At the Education Bureau headquarters, the backstage staff were shocked when they looked at the real-time data that was constantly refreshing.

Since the volunteer application system was opened on time, Qingbei, Yanjing and many well-known schools are far ahead of other schools.

One of the junior colleges is also very conspicuous among these famous schools.

Shanhe University.

This staff member has heard some news about this school recently, but he really didn't expect that such a university that was crowdfunded from the entire Internet could be included in many famous schools. It is really rare.

But soon, the expression of surprise turned into shock!

For some reason, after a while, Shanhe University's data was neither up nor down, and it was sandwiched in the middle of a number of prestigious schools.

But at one moment, the number of applicants for Shanhe University increased suddenly, surpassing several schools in a row.

This is not over yet. This sudden increase is like turning on some switch. The number of applicants for Shanhe University suddenly increased exponentially.

In just a few minutes, he directly surpassed many famous schools such as Qingbei Yanjing and climbed to the first place!

For this feat, even though this staff member has handled application data for decades, he has never seen such a college that can surpass all the famous schools and reach the first place.

And that terrifying growth rate shows no sign of stopping, and continues to skyrocket as time goes by!

Just as he was stunned, the number of applicants for Shanhe University exceeded 10,000!

As for Qingbei and other prestigious schools below, the number of applicants at this time was only one or two thousand. This was simply a crushing, crushing without any suspense!

You must know that less than an hour has passed since the voluntary application system was completed, and the number of applicants for Shanhe University has already exceeded 10,000!

Even the university with the largest number of applicants in previous years barely reached 10,000 applicants halfway through the first day.

But now, a junior college has achieved the feat of exceeding 10,000 applicants in one hour!

This has almost never happened in the entire history of college entrance examination.

Once announced, it may even be recorded in history!

After discovering that the number of people at Shanhe University exceeded 10,000, the staff recovered and hurriedly reported to the superiors.

The sudden surge in data is not yet certain to be true or false. It would be a big deal if it was an error in the data.

This matter was reported to the public at all levels, and finally even the director of the National Education Bureau came to inspect it personally!

Li Zhixue, director of the National Education Bureau, was also shocked when he received the news.

Before this, the sudden explosion caused by the establishment of Shanhe University alarmed the National Education Bureau once.

However, after in-depth investigation at that time, it was found that there was no problem with Shanhe University and all the qualifications for running a school were complete.

At that time, after listening to what the young comrade from Shanhe University said about the Shanhe Pledge, I felt that this was a talent that could be made.

It is rare to have such ideological awareness at this age!

I thought before that Shanhe University would definitely have a foothold in China in the future, but I didn’t expect it to happen so quickly!

In the past half month, I have been paying close attention to Shanhe University.

Every move Shanhe University makes surprises me, but I didn't expect that now it would give me another big surprise!

The number of people who took the exam exceeded 10,000 in one hour. If this were true...

Director Li can't even think about it. If this is true, should Shanhe University be called a junior college or a top university in the country?


The next day, the National Education Bureau’s Houbo account posted an announcement.

"Congratulations to Shanhe University for the first time the number of applicants exceeded 700,000, setting a record high!" 》

That's right, before the next day, the number of applicants for Shanhe University successfully exceeded 700,000, setting an unprecedented record in history!

At this time, the comment area was also surprised to discuss the number of applicants for Shanhe University.

Even the National Education Bureau personally posted a post to celebrate, which has never happened before.

"What? There are already 700,000 people applying for the exam on the first day. No, no one told me the competition is so fierce!"

"I'm stupid. I thought it was outrageous that most of the students in our class applied for Shanhe University, but I didn't expect that it would be even more outrageous here!"

"On the first day, there are already 700,000 applicants, but the enrollment quota is only 10,000. This can be called the cream of the crop. Is it so difficult?"

"Actually, it's not that difficult... As far as I know, nine out of ten of my friends who applied for Shanhe University only got 300 or 400 points. I just want to show my attitude... "

"Damn it, there are really so many people applying for Shanhe University. There won't be many people with over 600 points among them, right? No, I really want to go to Shanhe University!"


With certification from the National Education Bureau, netizens will not doubt the authenticity of this data.

It's just that everyone can't believe that so many people have applied for Shanhe University on the first day. If the three days are over, how many people will apply?

And as soon as the number of applicants came out, those who had previously mocked Shanhe University for not being able to recruit students were slapped in the face again.

Qingbei Admissions Office.

" come there are so many people applying for Shanhe University?"

Liu Jun was already sweating a little when he saw the news released by the National Education Bureau.

Although it was expected yesterday that the number of applicants for Shanhe University would exceed everyone's imagination.

But they never imagined that this number would be 700,000 people applying for the exam!

This is only the first day. If the three days are added up and the current trend is followed, the final number of applicants for Shanhe University will be at least one million!

Damn it, one million, what is this concept?

You must know that if we look back at any time in history, the total number of applicants for any school has not exceeded 100,000.

The difference between one hundred thousand and one million is ten times. The key is that they have never even reached that tenth!

There are tens of millions of candidates, but Shanhe University alone has millions. How can these universities play with this? Where can they put the face of these prestigious universities?

Who is the top university in the country? ! !

"Ding ding ding~"

A cell phone rang.

Liu Jun picked up the phone and looked at it, and his face suddenly turned green.


Good guy, why are you here to punish me so soon?


Yanjing Admissions Office.

Feng Huai looked at the news released by the National Education Bureau and smiled bitterly.

Shanhe University is truly the biggest dark horse among all universities this year, and has even directly surpassed all domestic universities in one fell swoop.

The number of applicants for Yanjing University also came out on the first day, with only 10,000 applicants.

In previous years, the number of applicants has never dropped below 20,000 on the first day of admission. This is the first time that the number of applicants has dropped by half even though Yanjing did not recruit students in advance!

This matter is so important, it won't be long before someone calls.

"Ding ding ding~"

Feng Huai's expression changed when he heard the ringtone on his cell phone, saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.


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