Iron Germany

Chapter 952 Despair

"How could this be? Not only the Bohemians betrayed us, even the Hungarians betrayed us. What should we do now?" Karl I murmured. Now he is like a resentful woman who has been abandoned by a man. He is at a loss and doesn't know what to do.

Archduke Friedrich and Baron Marshal Herzendorf both had very ugly faces. If it was just the betrayal of the Kingdom of Bohemia, it might not be a big deal. However, the Kingdom of Hungary also betrayed, which was undoubtedly a fatal blow to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Without the Kingdom of Hungary, can the Austro-Hungarian Empire be called the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

Two successive kingdoms betrayed the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which directly reduced the strength of the Austro-Hungarian Empire by half! Do they still have a chance of winning this battle? Obviously, that's impossible. The strength of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was originally inferior to that of Germany, and it was much worse. Now, the betrayal of the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Kingdom of Hungary has directly reduced their strength by half. Under such circumstances, unless it is God's manifestation, otherwise, they will lose this battle.

"Your Majesty, Your Excellency the Prime Minister, Your Excellency the Minister of War, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs have arrived."

Before Karl I said anything, Prime Minister Mario Weber, Minister of War Duke Kasbah, Minister of Finance Duke Andras, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Baron Berchdold entered the war room.

"Your Majesty, we have just received news that both the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Kingdom of Hungary have betrayed the Empire. Is that true?" Prime Minister Mario Weber asked.

"Are you questioning me? They did betray the empire, but how do I know why they betrayed the empire? Those shameful betrayers must have been bought by the Germans. After this crisis is over , I will definitely not let them go!" Karl I said through gritted teeth.

But several military and political ministers disagreed. Now the Austro-Hungarian Empire has lost more than half of its power, and it still wants to survive this crisis safely, how is that possible? If it fails, this time the Austro-Hungarian Empire will face the biggest crisis since its establishment. Once defeated by Germany, the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire may fall apart, let alone continue to exist.

"Your Majesty, without the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Kingdom of Hungary, we would not be able to resist the Germans at all. I think, at this time, we must make certain concessions." Archduke Friedrich said.

Karl I was not a fool, of course he knew the serious situation he was facing now.

"Okay, send a telegram to the Grand Duke of Bohemia and the Hungarian government and tell them. As long as they fully cooperate with us to resist the German attack, they will gain greater autonomy. The title of King of the Kingdom of Bohemia can be To the Grand Duke of Bohemia. Even the title of King of Hungary can be given to the Hungarians! As long as they can support us to resist the Germans, everything is easy to talk about!" Karl I said through gritted teeth.

Although, he knew that if he did this, the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Kingdom of Hungary would gain greater autonomy, and even break away from the Austro-Hungarian Empire and become independent again. However, he has no other bargaining chips. The Kingdom of Bohemia and the Kingdom of Hungary were able to betray the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which clearly shows that the Germans have opened enough chips to make their hearts beat. It's hard to convince them if you don't give them what they want.

The military and political ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire also knew this truth, so they didn't say much, and sent a telegram to the Grand Duke of Bohemia and the Hungarian government.

Time passed minute by minute in the anxious waiting. Half an hour later, they received replies from the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Kingdom of Hungary. However, their reply made the monarchs and ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire completely desperate.

"Your Majesty, the Grand Duke of Bohemia replied that he had already got what he wanted. He also claimed that it was a very unwise and stupid act for the Empire to provoke the German Empire this time. The Kingdom of Bohemia will not be buried with the Empire."

"Bastard! Have they forgotten that the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Empire are one? Now, they still want to betray the Empire, it is really abominable!" Karl I cursed.

The ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not know what to say. Obviously, the Germans had reached an agreement with the Grand Duke of Bohemia before declaring war. After the German army defeated the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Kingdom of Bohemia might become independent directly. Under such circumstances, the Grand Duke of Bohemia would of course cooperate with the Germans. After all, this is the least risky approach. If they cooperate with the Austro-Hungarian Empire to resist the German army, they don't know how much they will pay.

"What does the Hungarian government say?" Prime Minister Mario Weber asked.

"Your Excellency, the Hungarian government also rejected our request. They claimed that this war was entirely caused by His Majesty the Emperor. His Majesty the Emperor should be responsible for this. The Kingdom of Hungary will not pay for this. All responsibility , should be borne by Austria. They will strictly observe neutrality in this war!"

"Asshole! The Hungarians, like the Bohemians, must have colluded with the Germans. Otherwise, how dare they do this?" Karl I said with red eyes.

"That's for sure. Before starting the war, the Germans had already reached an agreement with the Hungarians. I am afraid that after we are defeated, the Kingdom of Hungary will also become independent from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Bohemia has been lost one after another. After the Kingdom of Austria and the Kingdom of Hungary, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will cease to exist!" Prime Minister Mario Weber said with a sad face. He couldn't seem to believe it all. The Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I had only passed away for more than two months, and the mighty Austro-Hungarian Empire had already reached the end of its rope.

The other ministers were also unhappy. Once the Austro-Hungarian Empire ceased to exist, their ministers would also lose their current status.

Even though none of them wanted such a thing to happen, there was nothing they could do about it!

When Karl I decided to withdraw from the Allies, they had already persuaded him. However, Karl I still insisted on going his own way. Now, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has fallen to its current state, which is undoubtedly caused by Karl I. It's just that it doesn't make any sense to hold anyone accountable now. There is no doubt that the Austro-Hungarian Empire lost in this war.

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