Iron Germany

Chapter 979 Tragic

Soon after the fight started, it went straight to the climax. In this battle, both sides have only one attempt, and that is to try to sink the enemy's warship. Therefore, both sides abandoned the temptations at the beginning of the battle, and directly began to confront each other.

The duel on the battle line is like the ancient knights wearing heavy armor, riding tall horses, and charging with lances in hand. It makes people bloody, and at the same time very tragic and bloody. After all, once hit, the consequences will be very serious. If the armor holds up to armor-piercing projectiles fired by the enemy, that's not too much of a problem. But what if the armor can't resist it? That would be troublesome. Especially important compartments, such as ammunition compartments and power compartments, would be a disaster if they were hit.

The battle at the rear of the battle line is far more intense than the battle in the first half of the battle line. The four "United Forces-class" battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, under the siege of the superior battleships of the German Navy, can be described as dangerous. Although, the main guns of the "Joint Force-class" battleships are also constantly fighting back. However, it doesn't seem to be of much use at all.


A 380mm artillery shell fired from the battleship "West **" of the German Navy hit the battleship "Teghoff". The 48 mm thick deck armor was torn apart as if it was made of paper. The shell directly penetrated the bow deck and exploded inside. The flames and shock waves swept around, and the cabin under the bow of the "Teghoff" battleship was blown into a mess.

"God! We were hit." The construction of the battleship "Teghoff" was ashes.

"Sir, it is not fatal, but we need to find a way to put out the fire now. Otherwise, the trouble will be even greater." The officer in charge of damage control reported.

The captain breathed a sigh of relief and asked the damage control personnel to put out the fire as soon as possible. At the same time, he also ordered the warships to launch a counterattack, so that the Germans must have a taste of their power.

Two minutes later, the battleship 'Teghoff' fought back and successfully smashed a 305mm shell into the waterline of the battleship 'Nassau'.

It's just a pity that the waterline armor of the battleship "Nassau" is as thick as 350 mm. The armor-piercing projectile fired by the battleship 'Teghoff' failed to penetrate the waterline armor of the battleship 'Nassau'. This disappointed the officers and soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Navy on the battleship "Teghoff". If it was another capital ship with less defensive power, they might have already been severely damaged by them.

The German naval officers and soldiers on the battleship "Nassau" also had lingering fears.

"Counterattack, counterattack! Kill the battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If instead of sinking their battleships, we were severely damaged or even sunk by them, that would be a shame!" The captain of the battleship 'Nassau' also He roared with a black face.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The battleship 'Nassau' and the battleship 'West**' are both pouring shells at the battleship 'Teghoff' at the maximum rate of fire.

Shells continued to fall around the battleship 'Teghoff' one after another, and exploded, splashing jets of water into the sky. It made the battleship 'Teghoff' feel like being in a storm. Although it didn't sink, the battleship shook so badly that their shooting was greatly affected.

At 9:48, the battleship 'Nassau' hit the battleship 'Teghoff'. A 380mm artillery shell hit the waterline armor of the battleship 'Teghoff'. The waterline armor was only 280 mm thick, and it could not withstand the 380 mm shells, and the waterline armor was torn apart at once. Sea water began to pour into the battleship. This is definitely a fatal blow to the battleship 'Teghoff'.

However, the battleship 'Teghoff' was still not the first capital ship to sink in this naval battle. Another "United Force-class" battleship stole his limelight and became the first battleship to be sunk.

The battleship 'St. Stephen', located at the extreme end of the battle line, was under siege by three 'Blücher-class' battlecruisers of the German Navy. Although, under normal circumstances, the defense of battlecruisers seems to be much worse than that of battleships. But in fact, the main armor of the "Blücher-class" battlecruisers of the German Navy is much stronger than that of the "United Force-class" battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Coupled with the sharp 380mm main gun of 50 times the caliber, the three "Blücher-class" battleships of the German Navy can be said to have beaten the "St. Stephen" battleship of the Austro-Hungarian Navy.

The captain of the battleship 'St. Stephen' also knew that if there was a real fight, they would not be opponents at all. Therefore, his goal is to delay the time as much as possible, trying to buy enough time for other capital ships.

However, the battleship 'St. Stephen', which was under siege, obviously did not have such good luck.

Just as the battleship 'Nassau' hit the battleship 'Teghoff', the battlecruiser 'Blücher' also hit the battleship 'St. Stephen'. A 380mm artillery shell hit the stern of the battleship 'St. Istvan', directly blowing up the steering gear and propeller at the stern. This is undoubtedly a fatal injury to the battleship 'St. Stephen' which is in the middle of a fierce battle.

Immediately afterwards, the battlecruisers 'Von der Tann' and 'Leopold' seized this opportunity and poured shells on the battleship 'St. Stephen'.

In less than five minutes, the battleship 'St. Stephen' was hit by at least ten 380mm artillery shells. This is undoubtedly fatal for a battleship with a displacement of only a little over 20,000.

Soon, the bombed battleship, which was full of holes and flooded everywhere, sank into the sea. It became the first battleship to be sunk in this naval battle.

Not long after the battleship 'St. Istvan' was sunk, the battleship 'Nassau' and the battleship 'West **' of the German Navy also joined forces to send the battleship 'Teghoff' into the The bottom of the sea was destroyed, making it the second battleship to be sunk in this naval battle.

Of course, these two capital ships are the "United Force-class" battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy. This directly caused the other two "United Force-class" battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy to fall into a more dangerous siege.

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