Iron Germany

Chapter 980

"General, the St. Istvan and the Tegerhof have been sunk. The Allied Force and the Prinz Eugen are now besieged by ten German capital ships. They probably won't last long either."

Admiral Anton House nodded, then closed his eyes in pain. Although, the battle is still going on. However, Admiral Anton House seemed to have seen the result of this naval battle. That is, they still couldn't make a comeback, and they still lost the naval battle in the end.

Although, Admiral Anton House thought that he had done all his efforts and responsibilities. However, if he failed like this, he still felt a little unwilling.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The fierce battle is still going on, and the capital ships of both sides are still in the midst of frantic confrontation. From time to time capital ships were hit, but often the capital ships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy were hit more often. In addition, even if the capital ship of the Austro-Hungarian Navy hits the enemy's warship, it is difficult to cause serious damage to it, at most it is just some insignificant minor injuries. However, once the capital ship of the German Navy hit the capital ship of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, it would be a serious damage. The armor of the capital ships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy simply couldn't withstand 380mm or even 410mm main gun shells.

In this naval battle, the combined fleet of the German Navy has firmly gained the upper hand. Now, they only need to turn these advantages into results to win the battle.

"General, the two battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Empire have been eliminated." Lieutenant General Richter Fels reported.

Admiral Hipper nodded, not too happy. Because, this is what it should be. If ten powerful battleships are gathered to besiege four rubbish "United Force-class" battleships, and there is no way to succeed, then there is no need to fight this battle at all. It now appears that the situation is still very favorable to the German Navy. Everything is moving in their favor.

"Let them work harder to deal with the remaining two 'Joint Force-class' battleships, and then redistribute the strike targets. This time, before sunset, we will take all the battleships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, all Kill!" Admiral Hipper ordered.

"Yes, General." Major General Richter Fels immediately went to make arrangements.

The battleship 'United Force' and the battleship 'Prince Eugen' ultimately failed to escape the fate of being sunk. After the battleships "St. Stephen" and "Teghoff" were sunk, they were besieged by more capital ships. Three "Moltke-class" battleships and two "Nassau-class" battleships besieged the "United Forces" battleship. Two "Nassau-class" battleships and three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers besieged the "Prince Eugen" battleship.

If any of these battleships is pulled out, they can beat the battleship 'United Forces' and the battleship 'Prince Eugen', not to mention the siege with five times the advantage. What will be the result in the end? Even a fool can guess it.

At 10:07, the battleship "United Forces" was hit by a 380mm artillery shell, and a large hole was blown out of the bow deck.

Two minutes later, a 380 mm artillery shell hit the conning tower of the battleship 'United Forces'. Even, the armor thickness of the conning tower reached 356mm. However, it still failed to withstand the cap-piercing bullet.

After the armor was ripped, the shell exploded inside the conning tower, killing everyone inside.

Afterwards, the five capital ships of the German Navy continued to score hits, and soon the battleship "United Forces" was riddled with holes, and there were loopholes everywhere. The entire superstructure ignited a raging fire. If this is at night, I believe it will be even more dazzling.

At 10:18, because the battleship "United Force" was continuously hit by powerful shells, it soon couldn't hold on. Even the keel of the battleship was broken in the violent explosion. This directly caused the battleship 'United Force' to be broken into two pieces, and soon sank into the sea. Almost all of the more than 1,000 naval officers and soldiers on the battleship sank into the sea together with the battleship.

Then, just two minutes later, the battleship 'Prince Eugen' followed in the footsteps of the battleship 'United Force' and was sunk.

You know, it has only been a little over half an hour since the war started, and the Austro-Hungarian Navy has already lost four battleships. This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Austro-Hungarian Navy.

After all, they were already at an absolute disadvantage in terms of the number of capital ships. Now, not only has the disadvantage not been reduced, but it has been further expanded. This made the Austro-Hungarian Navy want to make a comeback, and the possibility has infinitely approached zero.

"General, our 'Joint Force-class' battleships are all finished. Now, we only have 12 capital ships, while the Germans still have 22!" the adjutant reported.

Obviously, the German navy, which has more capital ships, can mobilize more capital ships to besiege the remaining capital ships of the Austro-Hungarian Navy. At that time, these capital ships of theirs will, without exception, follow in the footsteps of the two capital ships that were sunk before, and become the result of the Germans.

"It seems that the Germans are stronger than we expected! However, for the interests of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, for His Majesty the Emperor, and even more for the sake of our nation, I will never order surrender. Order all ships , fight to the death without retreating!" Admiral Anton House ordered.

"Yes, General!" The staff officer immediately went to give the order.

Although, the war became more and more unfavorable to the Austro-Hungarian Navy. However, the Austro-Hungarian Navy did not flee, or even panic, and was still sticking to its post, shooting at the German Navy.

Of course they knew that if the fight continued, their remaining battleships would be eaten up. However, they didn't seem to be afraid at all, as if they had truly seen death as home.

These naval officers and soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire regard the navy as their glory and will not give up easily. What's more, now that the Austro-Hungarian Empire is gone, they have become the hope for the restoration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. No matter what it is for, they must persevere, even if they are really sunk and killed by the Germans.

Admiral Anton House is undoubtedly very proud of being able to have such officers and soldiers. But at the same time, he also blamed himself very much. These excellent soldiers, they should have a better tomorrow, they shouldn't just die here. However, all of this is impossible.

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