Iron Germany

Chapter 1189 Crazy? (seeking a monthly ticket)

Smolensk, although the western gateway city of Moscow has become a ruin, the headquarters of the German Army Group B is still placed here. After the German army captured the front line of Smolensk, the troops of the Russian Western Front were almost wiped out. The rest of the Russian troops also shrunk their defenses and retreated to the east. This allowed the German army and its allies to advance the line of defense eastward for tens of kilometers without bloodshed.

The defense line east of Smolensk is called the front line by Army Group B. Except for the German 3rd Army, the rest are stationed by Polish and Belarusian troops. The other units of the German Army Group B stayed in the second-line positions.

This was originally the line of defense deployed by the German army in case the Russian army launched a counterattack. Through such an arrangement, even if the Russian army launches a counterattack, the first thing to face is the servant army of the German army, and the German army can effectively preserve its own strength. After all, Germany's population is not large. Qin Tian still wants to rely on these troops to maintain Germany's world hegemony! There were too many deaths, enough to make him feel distressed.

Although, the large-scale German offensive has stopped. However, Germany's attack on Bu Russia did not end with this. On the side of the strategic air force, more long-range bombers and long-range fighter jets are being accumulated so that they can carry out strategic bombing against Russia. The small-scale exchange of fire on the front line has intensified. The scouts and special forces of the German army were active on the front line and caused a lot of losses to the Russian army.

At the same time, the reconnaissance plane of the Luftwaffe has also been investigating the situation. As long as there is no heavy snow, the reconnaissance plane will take off. Make sure to keep abreast of the movements of the Russian army. It will not be attacked by the Russian army.

Although, Marshal Guderian believes that there is no difference between launching a large-scale offensive in this ghostly weather that can almost freeze people's noses off and courting death. However, the German emperor Qin Tian asked the generals on the front line to be vigilant and guard against the Russian counterattack. Therefore, the generals at the front had to faithfully obey Qin Tian's orders.

"Your Excellency Marshal, this is the information just forwarded by the Air Force." Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert, chief of staff of the Eighth Army, said.

With Marshal Guderian also serving as the commander of Army Group B, Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert actually assumed the duties of chief of staff of the entire Army Group. Although, it would make his work a lot more busy. However, Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert never tires of it. He knew that this was a very important experience in his military career. In the future, he might be able to rely on this experience to reach a higher position.

"Is there anything unusual?" Marshal Guderian asked.

"Your Excellency, the Marshal, the Air Force found that the Russians seem to be mobilizing their forces. Their reconnaissance planes have repeatedly found that the disguised Russian troops are advancing towards the Great Luki area, and the speed of the troops is very fast." Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert Said.

"What? Do the Russians really want to attack in this shitty weather? Did their brains get kicked by a donkey? Don't they know that attacking in this weather is just freezing to death frostbitten people Is it enough to make them collapse?" Marshal Guderian was surprised, apparently he did not expect the Russian army to dare to do such a thing. In his opinion, this is too crazy.

"Who knows? Maybe the Russians are really not afraid of the cold. The cold weather we can hardly bear may not be a big deal to them! When His Majesty ordered to raise enough winter supplies, I thought His Majesty Some made a big fuss. But now it seems that His Majesty is right!" Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert sighed.

"Of course, His Majesty's wisdom is unmatched! It is precisely because of His Majesty's leadership that the German Empire can dominate the world!" Marshal Guderian said proudly.

Because almost everyone in the German army knew that he, like Marshal Manstein and Marshal Rommel, was discovered by Qin Tian. Now, it has grown into one of the few giants in the German army. Guderian has always regarded himself as Qin Tian's person, and he is even more devoted to Qin Tian.

"Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, collect more information. Then, inform the commanders of the various armies to rush to Smolensk for a meeting immediately. I have a hunch that another big war may break out." Marshal Guderian said .

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal. Do you want to inform the commanders of Poland and Belarus?" Karl Hilpert asked.

"Of course, this time their line of defense is the direction the Russians will focus on attacking." Marshal Guderian said.

The intelligence agency of the German army also took action because of the discovery of the Russian army's changes, and a large amount of information was continuously compiled. Although, when the Russian army was preparing for this operation, it deliberately strengthened its secrecy. However, among the Russian government and the Russian army, there are many spies bought or placed by Germany, which makes it easy for the German army to obtain relevant information.

Although, this information is not entirely accurate. But there is no problem in inferring useful intelligence from these intelligences.

"It seems that the Russians are really going to attack. If this is the case, let them smash their heads in front of our defense line! The more Russians die, the more likely we will take Moscow next year." It will be bigger!" Marshal Guderian said.

Although, the cold weather limited the combat effectiveness of the German army. Especially the armored units, even the engine oil will be frozen, let alone start. If you want to start a tank, you have to be prepared in advance. This takes not a short time. This is why the German army prepared a large amount of antifreeze before the war broke out.

However, even so, the German army and its allies in defensive operations still have a greater advantage than the Russian army. After all, they were able to hide in the trenches, wear thick cotton-padded clothes, drink hot water, and use rifles and machine guns to shoot and kill Russian soldiers who were wearing thin clothes and running on the ice and snow.

As long as there is no snow, the German air force can take off fighter jets to assist the ground army in defending against Russian attacks. In this case, the difficulty for the Russian army to break through the German defense line can be imagined. At that time, they will inevitably be smashed in front of the German defense line. There is no doubt that he has paid a heavy loss.

Of course, this is not harmful to the German army, but it is an excellent opportunity. If the Russian army can pay a heavy price at a relatively small price, it will be easier for the German army to take Moscow in the battle next spring.

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