Iron Germany

Chapter 1185 Still want to fight back (seeking monthly ticket)

After the time entered December 1939, the weather in Moscow became extremely cold. Of course, almost all of Russia has such weather at this time. The Russians living in this land may have gotten used to it. However, for people in other countries, this is undoubtedly suffering.

The German army and its allies have stopped attacking, and the entire front has been transferred to defensive operations. Moreover, except for a small number of troops left on the front line by the various army groups of the German army, the rest of the troops have retreated to relatively safe second-line positions to rest. Now the main force defending the frontline positions is the German Protectorate and Allied forces.

Moreover, in order to allow the German army and its allies to survive the cold winter safely, before the cold winter came, Germany desperately transported various winter supplies to the front line. Cotton coats, down jackets, capes, military boots, fuel, etc.

The German Emperor Qin Tian believed that even in the cold winter, if the cold protection materials and supplies were sufficient, the German army and its allies could still survive the winter safely. At least there will not be too many non-combat attrition due to the cold. Qin Tian didn't want the cold to cause a large number of non-combat attrition in the German army attacking Bu Russia. In that case, the casualties of the German army would probably increase further.

The Russian army suffered heavy losses in the previous battles, and they were relieved when the German army stopped attacking. This means that they have enough time to reorganize and train their troops to ensure that they can withstand the German attack and even further defeat Germany in the battle next spring.

It's just that the senior generals of the Russian army originally thought that there would be no large-scale military operations in the cold winter. But the reality is not what they thought at all.

Joseph was originally a fickle and suspicious person. No one can expect him to remember the decisions or promises he made. It is precisely because of this that after Shaposhnikov reported the news of the annihilation of the navy to Joseph, Joseph began to plan in his heart to launch a counterattack against the German army.

"Comrades Joseph, Comrades Isakov, Comrades Orlov and Comrades Viktorov all sank into the sea together with the warships. In our navy, except for a few destroyers, the rest of the warships were all destroyed. The Germans have sunk!" Shaposhnikov reported.

Joseph was expressionless, even though the Russian Navy was built by him. The four most powerful "Burus-class" battleships were all purchased from Germany by him. However, compared to the powerful army, the Russian navy is too weak. So much so that Joseph couldn't see the strength of the navy at all. In fact, the biggest reason why he can secure his current position is that the army is in his hands. It is precisely because of this that even if the navy was wiped out by the Germans, Joseph did not feel too distressed.

"Comrade Isakov and the others are all good. They knew they were invincible, but they still fought bravely to the end. This kind of spirit is worth learning from our army. Shaposhnikov, you must promote this kind of spirit to the entire army. Spirit, let them fight bravely even in the face of the mighty German army in the future battles! Only in this way can we defeat the mighty Germany and win the war!" Joseph said.

He suddenly felt that the destruction of the navy could be used to inspire other Russian armies. Therefore, Joseph has already planned to promote the spirit of heroic fighting in the navy throughout the party and the whole country, so as to enhance the fighting spirit and courage of the army on the battlefield, and prepare for defeating Germany in subsequent battles.

Shaposhnikov froze for a moment, then nodded immediately: "Yes, Comrade Joseph. I also believe that the deeds of the navy's heroic battles can arouse enthusiastic repercussions among the people and the army. At that time, in future wars, We can easily defeat the Germans!"

Joseph nodded in satisfaction, as if he was happy that he thought of this wisely.

However, he later felt that the annihilation of the navy was also a shameful thing for him. After all, the whole Bu Russia and even the whole world know that the navy was built by him alone. Now, the navy is dead, and that's going to make other people think too.

More importantly, Joseph was about to lose confidence in the continuous failure of the Russian army. The disastrous defeat on the Western Front, the failure in the Middle East, and even the loss of the Baku oil field. Now even the navy is wiped out. This series of failures has already made Joseph very unhappy, almost to the point of unacceptable.

"Comrade Shaposhnikov, the cold winter is coming. I think this also means that it is time for our home court. We must not let this period go!" Joseph said.

Hearing what Joseph said, Shaposhnikov suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, Joseph immediately said something that almost caused Shaposhnikov to collapse.

"Comrade Shaposhnikov, I think we should seize this opportunity to launch a counterattack against the Germans. The Germans cannot adapt to the cold in Russia. It will be very beneficial to us to launch an attack at this time! We can hit hard in one fell swoop The Germans. Even if they cannot be completely defeated, they can still make them pay a heavy price. In this way, it is entirely possible for us to resist the German attack in next year's war, or even defeat the Germans in one fell swoop. It's over!" Joseph said excitedly.

He seemed to have seen the Germans fleeing in embarrassment on the snow-covered land in Russia. There were corpses left by the Germans everywhere on the ground, and many of them were frozen to death. Even the pure white snow was dyed red by the blood of the Germans.

Shaposhnikov was dumbfounded. He never expected that Joseph would still want to fight back at this time. You know, judging from the current situation, if the Germans do not launch an attack, they should thank God for their blessings. How could they take the initiative to launch an attack? In that case, wouldn't it be suicide?

"Comrade Shaposhnikov, what do you think of my plan? I think we can definitely make the Germans pay a big price," Joseph said.

How else could Shaposhnikov respond under such circumstances? He was very clear about Joseph's character.

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