Iron Germany

Chapter 953 Begging for peace (begging for a monthly ticket)

"No, we haven't lost yet! It's not time for despair. Even if the Bohemians and Hungarians betray us, we still have half the strength. If we fight the Germans to the death, we may not lose Yes. As long as we persevere, the Americans will support us. Baron Herzendorf, I command all the troops of the country to go to the front to resist the German attack. In addition, we need to mobilize immediately, we need more Troops!" Karl I ordered with red eyes. Now he is like a gambler who has lost his eyes, and wants to bet all his fortune so that he can have a chance to come back.

"Your Majesty, even if we assemble the troops of the whole country, it will take time. If we mobilize, it will take time. I am afraid that the Germans have already reached Vienna before we have finished these preparations." Baron Herzendorf said the marshal.

"No, it won't. Our existing army can withstand the Germans' attack. Even if we can't beat the Germans, we can at least delay the time. When we have assembled other troops and completed the mobilization, we There is enough power to deal with the Germans." Karl I insisted. He stubbornly believed that his plan would definitely succeed. It's like a drowning man grabbing a straw and thinking it will save his life.

In fact, all this is in vain.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid we won't be able to fulfill your request. In addition, the situation is so bad, will the Americans support us? That is obviously impossible. I even suspect that all of this was set up by the Americans Conspiracy. They want us to fight the Germans and use us to consume the strength of the Germans, so that they can reap the benefits. However, the Americans may not have expected the situation to be like this. The war just broke out, We can't hold on anymore. In this case, the hope of the Americans may be in vain. Not only did we not consume the strength of the Germans, but we also made the Germans relieve the threats around them and become stronger." Bell Baron Hydold said with a wry smile.

The other military and political ministers all looked deeply convinced. At this point, they can easily guess the cause and effect of all this.

Only Karl I's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. Because, from beginning to end, he seemed like a fool, a fool who was played and applauded by the Americans and the Germans. He thought he had won over the Americans and had the capital to fight against the Germans. It turned out that the Americans clearly used him as cannon fodder. The Germans were even more happy to take advantage of this opportunity to completely solve the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"Bastard! These guys dare to deceive me like this, I will never let them go!" Karl I said viciously. After being pointed out by the ministers, he was ashamed and angry. He could imagine that from now on, his image as the emperor would probably become a clown, ridiculed, and even ridiculed as the most incompetent emperor in the history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Karl I absolutely did not want such a thing to happen. However, he has no way to change all this.

"Everyone, what should we do now? How can we keep the empire, or let the empire pay the least damage to end this war?" Karl I asked.

Now that he knew that all of this was a conspiracy, of course he didn't want to continue fighting. Because, if you continue to fight, there is no chance of winning. Relying on their own strength, it is impossible for them to defeat the Germans. And the Americans are obviously unreliable. Although, he had obtained a loan of 200 million U.S. dollars from the Americans before, so he could use this as an excuse to renege on his debts. However, the billion-dollar interest-free loan promised by the Americans later has not yet been received. Two hundred million U.S. dollars caused his country to fall apart. This is undoubtedly a huge loss!

The military and political ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were all silent. The matter has come to this point, and they don't know what to do. The Germans finally had such an excuse, and they would definitely not give up if they did not defeat the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"Your Majesty, the only way now is to ask the Germans for peace and to end the war. Apart from that, we have no other choice. It's just that the Germans have finally seized the excuse of war against us and want to It will be very difficult to get them to give up. Even if the Germans can agree, we will definitely pay an unimaginable price." Baron Berchdold said.

"Seeking peace? No! You can't ask the Germans for peace. In that case, I and the entire empire will become the laughing stock of the world." Karl I shook his head again and again. From the bottom of his heart he objected to making peace with the Germans.

It has only been one day since the outbreak of the war. If the Austro-Hungarian Empire cannot sustain it and must seek peace with Germany. Then, Karl I and the Austro-Hungarian Empire will lose face.

"Your Majesty, if we don't seek peace with the Germans, then we really have no chance at all. At that time, our country will be destroyed. The Habsburg Dynasty will also lose the throne of Austria!" Mario ? Prime Minister Weber said.

"Your Majesty, this is the only way!" Archduke Friedrich also said.

The expression on Karl I's face is very complicated, from which we can see how entangled his heart is. He wanted to save his face, but he also wanted to keep the empire. Unfortunately, only one of them can be chosen. Save face, and lose the empire. On the contrary, shameless, maybe the empire can be saved.

A proud man, Karl I was keen to save his face. However, he could tell from the expressions on the faces of the ministers that this might not be possible.

These important ministers of the empire would never allow him to act recklessly like that.

"Report, Kingdom of Dalmatia, Kingdom of Croatia-Snovonia, choose neutrality."

It was another two kingdoms who decided to choose neutrality in this battle. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Karl I and the ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Immediately afterwards, a staff officer walked in.

"Report, the troops on the front line are retreating without a fight. After the Germans invaded the empire, they are driving straight in!"

"It's over, everything is over. Ask the Germans for peace! Let the empire end this damn war at the least cost possible!" Karl I said.

Now he is completely desperate. All ambition was lost in one day.

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