Iron Germany

Chapter 941 Karl's Choice

"Your Majesty, the President of the United States hopes to have a meeting with you. During this time, you have been busy with the funeral of His Majesty Franz Joseph I and your enthronement ceremony. Therefore, you have not been able to have a good time with the visiting President Woodrow Wilson. Let's talk." Baron Leopold von Berchidold, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, reported.

Karl I nodded: "Okay, I see, you can arrange a time!"

"Your Majesty, the purpose of the President of the United States this time is probably to force us to stand in line. I'm afraid this test will not be easy." Baron Berchdold reminded.

The Americans have been wooing the Austro-Hungarian Empire, hoping that the Austro-Hungarian Empire will be used as cannon fodder and become their pawn against Germany.

This is obviously not good for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Although the Austro-Hungarian Empire is also a big country, compared with Germany, its strength is too weak. If it weren't for the fact that the two sides are allies, they might have been attacked by Germany long ago. Now, if the Austro-Hungarian Empire falls to the United States, it will obviously be against Germany. At that time, once the Germans are angered, will there be any good fruit for the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

"I know! However, it is impossible for us and the Germans to coexist peacefully. The Germans will not tolerate a powerful Austro-Hungarian Empire staying beside them. Since the last time when the fruits of victory in the World War were distributed, They keep suppressing us, and you can easily see this. If we don’t think about it and continue to wait for death like this, the Germans will definitely make progress. At that time, we may not even have the ability to fight back.” Karl I said.

"But Your Majesty, the Americans are also untrustworthy. We are allies of Germany. As long as the alliance exists for a day, the Germans will have concerns and will not attack us! But if we clearly support the Americans, Germany will have no scruples," Bergdold reminded.

"Well, what you said is right. But, is there any possibility for us to turn back? In order to buy the German warships, we took out a loan of 200 million U.S. dollars from the Americans. Those loans were not given in vain, they were It needs to be repaid. And now, the empire has no money to repay the Americans at all. If we fall to the United States, we can get more American support. Even, it is not impossible to get a loan from the United States again. As long as there is If we pay enough money, we will be able to solve domestic problems. By then, our strength will become stronger and stronger, and the Germans may not dare to attack us easily. As long as they cannot defeat us in a short period of time, the war will be over. It will enter into a stalemate. At that time, the Americans will intervene. Therefore, we are safe." Karl I said.

Baron Bercidold frowned, although Karl I's words seemed to make sense. However, he could perceive that there were too many loopholes and too many uncertainties. If you pin your hopes on this, then obviously there is no chance of winning.

"Your Majesty, this is really too risky." Baron Bercidold persuaded.

"Okay, I have already thought about it. Instead of watching the empire suffer from the suppression of the Germans, it is better to give it a go. Maybe we will have a chance of winning. I believe that God will bless the Austro-Hungarian Empire!" Karl I said.

Baron Bercidold saw that Karl I had made up his mind, so he had no choice but to say no more. He knew that Karl I would not listen to anyone's persuasion at this time.

After Baron Bercidold left, Karl I couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Huh! The ministers of these empires are as cowardly as a mouse, and they are all frightened by the Germans. If everyone is like them, the empire will have no way to fight against Germany, and surrender directly to the Germans." " Karl I said bitterly.

Karl I always wanted to lead the Austro-Hungarian Empire beyond the German Empire and become the most powerful country in the world. Of course, this is mainly because he is an extremely headstrong person. If there is no chance of becoming the Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, so be it. Now that he had such an opportunity, of course he would not let it go.

When he became the crown prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Qin Tian became the example that Franz Joseph I used to educate him. This made Karl I very disgusted and even hostile to Qin Tian from the bottom of his heart. Therefore, there will be everything that follows.

Especially when Qin Tian became the emperor of the German Empire, and the German Empire won the World War, it made Karl I extremely jealous.

He believed that although the Austro-Hungarian Empire he led was weaker than Germany, Germany had too many enemies. As long as he can seize the opportunity, he will definitely be able to defeat Qin Tian and lead the Austro-Hungarian Empire to become the hegemon of the world.

Therefore, Karl I has been aiming at this.

On the afternoon of January 2, Karl I had a meeting with visiting US President Woodrow Wilson. No one knows what they talked about. However, what is certain is that President Woodrow Wilson left with a smile on his face.

Mario Weber, Prime Minister of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, also attended this meeting. However, there was no smile on his face, instead he was worried.

"Your Majesty, do we really want to withdraw from the Allies and dissolve our alliance with Germany?" Mario Weber asked with a worried expression.

Karl I nodded: "Yes, I have already promised the President of the United States."

"But, Your Majesty. It is too risky to do so. It will bring Austria-Hungary to the brink of war."

"No, the Germans may not dare to attack us. Even if they attack, the two million Austro-Hungarian Army and the powerful Austro-Hungarian Navy are not easy to bully. What's more, the Americans also promised that as long as we can insist on a In a month, more than one million US troops will land in Europe and open up a second front. At that time, the Germans will be exhausted. And we will win the war. Once we defeat the Germans, we will dominate Europe , and even dominate the world. What's more, the Americans promised to give us another billion dollars in interest-free loans. With this money, our internal conflicts will be resolved, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire will become even stronger! "Carl I said excitedly.

"Your Majesty, even if we unite with the Americans, I'm afraid we won't be able to defeat the Germans!" Mario Weber said.

"No, Prime Minister, you are too pessimistic. We will have a chance to defeat the Germans!" Karl I looked confident.

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