Iron Germany

Chapter 968 I Will Come Back (Seeking a Monthly Ticket)

All countries in the world were shocked by Germany's annexation of Austria. Especially those countries that are making trouble behind the scenes, there is a feeling that stealing chickens can't lose money. They originally wanted to use the Austro-Hungarian Empire to weaken Germany's strength, but they did not expect that not only failed to weaken Germany's strength, but also made Germany stronger.

A stronger Germany is undoubtedly very threatening to them. This also means that it becomes more difficult for them to defeat Germany.

The most affected by this is naturally the Austrians. Nearly 20 million Austrians suddenly became at a loss. Especially the older ones who have lived their entire lives as an Austrian, a citizen of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Seeing that they were about to go to see God, but now they had to change their identities, which made them somewhat conflicted.

However, some young people are more acceptable. They see nothing wrong with it. After all, Germany was much stronger and wealthier than Austria-Hungary. The citizens of the world's most powerful country naturally have more status than they do now. Perhaps, after being annexed by Germany, their lives can be a little better because of it.

This is very similar to the Mexicans in another time and space. What they hate the United States the most is that since the United States annexed so much territory in Mexico, why didn’t they annex the whole of Mexico? Then they would not be Mexicans but Americans. Not only will the identity and status be greatly improved, but the living conditions will also be much better.

Of course, there are also some Austrians who oppose Austria's incorporation into Germany. They are undoubtedly the dignitaries of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or those with vested interests. After joining Germany, they will no longer have the status and identity they had in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and even their interests will be greatly affected. However, these people are relatively small in number and do not occupy the mainstream. Under the deterrence of Germany's powerful military power, even if they objected, they did not dare to make it clear. Because in that case, there is no doubt that he is courting death.

Trieste, the naval base of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is also the only base of the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Because although the Austro-Hungarian Empire is a big country, its coastline is not long. There are fewer excellent ports, and Trieste can already be regarded as the most suitable port.

Almost all the main battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy are anchored here.

In the naval base, Admiral Anton House, the commander of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, was talking respectfully with a young man. This young man was Karl I who fled from Vienna to Trieste.

"Your Majesty, Vienna has fallen, and Archduke Friedrich and the others have surrendered. The whole of Austria has fallen!" Admiral Anton Haus reported.

A trace of sadness flashed in Karl I's eyes, his country was doomed. Even if he succeeds in exile in the United States, it is very difficult to say whether he will regain the country one day. The current Karl I, after experiencing a failure, seems to realize how powerful Germany is. On the way from Vienna to Trieste, the news was blocked, and Karl I couldn't help asking himself whether everything he had done was wrong. If he hadn't insisted on going his own way, the Austro-Hungarian Empire might not have fallen to where it is today. However, it is too late to say these now. The Austro-Hungarian Empire no longer exists, and he, the emperor, has become the king of subjugation. If you want to regain all this, you must escape from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

"Have the queen and prince left?" Karl I asked.

"Your Majesty, the Queen and the Prince left two days ago. They were on a Swedish freighter. Everything is kept secret, and the Germans don't know about it. Your Majesty the Queen and the Prince will definitely arrive in the United States safely. "Admiral Anton House said.

Karl I nodded: "How is the navy now? Has morale been affected?"

"Your Majesty, the morale of the navy has indeed been greatly affected. However, the navy officers and soldiers are all grateful for your majesty's kindness, and they will not betray your majesty. However, if the time drags on, the morale of the soldiers will I'm afraid it will be affected to some extent. If possible, it is better to leave as soon as possible. If it is later, there may be accidents." Admiral Anton House said.

"Well! How is the situation in Austria?" Karl I asked.

Although, Karl I also knew that it was best to leave as soon as possible. However, he was still a little worried. This is his country! I don't know if there will be a chance to come back in the future after leaving this time. Of course, Karl I certainly hoped that the United States could defeat Germany in future wars. In that case, his restoration may be successful. If even the United States fails, it is impossible for the Austro-Hungarian Empire to be restored.

"The Germans have officially announced that they have annexed Austria. In addition, the Kingdom of Bohemia, the Kingdom of Hungary, the Kingdom of Dalmatia, and the Kingdom of Croatia Snovonia are all preparing for independence. However, it is said that after independence, they will also become a protectorate of the Germans." General Anton House said. He knew that Karl I was unaware of these news.

"Damn! Those guys would rather be dogs for the Germans than stay in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and be our state?" Karl I said through gritted teeth.

Karl I believed that the biggest reason why Austria-Hungary lost the war was the betrayal of these states. If these states do not betray, but support them with all their strength. It is absolutely impossible for them to lose so quickly and so badly. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was, after all, a big country! It is absolutely impossible for such a big country to be destroyed by Germany in just ten days. This has made the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire the laughing stock of the world.

If the Austro-Hungarian Empire had a chance to be restored in the future, he would definitely not allow those states to continue to exist, and would change them to provinces directly ruled by the central government. Only in this way can the stability of the country be ensured.

On the night of January 31, Karl I boarded the battleship "Austro-Hungarian Sovereign", the flagship of the Austro-Hungarian Navy. The Austro-Hungarian Navy, which has completed its assembly, departs from Trieste and prepares to leave the Adriatic Sea for the United States.

Standing on the deck of the battleship "Austro-Hungarian Monarch", Karl I looked at the land in the distance.

"I will definitely come back! God will bless me, bless the Austro-Hungarian Empire!"

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