Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 43 Volunteer Application, Campus Promotional Video

So far, the number of teachers at Shanhe University has reached 500.

What surprised Su Bai was that among the many resumes he had received in the past two days, there was actually a professor who had absolutely nothing to do with him.

He Guangming, applied for the position of dean of the School of Electronic Engineering at Shanhe University.

Having never heard of this name, Su Bai silently copied it a thousand times.

As expected, it is not easy for anyone who has the confidence to apply for the position of dean of Shanhe University.

"He Guangming, a famous professor of electronic engineering, has been engaged in research work in mechanical automation, electronic circuits, and software engineering for many years. As the person in charge, he has hosted and participated in many national key research projects, and has been published in famous domestic and foreign journals and important journals such as SCI. Published hundreds of academic papers at international conferences...》

"Among them, the most recent research project that He Guangming participated in was the research and development of photolithography machines..."

Good guy, Su Bai called him "good guy" after reading it.

Didn’t you expect that the first thing that would catch the bait you threw out would be a fish that couldn’t be bigger?

Just looking at this resume, with a proper national academician level, the honors you have received are simply too many, right?

Su Bai couldn't help but praise He Guangming's introduction.

The most important thing is that although he has won numerous awards and participated in many national key research projects, what is surprising is that he is only in his early thirties.

The professor in his early thirties has won numerous honors and participated in many major projects.

The only difference between him and a national academician is that he is too young, right?

He is only in his early thirties. If I remember correctly, the youngest national academician in China is only nearly forty years old. With his qualifications, he can definitely be selected as a national academician.

Su Bai also knew the purpose of submitting his resume.

In the past few days, I intercepted a piece of teaching material and randomly cast it across the net. The professor's content happened to be related to the technology of photolithography machines.

The most recent research project is a photolithography machine. It seems that I must have suffered a lot on it, right?

No wonder this guy caught a big fish when he first arrived. How impatient was he?

After Su Bai quickly replied, he stopped what he was doing and left the next review to Xiao Ai.

Tomorrow is the time to fill in the application form.

A few days ago, I had sent the admission scores of Shanhe University to the Education Bureau.

I just sent it, but I didn't expect that the outrageous score line would alarm the director of the Education Bureau. He had to talk to me about it, but in the end he didn't change it.

According to the experience of previous years, major universities will also release some campus promotional videos before filling in the application form.

This is also an indispensable part of the admissions office every year. If the promotional video is done well, it can really affect the number of admissions to a certain extent.

Before filling in their application, each student will learn about their future school in advance.

If the promotional video is in place, a video can help new students understand the beauty of the campus. From the living environment to the learning environment, everyone can know the basic necessities of life at a glance.

After all, with the same score line, who wouldn’t want to apply for a school that is more suitable for them and has a good learning environment?

As a result, many colleges and universities have already produced promotional videos overnight or even in advance before filling out the application form.

However, the promotional videos of most schools are all the same, and there is nothing except some nonsense that is said but not said. The only interesting thing is probably the environment and learning atmosphere of the school.

However, with the changes of the times, some schools’ promotional videos have become much more interesting after the post-00s generation took over.

Some funny promotional videos also let everyone know about some less famous schools, and they successfully completed this year's enrollment quota only through promotional videos.

In a stagnant education industry, these fresh schools that keep up with the trend have also brought a little bit of vitality to the education industry.

Su Bai was worried about how to make this promotional video.

You said shooting real scenes? Shanhe University has not even been built yet. What are you shooting? The construction site?

The entire Shanhe University was still under construction, so even if I wanted to take a picture, I couldn't.

If you have established yourself, even if you shoot casually, you will still be inferior to these colleges and universities. The shooting mode of promotional videos has not changed for decades.

It has been going on for decades, and the background music from who knows how many years ago can only be heard in promotional videos of major universities.

Whole job?

Forget it, it’s a promotional video after all, so let’s be more serious.

After thinking about it, Su Bai soon thought of a way.

Since Shanhe University has not been built yet, wouldn’t it be enough to let it be “built” by ourselves?

Just do it.

Su Bai immediately turned on the computer and started working directly.

Through 3D modeling and skilled video PS and PR editing, and with the help of Xiao Ai, the general appearance of Shanhe University in the future was made.

Su Bai then began to record the promotional video by simulating the first-person perspective, which included...

After an all-night production, Su Bai finally produced this epic science fiction-level promotional film with the help of Xiao Ai at three or four in the morning.

After finishing all the special effects in post-production, Su Bai finally couldn't help but save the video and fell asleep directly.


Noon sharp the next day.

The voluntary reporting system was officially opened and lasted for three days. After three days, the system was closed.

At the same time, the Education Bureau also released the admission scores of major colleges and universities for the latest year, and the rankings were based on the scores from high to low.

The first thing everyone saw was Shanhe University, which was ranked just below Qingbei and Yanjing. The admission score started at 660, with the special exception of the Institute of National Defense Science and Technology.

On the first day when the system was opened, not many people started filling in applications directly.

During these three days, candidates can carefully review the enrollment information of each college, admission scores, major settings and other relevant information.

Develop a reasonable, scientific and practical volunteer application plan based on your own situation.

Although three days is not a long time, it is almost a lifetime matter, so you must take it seriously and take advantage of it.

At the same time, major universities that have not released promotional videos have also released them one after another.

The role of promotional videos is very good in allowing students to choose a school that is more suitable for them. Only the school that suits them best is the best.

Today's short video software is simply a battle of gods. Major universities are really using all kinds of methods to recruit students.

The main thing that represents the post-00s generation is abstraction. It can be as abstract as it is and as funny as it can be.

After reading it, many people couldn't help but laugh in the comment area and warned them to be careful that the leader is not satisfied. In the eyes of some people, this damages the image of the school and they will be fired!

Of course, there are also many old-school videos, which are still shot in decades ago. They are videos that make you feel drowsy after just one glance.

This kind of video is basically deleted by netizens as soon as it starts. Even if you stay for a second longer, you are not confident in your own aesthetics.

At the same time, inside the Qingbei Admissions Office...

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