attack the Russian fleet?" Marshal Lütjens asked.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, although the distance is within the strike range of our carrier-based aircraft, it is too late now. If the carrier-based aircraft is dispatched, it may be very troublesome to recover. Our carrier-based aircraft pilots, although they have carried out at night Take-off and landing training, but the risk factor is still very high." Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Carl Witzel said.

Marshal Lütjens nodded. If the two aircraft carriers could take off their carrier-based aircraft to launch an air strike on the Russian fleet, it would be enough to severely damage them. In this case, the fleet will be able to easily deal with them all tomorrow.

But the risk is too great for pilots to risk landing at night. Although the cost of carrier-based aircraft is not very high, pilots are very valuable. Once these pilots make any mistakes, it will be a big loss. After all, when a carrier-based aircraft lands, the speed is usually very fast, and there is absolutely no way for the pilot to survive in the event of an accident.

"Your Excellency, it is better to wait until after dawn tomorrow morning before launching an attack. It is much more certain. As for whether the Russians will use this evening to escape, we have no need to worry at all. The Barents Sea is so big, and there is still a long way to go in the north." Covered by ice, it is impossible for the Russian fleet to escape. We can also send some destroyers and cruisers to stare at them. In this case, it will be difficult for them to fly." Lieutenant General Carl Weitzel Then he said.

"Well, let's arrange it like this!" Marshal Lütjens said. This is undoubtedly the best way for the German fleet.

In order to prevent the Russian fleet from slipping away, the German fleet was monitoring them with seaplanes before the sun went down. This made it easy for the German fleet to know the movements of the troop fleet.

After nightfall, the seaplanes evacuated. The Russian fleet also changed course at this time.

However, the German fleet has long been prepared for this. More than a dozen destroyers and light cruisers were dispatched. They had fanned out to search the sea. Even at night, these warships of the German Navy are equipped with sea search radars, which can detect targets within 40 kilometers.

Therefore, the German fleet is not at all worried that the Russian fleet will slip away. Unless the Russian fleet continues to sail towards the North Pole and hits a thick layer of ice. Otherwise, they will never escape.

At 12 o'clock in the evening, Marshal Lütjens, who had already fallen asleep, was woken up.

"Your Excellency Marshal, confirm the position of the Russian fleet. They are heading south quickly. They are only 150 kilometers away from us at present. According to the current speed, it is estimated that we will meet in two and a half hours." Carl Wei Lieutenant General Zell reported.

The sleepiness in the eyes of Marshal Lütjens disappeared without a trace. For generals like them, the news of the upcoming battle is undoubtedly the best stimulant.

"Aren't the Russians crazy? At this point, instead of running away, they are coming towards us. Is this going to kill themselves?" Marshal Lütjens said.

"Who knows! Maybe the Russians think that if they fight us at night, they will have a better chance of winning!" Lieutenant General Carl Witzel said.

A smile appeared on the face of Marshal Lütjens.

In order to enhance the combat effectiveness of these capital ships, the German Navy has gone to great lengths, although there is no doubt that aircraft carriers have become the main force in naval battles. However, in some specific occasions, the combat effectiveness of capital ships should not be underestimated. For example, the carrier-based aircraft of an aircraft carrier cannot take off during a night battle. The artillery of the capital ship can be completely unaffected.

Therefore, after the German Navy spent huge sums of money, it finally developed the artillery sighting radar. Use the radar to guide the main gun to shoot, improve the hit rate, and launch an attack on ultra-long-distance targets. Human vision is limited, beyond a certain distance can not see. Radar can detect tens of kilometers. Using artillery sighting radar to target enemy ships is obviously much more effective than relying on ordinary ranging equipment.

In the previous exercises, using radar to guide shelling in the night environment, although the accuracy of shelling within the line of sight during the day was not as accurate, it was much better than before. This makes the night combat capability of the capital ships of the German Navy absolutely the best in the world.

Therefore, Marshal Lütjens couldn't help laughing when he deduced that the Russian fleet actually wanted to fight the German fleet at night. That is simply asking for death.

"Since the Russians want to fight us at night, let them do it! Order all the gunners, get ready for battle, and prepare a supper for them. I don't want to fight later, they will be hungry and bored." Marshal Lütjens said.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal." Lieutenant General Carl Witzel said.

"In addition, let the aircraft carrier withdraw from the fleet and keep away from us south."

At this time, Marshal Lütjens did not forget the safety of the aircraft carrier fleet. Although the aircraft carrier has strong combat effectiveness, it is for long-distance attacks. Once approached by the enemy's capital ship, only one large-caliber shell is needed to cause the aircraft carrier to suffer heavy damage.

The aircraft carrier "Archer" and the aircraft carrier "Capricorn" immediately changed their course after receiving the order, away from the German fleet. Their fighting power will erupt in the daytime tomorrow. Of course, the prerequisite is whether the Russian fleet will be completely lost in the night battle.

The light cruisers and destroyers of the German fleet were firmly fixed on the Russian fleet, making it impossible for them to escape.

As time went by, the fleets of both sides got closer and closer. Because of the blackout, the Russian fleet did not realize that they were discovered by the German fleet.

When the distance between the two sides was shortened to 30 kilometers, the four "Kaiser-class" battleships of the German Navy started shelling!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The three triple-mounted 50-caliber 410mm main guns of the four "Caesar-class" battleships let out a loud roar, and smashed shells one after another at the four battleships of the Russian fleet.

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