Is He Really The Protagonist?

Chapter 113 Hunting Competition

The hunting competitions of three levels were held at the same time, and the nine people were not in the same venue. After all, the hunting competition was simply to test the ability of spiritualists when facing spiritual beasts, and secondarily to test some survivability, so there was no need to compare several people. Individuals compete together.

The site is hundreds of kilometers away from the camp. Everyone's hunting grounds are very large, in contact but not overlapping.

In addition to the original sandy land, the terrain on the site also has other natural or man-made terrains: oases, rivers, Gobi, grasslands, mountains, and even caves.

In short, it is very complex, with many "treasure boxes" placed in the diverse terrain like a game.

Yes, it's a treasure chest, at least that's what the official information says.

There will be weapons, tools, armor, medicines in the treasure chest, and there is a very small chance that food will appear. The main source of food is found in hunting grounds and seeks gifts from nature.

The entire hunting competition will be broadcast live on the forum through the thousands of faces of the contestants and the cameras of the cellular drones.

Xiao Bosheng's hunting ground was relatively far away, so he first took an off-road vehicle to the outside of the hunting ground. He set off at eight in the morning, and when he arrived it was already past ten noon, and everyone else was already in place.

Then transfer to a helicopter and arrive at the ‘birth point’ half an hour later.

The helicopter hovered on the sand outside an oasis. The wind brought by the propeller blew downward, and the yellow sand spread around like water waves.

The bearded man sitting in the passenger seat fiddled with his helmet and turned around and said, "Everyone else is in place, Xingchen, you can get ready to get off. I wish you a good result."

Xingchen raised the index and middle fingers of his right hand together and scratched the tip of his brow: "I'd like to lend you some good words, Mr. Eck."

After descending along the rope ladder for a while, he jumped off. After slightly bending his knees to offset the impact of the fall, Xiao Bosheng raised his hand to signal to the helicopter above. The rope ladder was retracted and the helicopter left. It would pick him up at seven o'clock the day after tomorrow.

The sand was a bit soft, so he pulled out his feet that were stuck in the sand and walked towards the oasis not far away. He was going to stay here for two nights, so a place to stay was essential.

Rest, recuperate, and store supplies.

Even if you are just looking for a more comfortable tree branch, you still need to search to find out that it is not the case.

I just observed this oasis while on the helicopter. It is quite large and has a lake in the center. I don’t know where the water comes from.

He landed on the south side of the lake. There was a high slope on the other side of the lake, which was the highest place nearby. He planned to look for a place to camp on that slope.

The hunting ground is located closer to the south than the Tropic of Capricorn. At this time, there is still more than a month before the winter solstice. Camping on this south-facing slope can reduce the sun exposure and prevent it from getting too hot.

Now he has nothing but the Thousand Faces on his face, the clothes on his body, and the empty backpack behind him.

Since he was going to stay here for three days anyway, and he was not in a hurry, Xiao Bosheng decided to find a camping location, search for supplies, and explore the distribution of spirit beasts and terrain conditions nearby, and then start the official hunting later.

Stepping out of the yellow sand, we stepped into the transition zone between oasis and desert - a slightly sparse grassland. The ground changed from sand that would sink as soon as we stepped on it to slightly hardened land.

Xiao Bosheng activated his star pupils, bent down slightly, and then shot out.

There are small groups of green grass on the grass, with large gaps in the middle exposing the white land below. Walking through the grassland into the jungle, relatively tall Populus euphratica, low Haloxylon ammodendron trees, thorny jujube trees and some cactus trees were scattered in an orderly manner, hindering Xiao Bosheng's progress.

Under the influence of Xingpu, the plants, stones, soil and other information within the field of vision are collected in the brain, and a reasonable route is quickly planned for oneself.

Xiao Bosheng has complete control of his own speed and balance, constantly adjusting his body's center of gravity to avoid obstacles, and his forward speed does not slow down at all.

And along with the information gathered by Xingtong, there are also various spiritual energy fluctuations.

The reason why there are these spiritual energy fluctuations is not only the spiritual beasts, but also the treasure boxes placed in the venue.

In order to facilitate the recovery of spirit beasts and materials after the game, all spirit beasts and treasure chests in the hunting ground are marked with spiritual power. Therefore, Xiao Bosheng is not in a hurry to find supplies. He can quickly find them through spiritual energy fluctuations.

The spiritual energy fluctuations of spirit beasts and treasure boxes are slightly different. On the one hand, the treasure box will not move. On the other hand, the spirit beast has its own spiritual energy, not just the spiritual energy marked by spiritual power.

After avoiding spirit beasts along the road and marking the distribution of spirit beasts and the location of treasure chests on the map built into Qianmian, Xiao Bosheng quickly passed by.

Half an hour later, Xiao Bosheng arrived at the foot of the high slope. Not far down the slope was a huge lake. It took him so long because he had to avoid the lake.

Standing at the bottom of the slope, I discovered that this is a hillside mainly composed of boulders, with some unknown green plants stubbornly poking out from the cracks in the rocks.

After climbing up for a while, he soon found a suitable camping spot.

Two irregular stones are drilled out of the soil, and the exposed parts are nestled together. In the middle of them, where they are in contact with the ground, the two stones are concave inward, so there is a north-south, through-hole-like hole.

The gap is not very wide, about one meter wide, but it is very deep and transparent on both sides. It's more partial internally. There was some gravel and no animal droppings were found.

After Xiao Bosheng cleared away the rubble, he moved several large stones from other places and blocked the north entrance.

After patting the dust on his hands, Xiao Bosheng gave up the idea of ​​resting here for a while because the temperature was high and the two stones were emitting bursts of heat.

The hole on one side is blocked and there is no ventilation. It will be extremely hot to stay in here during the day, but it is still suitable for night, and there is no need to light a fire to preserve body temperature.

Continuing to climb up, he soon reached the top of the high slope and had a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery.

Further north is the Gobi Desert, where large and small gravels and coarse sand lie lifelessly on the ground. Dry ditches were intended to bring a bit of agility to the ground, but unexpectedly turned into ugly scars. .

There is yellow sand to the west and south, and waxy green plants can be faintly seen in the yellow-brown sand. At that time, the most unyielding fighter in this world, even though the enemy was outnumbered and the long yellow sand was ready to crush them at any time, he never took a step back.

To the east is the anti-sand forest, and this small oasis under the high slope is the most prominent one among the rows of green guards. Like a red-eyed young general, he rushes out of the battle formation and faces the yellow enemy army. However, he also has to face the yellow sand and the Gobi desert on three sides. The situation is not optimistic.

After briefly determining the surrounding terrain, Xiao Bosheng quickly determined the next main attack direction: the sand prevention forest in the east.

In the Gobi Desert in the north, you have to climb this high slope first, or go around it, which is not very convenient. The sand will sink when you step on it, so you need to spend more time balancing yourself.

In comparison, the woodland is better, and based on animal instincts, the number of spiritual beasts in the woodland is greater than that in the sand and the Gobi.

Because there are plenty of hiding spots, food, and no need to endure the scorching sun.

Of course, you still need to see the desert and Gobi terrain. Choose the time to visit in the morning or evening, which is cooler.

After finding the camp site, observing the surrounding terrain, and determining the next main attack direction, it was clear what to do next.

Find supplies, replenish energy, lay traps around the camp, and finally the main task: hunting.

Descending from the hillside, I found a large poplar tree, climbed up and rested on the branch. The dense leaves blocked the sun and prevented further evaporation of body moisture.

He had been running with the help of Xingpu along the way. Both physically and mentally, he felt tired at this time. Searching for supplies was still an energy-consuming task. Of course, he needed to recover.

The sun was high in the sky, and Xiao Bosheng, who was in the forest, didn't feel that obvious. He looked at the time and saw that it was just past twelve o'clock.

I jumped down from the tree and moved my limbs that were slightly stiff from holding one position for a long time.

I zoomed in on the built-in map and planned a route.

Inspire the stars and let’s go!

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