Iron Germany

Chapter 976

"General, the Germans are catching up. It is estimated that in another hour, they will be able to fully catch up with us." A staff officer reported to General Anton Howes.

General Anton House nodded, he knew what this meant. In other words, after an hour, the war will break out. At that time, they will have to fight the German navy, which is far stronger than themselves. As for whether the German navy can be defeated, no matter whether it is Admiral Anton? Because the German navy is much stronger than them.

Compared with the Austro-Hungarian Navy, the German Navy can be said to have an advantage. Not only has the advantage in the number and quality of capital ships, but the quality and combat experience of the German navy are far stronger than those of the Austro-Hungarian navy. In addition, in terms of morale, the German navy is also dominant. Even the country of the Austro-Hungarian Empire perished. These naval soldiers can be regarded as unable to return home. How high of morale can they be expected to continue fighting?

"Order the ships and prepare for battle! This time, it is our decisive battle with the Germans. The Germans, regardless of the fact that we fought side by side with them, blatantly destroyed our country. As a soldier of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, we We must fight to the death with the Germans for the future of the country!" Admiral Anton House issued an order.

Germany's destruction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire has become a pain in the heart of every soldier of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The duty of a soldier is to defend the country. However, they cannot defend their country because the enemy is too strong. However, the officers and soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Navy firmly believed that they were not those cowardly armies and would never surrender to the Germans.

Admiral Anton House also hoped that the Austro-Hungarian Navy would do its best in this battle. Even if he was completely sunk, the German Navy would have to pay a considerable price. In this case, it may be able to weaken Germany's strength a little. Countries that oppose Germany in the future may be able to defeat Germany more easily. At that time, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will still have a chance to restore.

At the same time, Admiral Anton House also had an extravagant hope in his heart, that is, he hoped that the German navy would be frightened by the Austro-Hungarian navy's tactics of fighting regardless of casualties. In that case, they might have a chance to get rid of the German navy. He was pursued and fled safely to the United States. No matter how many warships and naval officers and soldiers can be left by then, some seeds will be reserved for the Austro-Hungarian Navy. If one day the Austro-Hungarian Empire can be restored, then the Austro-Hungarian Navy can also be rebuilt. Although, by that time, he might not see that day. However, Admiral Anton House will be very pleased.

The 16 capital ships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, as well as other small and medium-sized warships, are waiting in full force.

The 16 capital ships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, including four "Austro-Hungarian Monarch" battleships, the first ship "Austro-Hungarian Monarch", the second ship "Franz Joseph I", and the third ship "Karl I" No. 4 ship 'Ferdinand I'. Four "United Forces" battleships, the first ship "United Forces", the second ship "Teghoff", the third ship "Prince Eugen", and the fourth ship "St. Stephen" . In addition, the four "Caesar-class" battleships, three "Moltke-class" battlecruisers and one "Helgoland-class" battleship purchased from the German Navy also received different names. The four "Caesar-class" battleships were named "Francis I", "Francis II", "Leopold II" and "Joseph II". The three "Moltke-class" battlecruisers were named "Leopold I", "Joseph I" and "Charles III" respectively. As for the "East Prussia" battleship among the "Helgoland-class" battleships, it was renamed the "Maria Theresia" battleship.

If it was ten years ago, even five years ago. The sixteen capital ships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy can definitely be regarded as the world's leading and powerful navy. But now, although the performance of these capital ships is still very good. In particular, the eight capital ships purchased from Germany can definitely be regarded as world-class capital ships. But it is no longer able to confront the most cutting-edge capital ships. Especially this time the opponent is the German Navy. Although, the capital ships that make up the German Navy's combined fleet are all unfinished warships captured by Germany from the United Kingdom and then continued to be built. Although the overall performance is obviously not as good as that of a capital ship completely built in Germany, after improvement, its various performances can definitely be regarded as the top in the world. This is also because Germany no longer wants to build its own capital ships. Otherwise, the capital ships built by Germany can still dominate the world.

Time passed by every minute and every second. As time passed, the German Navy slowly caught up. 12 battleships and 10 battlecruisers are the most powerful capital ships in the world. Even those battlecruisers have thick armor in key parts. Coupled with the powerful main guns, the combat effectiveness of these battleships cannot be underestimated.

On the battleship Kaiser, the flagship of the combined fleet of the German Navy, Admiral Hipper, the fleet commander, was talking about the Austro-Hungarian Navy with the chief of staff, Lieutenant General Richter Fels.

"In terms of size, the Austro-Hungarian Navy is definitely second only to the Imperial Navy. Even the U.S. Navy may not be comparable. Of course, this is only counting the number of battleships. If you add other small and medium-sized warships, the Austro-Hungarian Empire The Imperial Navy is still far behind. In terms of combat power, the Austro-Hungarian Navy can also be ranked third! However, today, this powerful navy will be destroyed by us!" Admiral Hipper sighed . Destroying a country's powerful navy with his own hands made him somewhat uncomfortable.

"Your Excellency, the Austro-Hungarian Empire asked for this! The Austro-Hungarian Empire no longer exists, but they still try to resist. Moreover, they want to go to the United States and continue to fight against the Empire. This is for the Empire , is absolutely unacceptable. Therefore, we must eliminate them!" Lieutenant General Richter Fels said.

Admiral Hipper nodded, and now naturally the interests of the empire should be the most important. From the perspective of the empire, it would be best if the Austro-Hungarian Empire was destroyed. At the same time, in order to eliminate the threat, the Austro-Hungarian Navy must also be eliminated. In this way, Germany will be safe.

"Command the fleet, prepare to fight! This time, use all your strength to eliminate the Austro-Hungarian Navy!" Admiral Hipper gave the order.

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