Iron Germany

Chapter 942 Preparing for Action

"Your Majesty, I just got the news that Emperor Karl I held a secret meeting with President Woodrow Wilson of the United States. At present, the content of their secret meeting is unknown. But what is certain is that they must have reached some kind of secret agreement. Woodrow Wilson When President Wilson left the Vienna Palace, the expression on his face was very happy." General Bleming, the director of the Imperial Intelligence Service, reported.

The Austrian emperor Franz Joseph I died, and Karl I inherited the throne, which made the relationship between Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire extremely tense. This made the main force of the Imperial Intelligence Agency almost concentrated in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It can be said that Germany is well aware of any disturbances in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"Gentlemen, it seems that the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not meet our expectations. It abandoned the ally of the Empire and joined forces with the Americans. I think that our respected Majesty the Austrian Emperor Karl I will definitely lift the peace soon." We are allies. This also means that the war is about to begin!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

He now wishes that Karl I would dissolve its ally relationship with Germany, so that Germany could use this as an excuse to declare war on the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Although, such an excuse seems far-fetched. But, at that point, who cares? As long as the war is won in the end, no one will care about the process.

"Your Majesty, since this is the case, our military operations seem to be ready to launch at any time." Marshal von Falkenhain said. In his eyes, a raging fighting spirit was already burning. Marshal von Falkenhain is now in his fifties, and he doesn't know if he can last until the next world war. In other words, when the next war broke out, he was no longer in this position. Therefore, he hopes that while he is still in this position, he can lead the German army to win more battles and relieve the threats around Germany. In this case, he is also satisfied.

Qin Tian nodded: "The army is ready, right? Once the Austro-Hungarian Empire announces its withdrawal from the alliance, we can launch an attack at any time. I hope that we can defeat the Austro-Hungarian Empire cleanly, absolutely not dragging our feet. Once the war enters a stalemate, it will be very detrimental to us!"

If Germany's military action this time can cleanly defeat the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Germany, then, would benefit enormously. First of all, the threat around Germany is removed, and security will be guaranteed. Secondly, Germany can swallow Austria, further strengthening Germany's strength. The other states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire will also become Germany's protectorate, allowing Germany to have a vote of younger brothers, and after the war breaks out, it will also have enough cannon fodder. Finally, the military strength shown by Germany in the war that defeated the Austro-Hungarian Empire also served as a deterrent to other countries. This will make Germany's hegemony more stable. In a short period of time, before they are absolutely sure to confront Germany, they will not dare to provoke Germany at all.

"Your Majesty, we are ready. The 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 9th Armies of the Imperial Army have mobilized in secret. Once the attack begins, the 3rd and 5th Armies will Enter Austria from Bavaria. The 6th and 7th armies will enter the Kingdom of Bohemia. The 9th Army will deter the Kingdom of Hungary. If the Foreign Office can persuade other states besides Austria to remain neutral, then we will We can concentrate our forces to launch an attack on Austria. With the strength of the Austro-Hungarian Army, it is impossible to stop the offensive of the Empire." Marshal von Falkenhain said confidently.

Qin Tian nodded, still very confident in the strength of the army.

"Wachter, how do you feel about this trip to the Austro-Hungarian Empire?" Qin Tian asked.

The funeral of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I and the enthronement ceremony of Austrian Emperor Karl I were attended by Wacht on behalf of the German Empire.

"Your Majesty, it's very bad. After the death of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I, the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire became a mess. Many states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire seem to have other thoughts. Although Karl I ascended the throne as Austria-Hungary The emperor of the Hungarian Empire, but the only ones he can really order are Austria and a few states. The other states do not agree with Karl I. After all, Karl I was the crown prince. Performance, not too good," Wachter said.

Qin Tian agrees with this. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is actually a dual system unified by the prestige of Franz Joseph I. Except for the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I, there are not enough people at all. The prestige to rule this huge empire. You must know that the dozens of states that make up the Austro-Hungarian Empire have different languages ​​and cultures, and it is almost impossible to forcibly twist them into one rope. Among them, the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary accounted for more than one-third of the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire, and so did the population. Therefore, Qin Tian had already made up his mind, even if the Austro-Hungarian Empire was really defeated, he would not swallow the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire. Although the total land of more than 600,000 square kilometers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is very attractive, if it is swallowed by force, it will only make the German Empire indigestible. Qin Tian only planned to annex the most elite Austria. After all, the main population of Austria is Germans, and if Germany annexes here, it will be digested soon. For other states, let them be independent and then become a protectorate of Germany.

"In addition, perhaps because His Majesty did not go to Vienna in person, many senior officials of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were very dissatisfied with us. As for Austrian Emperor Karl I, this is even more so. Whether it is during the funeral of His Majesty Franz Joseph I, or Before and after his enthronement ceremony, he never met me. Obviously, his hostility towards Germany has risen again. Therefore, once the Americans win over him, he will inevitably fall to the Americans. This is almost beyond doubt Yes!" Wahit said.

"No matter what Emperor Karl I of Austria thinks, since the empire is ready to use force against them, then nothing else matters. Karl I will not know what his previous actions were until the empire defeated the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Ridiculous, just like a jumping clown!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

Indeed, Qin Tian did not pay attention to Karl I from the beginning to the end. Even if he knew that he was hostile to the German Empire, he didn't care.

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