Iron Germany

Chapter 969 Changing the route (asking for a monthly ticket)

The Austro-Hungarian Navy is also considered to be the top navy in the world. In terms of the number of capital ships, it is second only to Germany. Of course, in terms of combat power, I am afraid it will be ranked behind Germany and the United States. Although the number of capital ships of the U.S. Navy is less than that of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the battleships of the U.S. Navy are all powerful battleships.

The "Pennsylvania-class" battleships of the U.S. Navy are equipped with 12 356mm main guns with a caliber of 45 times. The "class" battleship is equipped with eight 406mm main guns with a caliber of 45 times.

For the battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, the main guns with the largest caliber are only 350 mm main guns with 45 times the caliber of the "Austro-Hungarian Sovereign" battleships. Of course, in terms of performance, it is not even as good as the battleships purchased from Germany. The 343mm main gun with 50 times the caliber. This makes the true combat effectiveness of the Austro-Hungarian Navy far from being comparable to that of the US Navy. The only one that can overwhelm the US Navy is undoubtedly the German Navy.

However, this does not prevent the Austro-Hungarian Navy from being able to dominate the small pond in the Mediterranean Sea. Whether it is the Mediterranean Fleet of the German Navy or the Turkish Navy, they are far inferior to the Austro-Hungarian Navy in terms of the number of capital ships. Even though every capital ship of the German Navy's Mediterranean Fleet is stronger than that of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, the number of capital ships and other small and medium-sized warships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy is more than twice that of the German Navy's Mediterranean Fleet. Therefore, if there is a fight, the German Navy's Mediterranean Fleet will not take advantage of it, and will even pay a relatively large loss.

This allowed the German Navy's Mediterranean Fleet to maintain restraint before, and did not conflict with the increasingly powerful Austro-Hungarian Navy. And this also contributed to the arrogance of the Austro-Hungarian Navy.

"Your Majesty, it's windy on the deck. You'd better go back to the cabin. According to the current speed, we will be able to sail out of the Adriatic Sea and enter the Mediterranean Sea tomorrow night!" Admiral Anton House said.

Karl I shook his head: "My body is not so weak. The strength of the Imperial Navy has become much stronger. However, the gap between us and the German Navy has not narrowed. The Germans Once the Austro-Hungarian Empire is destroyed, they will definitely not let our navy go. Will we be able to break out of the Mediterranean Sea by then?"

Karl I was more worried about this, although the navy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was not as good as the German navy. However, if the Austro-Hungarian Navy is allowed to escape, this will inevitably become a serious problem. In particular, if the Austro-Hungarian Navy is united with the U.S. Navy, it will pose a severe challenge to the German Navy. If Karl I was in the position of the Germans, he would definitely destroy the Austro-Hungarian Navy at all costs. This made Karl I very worried about whether they could rush out of the Mediterranean.

The expression on Admiral Anton House's face also became serious.

"Your Majesty, we have indeed received news that the Germans are gathering their naval strength in the Mediterranean. Although the strength of the Imperial Navy is much stronger than before, it is far from enough to fight against the German Navy. However, Your Majesty, please Don't worry, even if the Germans really come to intercept us, I guarantee that His Majesty will be safely sent to the United States." Admiral Anton House had a look of determination.

He knew in his heart that the German navy would inevitably intercept them. At that time, it will be almost impossible to break through the blockade of the German navy, enter the Atlantic Ocean, and then reach the United States. The Austro-Hungarian Navy will inevitably suffer heavy losses in this battle. Admiral Anton House also felt very uncomfortable when he thought that the navy that had finally become stronger would suffer heavy losses. However, their most important task now is to send His Majesty Karl I to the United States. Even if the navy is completely lost for this, as long as Karl I can reach the United States safely, it is worth it. Admiral Anton House had planned. Once there is a war with the German Navy, send Karl I to the light cruiser or destroyer, and let the light cruiser or destroyer rush out of the theater at high speed. Although such a plan is a bit risky, it is undoubtedly their only way.

Karl I shook his head: "If the navy is gone and I go to the United States alone, what's the use?"

"Your Majesty, there is still hope for the navy to break out of the Mediterranean Sea. As long as we break out of the Mediterranean Sea, we will be safe. The main force of the US Navy is already on its way to the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Perhaps we will be able to get their support as soon as we break out of the Mediterranean Sea." It's gone." Admiral Anton Howes explained. He knew that relying solely on the strength of the Austro-Hungarian Navy would not be able to survive this crisis. But if the power of the US Navy can be used, it may be completely different.

Karl I was still not very satisfied with this.

According to the voyage of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, it started from the Trieste base, went out of the Adriatic Sea and entered the Mediterranean Sea, and then went all the way west, entering the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar. Go west again, join the US Navy, and head to the United States.

However, in the eyes of Karl I, the danger along the way is too great. The main danger is the German blockade. Germany must have assembled a strong naval force in the western Mediterranean and is ready to intercept them. In addition, the Germans also deployed powerful fortress guns in the fortress of Gibraltar. By then, the entire fortress was under the blow of the German shore fire. In this case, to forcibly break through the Strait of Gibraltar, not only must break through the interception of the German navy, but also have to pass through the Strait of Gibraltar blocked by German firepower. All this is too dangerous.

Karl I hoped that there could be a safer and safer way. In this case, he will be able to reach the United States safely. At the same time, it was also able to keep the main force of the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Only in this way, even if he goes to the United States, he will be valued by the Americans, and he will not become a downcast king of subjugation. That kind of life is obviously not what he wants.

"Let's change the route! After leaving the Adriatic Sea, instead of going west, turn east. Pass through the Suez Canal and enter the Indian Ocean. Then go south, around the Cape of Good Hope, enter the Atlantic Ocean, and then head to the United States!" Karl I said.

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