Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 45 Shanhe University Promotional Video

When promotional videos from major universities were released, everyone was also curious about what Shanhe University's promotional video looked like.

You must know that Shanhe University is still under construction, so there is no place to shoot.

So, how will Shanhe University’s promotional video appear in front of everyone?

Not only major universities are confused, but also many netizens are very confused.

"What do you think Shanhe University's promotional video will be like? I'm slightly looking forward to it."

"Qingbei and Yanjing are indeed top universities. As soon as this promotional video came out, it immediately surpassed all other schools. Isn't this much prettier than those beauties?"

"I wonder what kind of promotional video a college with an admission score of over 600 points can produce. Some schools may not even be able to find the filming location."

"Principal, our score line keeps up with Qingbei, so we can't miss the promotional video. Looking forward to it!"


As promotional videos from major universities were released, there was no movement at all from Shanhe University that everyone was looking forward to.

This gave some little Heizi another chance to pick up the keyboard and start typing again.

As soon as the admission score of more than 600 points was announced, some netizens felt that Shanhe University was just trying to please others.

No matter how popular you are, you are still just a junior college student. Why is the score line higher than 600?

Some netizens have already begun to predict that it would be fine if Shanhe University had normal enrollment, but with an admission score of over 600 points, no one would sign up at all.

After all, with more than 600 points, you can choose from all the universities in the country. It's not good for others to choose, but you want to come to your junior college?

But most netizens still support Shanhe University as mentioned before.

They are originally on the elite route. The school is more luxurious than any other school, the teachers are strong, and the admission score is higher. Why?

This is the lineup, and when the time comes, it will be matched with a group of top students.

What about 985 and 211? Aren’t they going to be slapped casually when the time comes?

However, as the protagonist of the incident, he is still sleeping soundly in bed until now.

But the less Shanhe University responded, the more joyfully these people danced. Before, they were sarcastic, but now they started to name names and ridicule.

When Su Bai woke up, he was stunned when he saw the scolding in the comment section of the promotional videos of major universities.

When did he say that Shanhe University had no promotional videos?

This group of netizens really love to add drama to themselves.

Ignoring this clown, Su Bai watched the promotional video he made all night and uploaded it directly to the official account after finding nothing wrong.

Upload successful!

As the notification that the upload was successful popped up, netizens who had been arguing with each other in the comment area just now received an update notification.

Then they stopped the quarrel and clicked on the video just released by Shanhe University.

At the beginning of the video, the transition of the four major schools made netizens feel the majestic atmosphere. The four corresponding mythical beasts above seemed to be alive and spiritual.

Then, the camera turned, and the sun appeared in the camera, with a hint of hazyness.

In the camera, the large flat-floor dormitory appeared in the eyes of everyone from the first perspective, including the soft big bed underneath.

A sense of high quality arises spontaneously.

Daily washing and grooming after getting up.

After everything is done, go out.

After pressing the elevator button and leaving the dormitory, what I saw was the beauty of nature.

A few minutes later, POV came to the cafeteria, ordered a breakfast and then walked out of the cafeteria.

The perspective changed again, and everyone realized that the camera had reached the subway.

A prompt also came from the radio.

"A day's plan starts in the morning, and a good day starts now."

"Shanhe University warmly reminds you that the next stop is the law school."

"Students who want to get off the bus, please..."

The perspective follows the subway. After exiting the subway station, the dignified and coercive law school appears in everyone's sight.

For a moment, everyone didn't know how to describe this scene. This building was different from any other building in the world view, and it seemed as if it didn't belong to this world.

But before they could recover, the first-person perspective in the video was already heading towards the law school.

A classroom I have never seen before, the atmosphere of the class...

Soon, get out of class was over.

After packing up the notes, everyone came to the snack street.

Different from the canteen, here there are all kinds of delicacies from all over the world. You can find almost anything you want to eat here.

Campus card payment is also used here, and the prices are high quality and very cheap.

After finishing the meal, the video took everyone through every corner of the campus, including the 100-meter-high administrative building, the teaching building full of technology, and the exquisite dormitory building...

There is no sound in the whole process, only the original sounds in the video scene.

The main focus is an immersive experience.

Finally, we came to the part that everyone was most looking forward to, the evening.

After another scene, the sky was already dark, and everyone's eyes came to leisure places such as gyms and KTVs.

There is no so-called chaos, everyone enjoys the most relaxing moment of every day in their free time...

The day's campus life experience is over, and the video is almost over.

At the end of the video, Su Bai invites thousands of students and declares Shanhe University’s commitment to permanently ban opening to foreign countries.

This is the end.

The promotional video does not have any explanation in the whole process, but only shows a fulfilling day at Shanhe University from a student's perspective.

In the video, there are students with smiles on their faces all day long, happy classes, and colorful university life...

All these have touched the hearts of thousands of netizens.

It seems to say nothing, and yet it seems to say everything.

It was just a very ordinary day in college life, but it touched countless netizens.

Isn’t the life in this video the ideal college career of major netizens?

Four fulfilling years have made my life meaningful.

The gym can help you have a healthy body in the future.

KTV allows everyone to make more friends and relax from the stress accumulated throughout the day...

It was not until the video ended that the netizens who watched it gradually came back to their senses.

They had just been completely substituted into the video under the guidance of the first-person perspective, and it was as if they had experienced that day in person.

Now, after waking up from the dream, they found that they had unknowingly entered into the daily life of Shanhe University.

The netizens who came back to their senses took a deep breath before slowly calming down, but then they became excited again.

Is this the future Shanhe University? This promotional video, I would call it the strongest promotional video this year, bar none!

This promotional video is cut in the most realistic way, so that almost everyone can't help but become involved in it.

Wonderful, really wonderful!

As soon as this promotional video came out, the idea of ​​applying for Shanhe University no matter what happened soon appeared in the minds of thousands of students...

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