Iron Germany

Chapter 1195 Strong Attack (Part 1)

The Russian 19th Army and the 20th Army have invested the main force in the attack tonight. Except for the mechanized troops who did not participate in the battle due to too much movement, the rest of the infantry will participate in this attack.

Behind the attacking infantry came artillery. The cannons have raised their muzzles, and the shells are piled up next to the cannons. The artillerymen folded their hands and shivered under the cannons to avoid the cold wind. At the beginning of the infantry's attack, the cannons will not fire. They will only come in handy when the raid fails and it turns to a storm.

At the same time, the Russian 21st Army and 22nd Army also dispatched almost all their troops to participate in this attack. Lieutenant General Zhukov's order was very simple, that is, to do his best to break through the enemy's defense line at one time, and to drown the enemy with absolute superiority in force.

Indeed, for the Russian army, their superiority in strength is already their biggest advantage, and it is also the only advantage. After next spring, several German army groups launch a fierce attack again, and once the Russian army suffers heavy losses again, it will be very difficult to say whether they will still have a force advantage.

Hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers, led by middle- and lower-level officers, held rifles and staggered step by step towards the Polish and White army's defense lines. The cold wind at night was even more icy and biting, blowing on them, as if to freeze their souls. Even wearing warm clothes can't resist it. The cold wind seems to be able to get in from any gap. Not to mention, most of the Russian army did not have warm clothes yet, which made them have to face the threat of cold during the offensive.

Some Russian soldiers were almost frozen to death. Sometimes they fell on the snow and couldn't get up again. Other Russian soldiers will not go to rescue them. Because at this time, they are also unable to protect themselves. These Russian soldiers attacked the enemy's defense line like walking dead.

On the Polish and White lines of defense, the soldiers were wearing thick cotton coats and wrapped in blankets, huddled at the bottom of the trench to rest. A kerosene stove was burning to bring them extra warmth and drive out the cold. But even so, there are still people who keep calling it cold.

Most of the soldiers have closed their eyes to rest, even though they know that they will most likely face a fierce battle tonight. However, they still obeyed the order habitually, and before the Russian offensive began, they tried their best to recharge their batteries and conserve their energy. They also believe that although the Russians are powerful, they have an advantage in military strength. But they are not vegetarian anymore, the powerful firepower will definitely make the Russians pay a heavy price. Even if this is fighting in a night scene, it's the same.

"Hey, Dorov, are you asleep?" a Polish soldier called softly.

"No!" replied an older soldier.

"Then you say the Russians will really attack our position tonight?"

"Who knows? Maybe it will. But what if we attack? We are ready. If the Russians come, we will shoot them with strong firepower." Dorov replied.

"That's hard to say. I heard that the Russians have much more troops than us. Besides, we can't get support from the Luftwaffe when we fight at night."

"Don't worry so much, the superiors must have made preparations, and they will take this into consideration. Besides, in such cold weather, if the Russians launch an attack, the number of people who will freeze to death is probably worse than the number of people killed by us." A lot," Dorov said.

"Yes! Those Russians are really pitiful. They are still wearing thin military uniforms in such a cold day. When cleaning the battlefield this afternoon, I saw with my own eyes that many Russians were only wearing autumn clothes."

While the two were talking, a large number of Russian soldiers were slowly approaching their position. Although shivering from the cold, these Russian soldiers still persisted. They gritted their teeth and tried not to make unnecessary noises, lest the Polish army on the opposite side be prepared.

"Keep quiet, we are about to approach the Poles' positions. They must be sleeping like dead pigs. We can easily rush into their positions and kill them all!" A Russian political worker whispered for the soldiers Cheer up.

The ability of Russian officers and soldiers to persist in fighting in such an environment has a lot to do with their beliefs. It is precisely because they insist on that belief that they can continue to attack.


Suddenly, there was a sudden explosion, and several Russian soldiers were blown away, and their limbs and arms were scattered everywhere.

The other Russian officers and soldiers were also frightened and stunned.

"Mines! The Poles planted mines!" All Russian officers and soldiers had this thought in their minds.

The sound of the explosion also woke up the Polish army on the ground, and they picked up their weapons one after another, ready to start fighting.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

The mortars fired flares one after another into the sky, and the dazzling white light dispelled the darkness, revealing the figures of the attacking Russian soldiers.

"Fire! Kill those Russians!" The officers on the Polish defense line issued an order.

"Da da da!" The heavy machine guns and light machine guns began to fire, and the dense bullets enveloped the attacking Russian soldiers. Countless Russian soldiers were hit and fell to the ground screaming.

There is no doubt that their night attack has failed.

"Attack! Attack! We are only a few hundred meters away from the Poles' defense line. If we rush over, we will be able to break through their defense line!" The officers of the Russian army also shouted loudly.

Those Russian soldiers began to run hard. However, because the body is almost frozen and the snow on the ground is very thick, it is undoubtedly very difficult to run under such conditions.

And this allowed the soldiers of the Polish army to take advantage of their own firepower. They used their rifles and machine guns, grenades and mortars to pour bullets and shells at the attacking Russian army, harvesting the lives of these Russian soldiers.

When the Polish army discovered the attack of the Russian army and began to resist them with powerful firepower. The battle between the 1st Belarusian Front and the Russian Army also began.

For a while, fierce fighting broke out, the Russians wanted to break through the Poles and the Whites, and the Whites and Poles wanted to hold off their attacks.

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