Iron Germany

Chapter 970 Naval Dispatch (seeking monthly ticket)

Although Karl I's voice was not loud, there was an unquestionable tone in his words. Obviously, on this issue, he has already decided.

"Your Majesty, if this is the case, we will have to take a long detour. The supplies we carry may not be enough!" Admiral Anton House said. The speed of supply ships is generally not fast, so Admiral Anton Howes selected two newly built supply ships this time. Only in this way can they keep up with the speed of the fleet. Each warship also carried as much fuel and other supplies as possible to ensure that the fleet could reach the United States. If you want to go to the Indian Ocean through the Suez Canal, and then go around the Cape of Good Hope, it will save a long way. Their supplies were simply not enough to support the arrival of the fleet.

"Contact the Americans! Let them prepare supplies for us. If our fleet can reach the United States safely, the Americans are absolutely willing to help us." Karl I said.

Admiral Anton House nodded. If the Austro-Hungarian Navy can reach the United States safely, it will be very beneficial to the United States. Let the Americans prepare some supplies for the Austro-Hungarian Navy, the Americans will naturally be very willing.

"Your Majesty, should the U.S. Navy go south to the Cape of Good Hope to meet us?" Admiral Anton House said.

"It depends on the situation. The main fleet of the US Navy is in the eastern waters of the Atlantic Ocean. If the Germans can be held back, let them stay in the eastern waters of the Atlantic Ocean. If the Germans go south to intercept us, they will just go south. In addition, we also It is not necessary to go to the Cape of Good Hope. If the German interception force is too strong, we will cross the Indian Ocean, enter the South Pacific Ocean, then cross the South Pacific Ocean into the Atlantic Ocean, and then go north from the South Atlantic Ocean to reach the United States!" The more Karl I said, the more excited he became , as if he was happy that he could think of such a good way.

Admiral Anton House couldn't help frowning tightly. If it really followed the last route that Karl I said, it would have circled a very large circle, almost half of the world. However, he had to admit that it would be safer then. The ocean is infinitely vast, even if a huge fleet enters it, it is very difficult to find it. At that time, it will be very difficult for the German navy to pursue the Austro-Hungarian navy.

"Yes, Your Majesty, just do as you say!" Admiral Anton House did not dwell on this issue.

Karl I breathed a sigh of relief: "In this case, as long as our fleet can enter the Indian Ocean, the Germans will not be able to catch up with us. The next voyage will be the most dangerous."

"Your Majesty, it will not be so easy for the Germans to catch up with us. We set off overnight, and even if the Germans find out that the fleet is gone, they will have to wait until tomorrow. By then, we will be within a short distance of the exit of the Adriatic Sea." It's not far away. If the main force of the German navy comes from near Gibraltar, it will take time." Admiral Anton House said.

Karl I nodded and prayed to God with a voice that Admiral Anton Howes could not hear: "May God bless me and bless the Austro-Hungarian Navy!"

Although, Karl I was very devout. However, from beginning to end, God didn't seem to have blessed him at all, as if he had been completely forgotten.

The movement of the Austro-Hungarian Navy has always been the object of attention of the German Navy. Emperor Qin Tian of the Empire has issued an order to wipe out the Austro-Hungarian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, the German Navy assembled the three fleets of the Home Fleet, the Mediterranean Fleet and the Indian Ocean Fleet, preparing to eat the Austro-Hungarian Navy in one fell swoop.

Because the aircraft carrier fleet will stay in the Atlantic Ocean to deal with the US Navy. Therefore, the battle against the Austro-Hungarian Navy can only be handed over to the capital ships of the fleet. And this will also be the largest duel between battleships after the last world war. As for whether there will be large-scale capital ship duels in the future, it is hard to say. After all, the German Navy has already determined the future naval development plan with the aircraft carrier as the core. As for other countries, I am afraid that they will not slow down their exploration in this field. Therefore, future naval battles are likely to use aircraft carriers as the main force. The role of the capital ship will be greatly reduced, which will also cause the capital ship to retreat to the second line.

The three major fleets of the German Navy are assembled, and the number of capital ships alone is a full 22, which is eight more than the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Moreover, every capital ship of the German Navy is stronger than the capital ship of the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Not to mention, there are also four "Caesar-class" battleships equipped with 410mm main guns. It can be said that with the strength of the three major fleets assembled by the German Navy, it will completely beat the Austro-Hungarian Navy.

Because the Austro-Hungarian Navy left at night, German spies did not notice it immediately.

When the next day dawned, German spies secretly boarded a hill near the Trieste naval base, and found that the port was empty, and all the naval warships of the Austro-Hungarian Empire that had been moored densely at the pier had disappeared.

"Damn! When did the fleet of the Austro-Hungarian Navy leave? Yesterday evening, they were still in the port. Damn it, they actually escaped last night!" the spy couldn't help cursing.

Immediately, he did not hesitate to expose, and immediately sent a telegram to the country.

When the telegram was delivered to the Secretary of the Navy Reinhard Scheer, Marshal Reinhard Scheer's face changed drastically. He immediately ordered a telegram to be sent to the main fleet of the German Navy gathered in the Mediterranean Sea, ordering them to immediately march to the Adriatic Sea, preparing to intercept the Austro-Hungarian Navy. If the Austro-Hungarian Navy did not surrender, they could be sunk!

On the battleship "Kaiser", the flagship of the German Navy's home fleet, the commander of the home fleet, Admiral Hipper, is also the commander of the combined fleet consisting of three fleets.

After Admiral Hipper received the telegram from Admiral Reinhard Scheer, he immediately issued an order to the entire United Fleet.

"Order all warships to set off immediately! The Austro-Hungarian Navy set off last night, we need to catch up, block them, and kill them all!" Admiral Hipper ordered.

As for the surrender of the Austro-Hungarian navy, Admiral Hipper knew that it was unrealistic. The Austro-Hungarian Navy will definitely not surrender, so they have to get rid of them.

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