Iron Germany

Chapter 1196 Tragic (Second Change)

"Damn it! The night attack failed, and now we have to attack by force. I hope our troops can successfully break through the Poles' defense line!" Lieutenant General Konev could not help cursing.

Even if they can sneak into the place only a few tens of meters away from the Polish army's defense line, they can easily break through the Polish defense line! Now, they have been discovered hundreds of meters away, which will undoubtedly make them need to pay a higher price to rush to the front of the Polish army's defense line, which will further increase their losses.

General Zhukov was expressionless. He never expected to be able to succeed in a night attack in one fell swoop. The enemy will not be unprepared. Therefore, if the formation wants to win, it still depends on the troops to do their best in the next battle.

"Order the artillery to fire!" General Zhukov ordered.

Although, many cannons of the Russian army were destroyed during the daytime battle. But some remained. Although the number of these cannons is not large, the caliber is not large. But if played well, it may have unexpected effects.

The artillery of the Russian army began to roar, firing at the defense lines of the Polish Army and the Belarusian Army. Some shells fell on the defense lines of the Polish Army and the Belarusian Army, causing them some casualties. However, overall casualties were not high. After all, unless the shells fell directly into the trenches, it would undoubtedly be very difficult to injure the soldiers hiding in the trenches. Unless it is a large-caliber artillery. But unfortunately, because of the heavy snow, the large-caliber artillery of the Russian army could not be sent to the front line at all.

The artillery of the Polish Army and the Belarusian Army are also firing fiercely. Although, when firing at night, the accuracy is greatly reduced. However, the Russian army dispatched too many troops. After the previously calibrated shooting elements, the shells could easily fall into the Russian army's queue, causing greater casualties to the attacking Russian army.

Smolensk, German Army Group B headquarters. Marshal Guderian and Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert did not rest. For these generals in the army, it is undoubtedly very common to stay up late during the war.

When the battle just broke out, the Army Group Command had already received the news.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the Russians have indeed launched an attack. Moreover, they have invested a lot of troops. It can be seen that they are desperate!" Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert said.

Marshal Guderian nodded: "Zhukov is in command of this attack. He is a very good general. If the army he commanded was not too bad, he would be a very powerful opponent. I hope the Poles and Belarusians We must be able to withstand the Russian attack! Otherwise, we may have to give up the first-line positions. Although this will not cause them much loss, it is more or less a trouble."

"Under our training, the combat effectiveness of the Poles and Belarusians has been greatly improved. Although they are at a disadvantage in terms of strength, it should not be too difficult to resist the Russian attack." Karl? Lieutenant General Hilpert said.

"Yes, as long as we survive tonight, the follow-up battle will turn into a war of attrition. At that time, the huge loss will definitely make the Russians unable to hold on. We will be able to win." Guderian went up will say.

After all, in front of the well-prepared German army and its allies, if the Russian army lacks winter supplies to launch a large-scale offensive, it will only cause them to pay extremely heavy losses. Although the Russian army still has a lot of troops, if such losses continue, it will hurt the Russian army sooner or later. On the German side, it is hoped that the Russians will continue to do this. In this case, at least the German army can gain a greater advantage in the offensive next spring.

Fierce battles broke out on the front line. The Russian army charged in the ice and snow. Many Russian soldiers fell to the ground under the fierce German firepower, or were frozen to death. But they were still not frightened. Instead, they attacked one after another, stepping on the corpses of their comrades. This crazy attack shocked the Polish soldiers defending the position to some extent.

However, the shooting of these Polish soldiers did not stop. They all know that this is a life-and-death battle. If the soft-heartedness caused the defense line to be breached, then they would probably be the ones who were killed next. On the battlefield, if you are not ruthless, you will die yourself. Therefore, the person who survives to the end is either a lucky person or a ruthless person. Under normal circumstances, people who have both conditions can live the best and live the longest.

"Fire, fire!" A Polish second lieutenant platoon leader shouted.

His luck was rather bad. The position defended by their platoon seemed to be the focus of the Russians' attack. The mortars belonging to the platoon continuously fired flares, making the Russian troops invisible. Heavy machine guns and light machine guns were also firing, killing the Russian soldiers. However, those Russian troops seemed to be unable to kill them all. A thick layer of corpses had been piled up in front of their line of defense, but the Russian army's attack still did not stop.

"Damn it! Are those Russians really not afraid of death?" The second lieutenant platoon leader cursed after killing two Russian soldiers approaching the line of defense with a pistol.


A 76.2mm field artillery shell fell into the trench, and several Polish soldiers were killed on the spot, causing a gap in their defense line.

"Asshole, report to the company headquarters that we need reinforcements. We are at least resisting the attack of a battalion of Russian troops! If there is no more reinforcements, our defense line may be breached soon!" The second lieutenant platoon leader ordered.

Although, the 22nd Infantry Division and the 23rd Infantry Division of the Polish Army, relying on solid positions and strong firepower, barely withstood the Russian attack. However, the number of attacking Russian troops was so large that their entire line of defense was already strained. As the Russian army got closer and closer to their line of defense, and even started to shoot at them, the casualties of the troops continued to rise.

"Grenade, throw!"

Under the order of a squad leader, several grenades flew out of the trench, blowing up the Russian soldiers who were trying to pinch off the barbed wire.

Many Russian soldiers had rushed to the Polish army's defense line, but they were blocked by barbed wire. Those Russian soldiers wanted to climb over the barbed wire, but they were shot and killed by soldiers of the Polish Army.

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