Iron Germany

Chapter 1184 All Sinking

"Good job, aim more accurately, and kill the other Russian warships!" Marshal Lütjens looked excited.

Although he is now the Admiral of the Imperial Navy, the commander of the local fleet. But he also grew up from the period of big ships and giant cannons. He is undoubtedly very excited to let these obsolete battleships play their role again in the war.

"The Russians want to get closer, it's just a dream. If this goes on, maybe before dawn, we can sink all four of their capital ships, and none of them will be left for the carrier-based air force. Lieutenant General Carl Witzel, chief of staff, said.

"Haha, in that case, the carrier-based aircraft force will definitely scold the capital ship force for eating alone!" Marshal Lütjens laughed.

In this night battle, the German fleet has already taken advantage. Next, you only need to watch the Russian fleet be wiped out bit by bit. In this case, they will be able to win this naval battle.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The roar of the battleship's main guns was endless. Although it was very noisy, it seemed to be the most beautiful movement in the ears of the officers and soldiers of the German Navy.

"Comrade Commander, if this continues, we may be sunk by the Germans in a short time. Can we think of other ways?" Chief of Staff General Viktorov asked.

Admiral Isakov shook his head: "Now I have no other choice, I can only continue like this."


There was a violent explosion, and the battleship "Bu Russia" shook violently, and a 410mm shell hit the bow main turret of the battleship "Bu Russia". Although the main turret armor of the battleship "Bu Russia" is as thick as 350 mm, it still cannot withstand the shell. The "Kaesar" battleship of the German fleet was originally equipped with a 410mm main gun with a 50-caliber caliber and a strong penetrating ability. In addition, when Germany sold its warships to Bu Russia, it had the intention of cheating them. Therefore, there seems to be no problem with the armor of these "Burus-class" battleships. But it's all just show. Once hit, it's easy to break through. This undoubtedly shows that Germany has been scheming against Bu Russia from the very beginning. In other words, Qin Tian, ​​the German emperor, had no good intentions from the very beginning. Not only did he use four "Bu-Russia-class" battleships to deceive the Bu-Russia government about a large amount of mineral resources and agricultural products, but it also affected other developments in Bu-Russia. Now, it is even easier to destroy these "Burus-class" battleships.

Fortunately, there are no shells and propellants in the No. 1 main turret of the battleship "Bu Russia". Otherwise, the damage caused by this shell alone would be enough to make the "Bu'er" pay an extremely heavy price.

"What's going on?" Admiral Isakov stood up from the deck in embarrassment.

"Comrade Commander, the No. 1 main turret was destroyed by the Germans!"

"Bastard!" Admiral Isakov couldn't help but cursed. The loss of a main turret is equivalent to directly reducing the combat effectiveness of the battleship "Buer" by one-third!

However, Admiral Isakov actually knew that under the tactics of the German fleet, the four battleships of the Russian fleet did not pose any threat to the German fleet at all. Whether the main guns of these battleships were destroyed or not is of little significance.

In the ensuing battle, within 20 minutes, the battleship 'Bu' was hit 12 times in a row. 12 large-caliber naval gun shells almost blew up the front half of the battleship 'Bu' to pieces.

There were holes everywhere, and icy sea water poured into the hull.

Soon, the battleship "Bu Russia" sank into the icy Barents Sea with the bow down and the bow up.

However, before the sinking of the battleship "Bu Russia", Admiral Isakov and others had already moved to the battleship "Joseph" behind, and they were still in a safe state for the time being.

There are four "Burus-class" battleships of the Russian Navy, the first ship is named "Burus", and the next three are "Moscow", "Ulyanov" and "Joseph".

After the battleship "Buer" was sunk, the four "Caesar-class" battleships of the German fleet concentrated all their firepower on the battleship "Moscow".

Under the concentrated fire of the four "Kaesar-class" battleships of the German Navy, the luck of the "Moscow" battleship was not too good. It soon followed in the footsteps of the "Burus" battleship and was hit by the German fleet. sunk.

After the battleship "Moscow" was sunk, it was the turn of the "Ulyanov". This battleship, which was named after the great revolutionary mentor of Russia, still could not escape the fate of being sunk.

When the battleship 'Ulyanov' was hit again and again, and the flames were soaring into the sky, Admiral Isakov and others hiding on the battleship 'Joseph' had ugly faces. They all knew that after the Ulyanov was sunk, it was their turn. This also means that their lives have only a limited amount of time left.

"Comrade Commander, do we still have to evacuate the 'Joseph'?" Admiral Orlov asked.

Admiral Isakov smiled wryly and shook his head: "Where else can we evacuate? Now it is dark, but there is still more than an hour. After dawn, the German carrier-based aircraft will take off. By then , all our ships will be sunk!"

After hearing this, Admiral Orlov didn't say anything more. What he, Admiral Isakov, said was true. This time they could not escape.

When the "Ulyanov" battleship was sunk by the German army, as expected, the four "Caesar-class" battleships of the German army began to pour shells on the "Joseph" battleship.

One after another, the heavy shells slammed fiercely at the battleship 'Joseph'.

In less than half an hour, the battleship 'Joseph' was sunk. Admiral Isakov and others also sank into the sea along with the battleship.

Although they fought very uselessly in this battle, they had no other effect at all except to waste some shells for the German fleet. However, they fought to the end anyway.

After the four "Burus-class" battleships were sunk, the other small and medium-sized warships of the Russian fleet fled one after another.

However, after dawn, the aircraft carriers "Archer" and "Capricorn" of the German Navy released a large number of carrier-based aircraft to pursue these Russian warships and sank most of them. Only a handful of Russian warships escaped.

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