Iron Germany

Chapter 975 Unavoidable duel (seeking monthly ticket)

"Command the fleet, move on! If you are overtaken by the Germans, then fight them! The Austro-Hungarian Empire has been destroyed by the Germans. If we are overtaken by the Germans, we will have to fight them to the end. Wish God bless us!" said Karl I.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Admiral Anton House nodded. When there is no other way, fighting to the death has indeed become the only choice.

The army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was too soft, and it surrendered easily under the attack of the Germans. However, the Navy is different. Their fighting will is far stronger than that of the army. They are also more loyal to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Admiral Anton House believes that even if their strength is not as good as the German Navy. However, after being caught up by the German navy, they will also fight the German navy to the end.

However, His Majesty Karl I must be safely sent to the United States. Admiral Anton House has decided to secretly send Karl I away tonight. Because he was worried that Karl I would object, Admiral Anton House began to imagine how to send Karl I away.

That night, after Karl I had dinner, he felt dizzy after not staying for long. So, after greeting Admiral Anton Howes, he went to rest in his cabin. After a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

An hour later, Karl I's cabin was opened. At this moment, Karl I had already passed out, as if he was a dead pig. In fact, this is because Admiral Anton Howes put sleeping pills in Karl I's dinner.

Karl I was carried out of the cabin and sent to a light cruiser.

Admiral Anton House asked the captain of the light cruiser to ensure that Karl I was safely sent to the United States.

The light cruiser will then speed up to leave the Austro-Hungarian Navy and enter the Indian Ocean first. Then, cross the Indian Ocean into the South Pacific, then cross the South Pacific into the South Atlantic, and finally go north all the way to the United States. Admiral Anton House gave the captain of the light cruiser a death order. No matter what order Karl I gave after he woke up, he was not allowed to obey it. His only mission was to send Karl I to America.

The person who carried out this task was naturally the absolute confidant of Admiral Anton House. His orders to Admiral Anton House will be carried out unconditionally.

After sending Karl I away, Admiral Anton House breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that in the upcoming confrontation with the German navy, the possibility of the Austro-Hungarian navy's failure was very high. The Austro-Hungarian navy could fail and be wiped out by Germany. However, Karl I must arrive in the United States safely. In this way, they will have hope in the future. The Austro-Hungarian Empire will also have the possibility of restoration.

Karl I fell into a coma for two full days. When he woke up, he found that he was not on the battleship 'Austro-Hungarian Monarch', but on a light cruiser. Karl I knew immediately what was going on. At this moment, the light cruiser has sailed out of the Gulf of Aden and entered the vast Indian Ocean. After all, a light cruiser is capable of sailing at speeds above 25 knots. In order to be able to reach the United States, Admiral Anton House even prepared sufficient fuel on the light cruiser. Oil drums filled with heavy oil are placed almost everywhere on the battleship where things can be placed. In this way, the endurance of the light cruiser will be further improved, even if it goes around more than half of the earth, there will be no problem.

Karl I asked the light cruiser to return to join the main fleet. As the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he could no longer run away. Even if he died, he would die with the naval fleet loyal to him. However, it was rejected. Even after being severely slapped several times by Karl I, the captain of the light cruiser remained unmoved.

Under such circumstances, Karl I had to give up. He had to think that all of this was arranged by Admiral Anton House. This also made him even more moved by his loyalty to Admiral Anton House. The only thing he can do is to do his utmost to promote cooperation with the Americans after arriving in the United States, so that one day he can restore the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Only in this way can he be worthy of the sacrifices of Admiral Anton House and others. At the same time, Karl I kept praying to God, praying that the Austro-Hungarian Navy would escape this time.

Admiral Anton Howes continued to lead the Austro-Hungarian Navy and sailed according to the scheduled route. Although, he knew that the possibility of escaping the pursuit of the German navy was very small. However, he still had such an extravagant hope in his heart, hoping that God would bless them. Admiral Anton House knew that once they were caught up by the German navy, they would probably die. Only by entering the Atlantic Ocean and then getting rid of the pursuit of the German navy is the only chance of survival.

However, General Anton House's extravagant hope is obviously impossible to succeed. The combined fleet of the German Navy is still approaching them at high speed.

On the morning of February 8, the Austro-Hungarian Navy entered the Gulf of Aden through the Mandeb Strait. At this moment, the combined fleet of the German Navy is less than 200 kilometers away from the Austro-Hungarian Navy. In other words, according to the current speed of both sides, it only takes one day for the German Navy's combined fleet to catch up with the Austro-Hungarian Navy.

Even the seaplanes released by the cruisers of the German Navy were able to fly over the heads of the Austro-Hungarian Navy for reconnaissance.

The German Navy was not far behind them, which made everyone, including Admiral Anton House, a little nervous. After all, the German navy is the most powerful navy in the world that puts the British navy on the ground! Although the Austro-Hungarian Navy possessed a number of powerful capital ships through construction and purchase. However, the foundation is still too weak compared to the German navy. It is very difficult to defeat the German navy, and the probability is almost equal to zero.

At the same time, Admiral Hipper, commander of the German Navy's combined fleet, also issued an order for the fleet to prepare for combat. They chased all the way from Gibraltar to the Gulf of Aden in order to kill the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Otherwise, this fleet marathon would be in vain. Although, with the strength of the combined fleet of the German Navy, it will be a certainty to solve the Austro-Hungarian Navy. However, in order to avoid capsizing in the gutter, the United Fleet still has to go all out.

On the morning of February 9, the German Navy combined fleet caught up with the Austro-Hungarian Navy in the waters 100 kilometers east of Socotra Island. This unavoidable confrontation between the navies of the two countries has officially begun.

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