Iron Germany

Chapter 1190 Offensive

"Gentlemen, according to the information we have obtained, the Russians are indeed planning a counterattack against us. Moreover, the scale is not small. Therefore, in the next period of time, we must be more vigilant!" Marshal Guderian said.

According to the collected information, Admiral Guderian can almost confirm that the Russian army will launch an offensive.

"God! Launch an attack in such cold weather? Aren't the Russians afraid that their soldiers will freeze to death?" Lieutenant General Saker, commander of the Polish 1st Army, exclaimed.

The commanders of the other armies also nodded again and again, with a look of deep approval. In everyone's perception, unless they are crazy, they would never issue such an attack order.

"No matter what the Russians think, maybe they really want to die. Then, let's send them to God. I hope that from now on, all front-line troops will be ready to fight. Once they encounter Russia People's attacks, we must stick to our positions!" Marshal Guderian ordered.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!" Everyone replied.

"Where will the Russians attack focus?" General Fedor von Bock, commander of the 3rd Army, asked.

Marshal Guderian shook his head: "It's not clear yet. However, it can be preliminarily judged to be the northern line of defense."

Immediately, the faces of the Polish and Belarusian generals couldn't help but become serious. Although they laughed at the Russians before, there is no difference between launching an offensive at this time and courting death. But if their troops are attacked by the Russian army, it will be very dangerous. If it is not done well, the loss of troops will be very staggering.

"Everyone, can your troops withstand the Russian attack?" Guderian looked at the commanders of the Belarusian 1st Army, Polish 3rd Army, and 4th Army. These three armies are responsible for defending the first line of defense in the north of Smolensk. The other Polish 1st Army, 2nd Army and 5th Army defended the southern line of defense. The German 3rd Army defended the frontal line of defense of Smolensk.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, once the Russians launch an attack, we will definitely resist their attack with all our strength. But if the Russian army attacks too many troops, we may need support." Lieutenant General Chelyushev, commander of the Belarusian 1st Army, said. .

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal. If the Russian army's offensive is not large, we can rely on our strong defenses and cause a lot of casualties to the Russians. But if the Russians invest too much force, we may have to ask for reinforcements." ” said Lieutenant General Vashkevich, commander of the Polish 3rd Army.

Marshal Guderian nodded: "The Russians are not fools. They know how disadvantageous it would be to launch a large-scale offensive in the cold winter. Therefore, they will not let the entire Western Front attack, but only a part of it. The troops launched an offensive. In this case, the fortifications should be able to withstand it. Once the Russian army launches an offensive, the Belarusian 1st Army, the Polish 3rd Army and the 4th Army must cooperate with each other to support. In addition, the German 13th Army, in When necessary, they will rush to the front for reinforcements. As long as they can withstand the Russian army's attack, the cold weather alone is enough to make them pay a very heavy price. After all, according to the information we have obtained, many Russian troops Soldiers don’t have winter clothes yet, they can only fight in autumn clothes. I even doubt that if such troops are put on the battlefield, they will immediately turn into popsicles!”

"Hahaha!" All the generals couldn't help laughing, and the originally slightly tense atmosphere was also diluted a lot.

"Okay, everyone, this is the end of the meeting, you all go back and prepare. This time the Russians' attack is completely giving us military exploits. I hope that your army can gain sufficient strength in this battle." exploits." Marshal Guderian said.

"Yes, Marshal!" All the generals replied.

Germany promised before the war broke out that after the war, it would distribute benefits according to the performance of various countries on the battlefield. The better their performance in the war, the greater the benefits they will gain in the war in the future. With the Russians taking the initiative to die, they certainly hope to take this opportunity to achieve greater results.

As time passed, the German army and its allies stepped up their vigilance. A large amount of war materials were secretly sent to the front line. Although the soldiers were a little nervous, they were still able to maintain high morale and wait for the Russian army to launch an attack when all kinds of supplies were sufficient.

On the morning of December 25, General Zhukov, the deputy commander of the Western Front of the Russian Army, issued an order to attack. A large number of Russian troops began to pour out to attack the defense lines of the Belarusian 1st Army and the Polish 3rd Army.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The cannons of the Russian army began to roar, but because the sky was full of ice and snow, it was very difficult to transport the heavy cannons to the front line. Therefore, the number of cannons carried by the Russian army is not large, and they are all cannons with smaller calibers.

Although the Belarusian Army and the Polish Army are not as equipped with the number and caliber of artillery as the German Army, they are undoubtedly much better than the attacking Russian Army. It's just that they are seriously at a disadvantage in terms of military strength.

The artillery of the 1st Army of the Belarusian Army and the 3rd Army of the Polish Army also launched fierce shelling, suppressing the Russian artillery with fierce artillery fire. Lighten the frontline positions.

"Comrade Commander, most of our artillery is still in the rear, and the number of artillery and artillery on the front line is too small. If you fight for artillery, you may not be able to fight the enemy!" Lieutenant General Konev, commander of the Russian 19th Army, said.

General Zhukov nodded, and he knew this too. So, with an ugly face, he put down the binoculars in his hand. From the binoculars, he could clearly see that the enemy's cannons on the opposite side were obviously more and more violent than those of the Russian army. Moreover, the defense line of the 3rd Army of the Polish Army is also strong, and the shelling of the Russian army did not cause any substantial damage to them. This is undoubtedly not good news for the Russian army.

"Don't waste time, dispatch the infantry! The 19th and 20th armies are the main forces attacking Pustoshka. The 21st and 22nd armies are the main forces attacking Usvyat!" General Zhukov ordered .

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