Iron Germany

Chapter 940 Karl I (seeking a monthly ticket)

"His Royal Highness, His Majesty has passed away!"

"What? Immediately summon the important ministers of the empire!" Crown Prince Karl immediately hid the joy on his face, put on a mournful expression, and ordered to the waiter outside the door.

Soon, the important ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire rushed to the palace. Even, including Archduke Friedrich, who will appear in the public eye for a long time due to physical reasons, he is the commander-in-chief of the Austro-Hungarian Army.

"Everyone, His Majesty Franz Joseph I, who is loved and respected by the world, has returned to the embrace of the Lord. This is a very sad thing for the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire!" Crown Prince Karl said red Eyes, a look of heartbroken.

"His Royal Highness, His Majesty has returned to the embrace of the Lord. This is something we should be happy for him. The most important thing now is to handle His Majesty's funeral and His Highness's enthronement ceremony. His Majesty has passed away, but the Austro-Hungarian Empire cannot There is no emperor. So, I hope His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can take care of himself!" said Cabinet Prime Minister Mario Weber.

Crown Prince Karl nodded. Franz Joseph I passed away, and as the Crown Prince of the Empire, there was no doubt about his succession as the new emperor. Soon, he will be able to ascend the coveted throne and become the supreme emperor. This made him almost tremble with excitement.

The important ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire decided after deliberation. The funeral of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria took place a month later. After all, as a world-renowned emperor, when Franz Joseph I passed away, all countries in the world should send important officials and even leaders to mourn.

The enthronement ceremony of Crown Prince Karl was held half a month after Franz Joseph I's funeral, that is, on New Year's Day in 1917.

Although, it's only a little over a month away. However, Crown Prince Karl was still very impatient. He can't wait for the enthronement ceremony to be held tomorrow. He had dreamed of being Emperor of Austria-Hungary for a long time. Now, he is about to get his wish.

The death of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria shocked the whole world. Indeed, the emperor who lived to be eighty-six years old has a high reputation all over the world. All countries expressed that they would send important officials to the Austro-Hungarian Empire to express their condolences and attend the funeral of Franz Joseph I. Even U.S. President Woodrow Wilson said he would personally attend. For a time, the funeral of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria attracted the attention of the whole world.

"Did he really die on November 18? It seems that the history of this time and space still has a strong ability to correct errors! It hasn't changed completely just because of my appearance!" Qin Tian learned that Austrian Emperor Fran After hearing the news of Joseph I's death, he murmured.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty the Austrian Emperor has passed away. Who shall we send to attend the funeral and the enthronement ceremony of Crown Prince Karl?" Prime Minister Biluo asked.

"Wachite, you go there!" Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Foreign Minister Vachette nodded.

"Your Majesty, the president of the Americans went to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in person. We only sent the foreign minister. I'm afraid it's not good. The Austro-Hungarian Empire will definitely think that we deliberately neglected them." Bi Luo was a little worried.

"The Americans want to win over the Austro-Hungarian Empire, so they naturally need big shots. Crown Prince Karl is already hostile to the Empire. If I go there in person, he will think that the Empire is afraid of them. Therefore, there is no need for this at all. Karl The crown prince will not change his mind just because I personally attended his enthronement ceremony. If so, then prepare for war!" Qin Tian said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Prime Minister Biluo had no choice but to say nothing more.

He had no choice but to say that whether it was the emperor of the empire or the bigwigs of the imperial military, they were all gearing up and preparing to launch an attack on the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Perhaps it was because of the victory of the last world war that the emperor of the empire and the military chiefs firmly believed that war was the best way to solve all problems. Of course, war is the best way to win quickly. If the battle situation enters a stalemate, the war will even be lost. War, then, is not so good.

"Marshal Falkenhein, ordered several armies of the army to secretly mobilize. Make sure that once the empire goes to war against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, at least five armies can quickly invade the Austro-Hungarian Empire!" Qin Tian ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Marshal von Falkenhain replied.

"Marshal Scheer, let the navy's home fleet, Mediterranean fleet and Indian Ocean fleet be ready for battle at any time. In addition, the aircraft carrier fleet is also ready. Once the order is issued, it must enter the Mediterranean Sea within three days!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Marshal Reinhard Scheer replied.

"General Zeckert, the air force must also be prepared. However, the Austro-Hungarian Empire does not have any decent air force, so the Imperial Air Force should not have any major battles. Moreover, in order to ensure that the strength of the Imperial Air Force is not leaked, the Imperial Air Force must not be mobilized The most advanced models will participate in the battle." Qin Tian specifically instructed.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Admiral Zeckert nodded. Some advanced models of the Imperial Air Force are ahead of the world. This is undoubtedly the secret weapon of the Empire, and it must be kept secret.

"Wacht, the special envoy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is ready. After Crown Prince Karl inherits the throne, he can be dispatched."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Vashite nodded.

"Everyone, this action against the Austro-Hungarian Empire will be the best opportunity to resolve the threats around the empire. Therefore, we must not let this opportunity pass by, and we must achieve victory in one battle!" Qin Tian emphasized .

"Yes, Your Majesty." All the military and political ministers replied.

On December 18, the funeral of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I was held in Vienna. All countries in the world sent dignitaries to participate. However, the German Empire, an ally of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, only sent its foreign minister to participate, which made the Austro-Hungarian Empire very dissatisfied. Crown Prince Karl even believed that this was the deliberate contempt of the Austro-Hungarian Empire by the German Empire. This made his hatred for the German Empire aggravated.

On January 1, 1917, Crown Prince Karl's coronation ceremony was held at the Vienna Palace. Under the auspices of the archbishop of the diocese, Crown Prince Karl put on the crown symbolizing the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and officially ascended the throne of the Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Crown Prince Karl is also known as Karl I.

Although Karl I ascended to the coveted throne, he will soon know that this throne is not so beautiful.

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