Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 44 Qingbei Propaganda Video, The Meaning Of Life

At the same time, in the Qingbei Admissions Office.

Liu Jun was watching the completed Qingbei propaganda video.

In order to complete the enrollment plan this year, I specially found well-known domestic directors and screenwriters, and also interviewed many students on campus.

The promotional video is not long, about ten minutes.

Different schools have different ideological levels.

At the same time, the mission is different.

Some people may think that all education methods in China are very traditional, old and rigid.

But...that's just for some ordinary universities. Their role is to cultivate learning machines and train generations of workers...

Only after you really get into a good university, you will find that university life seems exciting.

Qingbei, one of the top universities in China.

Here, he will not tell you how to study to get better grades.

What he will tell you is how to make your life in college meaningful.

And how will life be meaningful in the future.

Life has no meaning. Meaning is defined by humans and is waiting for you to give it meaning.

When you still think that the world remains unchanged and education remains the same.

As everyone knows, these universities are at the forefront of the world, can't reach them...

The Qingbei promotional video has no campus propaganda, no bells and whistles, and no handsome guys or beauties...

Ten minutes, a short movie.

What he tells everyone is how to find the meaning of life in the passing time and cherish every moment of the present.

The today you waste is the tomorrow that those who died yesterday longed for.

The present that you hate is the past that you cannot go back to in the future.


Upload, publish.

This year's promotional video is better than ever, and the original recruitment target of 6,000 should be exceeded.

For some reason, at this moment, he suddenly thought of Shanhe University, which had become very popular recently.

In terms of popularity alone, the recent Shanhe University is definitely the most popular among all universities in the country, and it also has the highest popularity.

Every time this time comes in previous years.

As the volunteer application process approaches, Qingbei and Yanjing should be hotly discussed topics among netizens every year.

But this year is different.

The attention of netizens was attracted by a junior college, Shanhe University, which was built through online crowdfunding...

Shanhe University can’t really recruit people, can it?

An idea suddenly appeared in his mind, but he quickly shook his head.

As the director of the Admissions Office, he will always pay attention to public opinions on the Internet and some hot news in the days before the application period.

In the past two days, he also learned about Shanhe University.

From the establishment of the school to the current recruitment of national academicians.

It can be said that this young principal has made more big moves in one month than any school can plan in several years.

If it weren't for the fact that he was actually just a private junior college, it would really be possible for him to sprint to 985 and 211 in the future.

But unfortunately, a junior college is a junior college. This is an indisputable reality.

Now that you are ready to have admission scores comparable to Qingbei and Yanjing, I hope you can keep up in other aspects.

For example...the promotional video at this time!

In the Yanjing Admissions Office.

Feng Huai also sighed after watching this year's promotional video.

"If one day, powerful AI makes the acquisition of knowledge extremely convenient, then is it necessary for universities to exist? 》

The video adopts the theme of science and technology, and it is also a short film of about ten minutes.

This year's promotional video is indeed much better than before. Even after watching it myself, I felt deeply.

When the time came, Feng Huai uploaded the video and calculated that this year's enrollment target would be exceeded.

After uploading the video, he did not exit immediately. After clicking on the hot search, he saw a familiar name again.

Shanhe University......

Even after two days, the popularity of Shanhe University has not diminished at all.

Feng Huai was stunned when he saw this, but he soon felt relieved.

No matter how popular Shanhe University is, it will not change the minds of some top talents.

In his eyes, Shanhe University's admission score of over 600 points was nothing more than sensationalism and had absolutely no rationality at all.

I don’t know why the Education Bureau didn’t release this year’s list of the top 100 students in the province and the list of top scorers, so everyone hasn’t been able to grab any students in advance until now.

He also went to inquire about it overtly or covertly, but the people over there seemed to have received some news and would not tell him whether he was alive or dead.

But he was relieved when he learned that other schools also had no lists.

Even if there is no early recruitment, I believe that Peking University will be able to over-enroll when applying for admission. This is the confidence of being a top university in China!


There is no suspense.

As soon as the promotional video for Qingbei and Yanjing was released, the video quickly reached one million likes.

The comment section was full of praise. This is the kind of promotional video a top university should have.

Among a bunch of rigid and superficial propaganda videos, Qingbei and Yanjing produced such a meaningful video.

Of course, there are still some bad remarks in it. It seems that no matter what Qingbei does, they always criticize him.

Qingbei is one of the top universities in China. It has cultivated countless outstanding talents and has made very important contributions to China and even the world.

However, as a university on Chinese soil, it relies on China for everything, but it has been continuously supplying talents to foreign countries.

According to incomplete statistics, nearly 50% of Tsinghua University graduates go abroad for further study and work.

In other words, nearly 50 of the 100 fresh graduates in each class choose to study or work overseas.

What is the concept? Fully half of the brainpower is lost, and only a few students who graduate from these prestigious schools choose to return to their country after going overseas.

Among the top 500 companies in the world, fully 90% of them, both at home and abroad, have top managers from China.

There are also some research and development that can change a certain field of research, which are also Chinese, but this credit lies with Yingjiang and some Western powers.

Those people should not be said to be Chinese, but should be called ethnic Chinese.

Although the blood flowing through my body is Chinese blood, my heart is not Chinese heart.

In addition to problems in the education industry, the domestic employment environment also plays a large role.

Greedy capitalists and sophisticated people cannot move forward without connections.

This is the biggest problem facing the country and the root cause of brain drain.

But some of Qingbei's operations also caused everyone to turn their guns and point them at it.

The label of "worshiping foreigners and favoring foreigners" can be said to have followed the Qing Dynasty for who knows how many years.

A university that makes all Chinese people proud, yet it has double standards when it comes to international students, which has disgusted countless netizens.

Until now, if someone talks about Qingbei, their first impression is that they worship foreigners and ignore other Western countries.

The emergence of Shanhe University is not only to change these problems in education, but also to fundamentally change them from the source!

As for those students and teachers who like to worship foreign things.

Sorry, go as far as you can. One more you is not more, and one less you is not more.

It’s not that without you, the earth wouldn’t spin.

International student?

Sorry, Shanhe University is permanently closed to foreign countries and does not accept any form of exchange students, international students, etc.

China, with its five thousand years of history, will not be tarnished by any outsider.

As for those capitalists, just wait, it will be your turn next...

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