Is It Harder To Get Admitted To Your Junior College Than Qingbei?

Chapter 51 The Voluntary Application System Is Closed

This scene was not only played out in the two domestic first-class universities in Qingbei and Yanjing, but also in major universities across the country.

The fact that Shanhe University had 700,000 applicants for the first time was announced by the Education Bureau, and it quickly became a hot search topic on major forums and video software.

Moreover, such important matters related to the development of major universities are already known to everyone almost as soon as they appear one second and the next second.

Ever since, the cell phones of the admissions directors of major universities rang at the same time, followed by a series of small attacks.

After hearing that the enrollment of his school has dropped by half compared to previous years, the principal directly said:

"No matter what methods you try, you must increase the number of applicants within today."

"Won't you promote it more if no one applies?"

"Why can't Shanhe University make such a promotional video but you can't? Are you still worse than a junior college? What use do I need from you?"

"You ask me what to do, whether I recruit students or you recruit students, can you use your brain to think about it?"


Soon, after being scolded, the admissions director finally hung up the phone.

"Huh." The admissions director breathed a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone.

But soon his face turned ugly again.

The above leaders don't care about anything. Whenever something goes wrong or there is any drudgery, they will think about their subordinates.

But there is nothing I can do. They are the leaders and I am the subordinates. I can’t express my suffering...

These leaders did not think long and hard. The number of applicants was reduced by half on the first day, and they even asked themselves to restore the number of applicants to previous years within the next day.

Isn't this just a dream and a whim?

The momentum of Shanhe University is still growing. Now, if major universities can maintain the same growth rate as yesterday, they would be thankful.

However, this leader is as if he has no brains. He selectively ignores these difficulties and will make things difficult for us subordinates...

As a result, the admissions directors of major universities at this time looked at Shanhe University's hot searches with a look of resentment.

If it hadn't been for this major change this year, according to the expectations of various colleges and universities, the number of applicants would have increased again this year.

After all, the number of people taking the college entrance examination is increasing year by year. This year there are millions more college entrance examination candidates than last year.

These millions, even if they just share a mouthful of soup, will be enough to increase their number of applicants this year.

But now because of the emergence of Shanhe University, there is no increase at all, but because of the decrease, I was called and scolded.

However, it seems that today's time is almost half over, and major colleges and universities are trying their best to attract everyone to enroll.

What's more, some have begun to use honey traps to get the school's good-looking seniors to start school early to recruit students for the school.

There are also some schools where even the principal himself is a weirdo. In order to recruit students, he even dances on stage to welcome netizens to apply for the school.

There is a saying, in this case, the above methods can really attract more students, and the number of applicants has gradually increased.

Schools that had been exposed to scandals in the past are now looking at the application data with livid faces.

The emergence of Shanhe University made their already unsatisfactory number of applicants even worse.

The number of applicants this year has dropped by 90% compared to last year, with only 10% remaining to continue applying.

If this data continues, the volunteer system will be closed in three days, and their school will probably not even be able to recruit all the students!

No one will pity these schools. Their current fate is nothing but their own fault and no one can blame them.

And the 10% of people who applied for the exam actually went there with the mentality of picking up the slack.

Although this school is rubbish, it is the most suitable school among the scores that I cannot stand, otherwise I would not have applied for this school.

And if you are really admitted, you must buy a small camera to "record your life", otherwise you will get "duck neck" or be slandered, which will be unreasonable.


Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In these three days, Shanhe University has more than 900 teachers, which is about 100 teachers short of 1,000.

There are now eight out of dozens of deans, so it is not difficult to recruit them all in the remaining time.

The reason why so many people were suddenly recruited was not only the bait thrown by himself, but also the message released by the National Education Bureau also accounted for a large part.

There were many teachers and professors who were still struggling when they saw that the number of applicants for Shanhe University on the first day exceeded 700,000.

They did not hesitate to send their resumes to the mailbox of Shanhe University.

Some teachers who had already joined the school breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the number of applicants for Shanhe University on the first day.

It seems that I made the right bet!

According to their resumes, it can be said that they are directly employed in any school in China except well-known universities.

But since discovering Shanhe University, and after getting to know each other for a period of time, they finally decided to join Shanhe University.

I was still worried about the future of Shanhe University before. After all, Shanhe University is essentially just a junior college.

And this junior college is different. The admission score is as high as over 600 points, which is higher than the score of many well-known domestic universities.

Only Qingbei and Yanjing, the two top universities in the country, can beat them by a few points on the admission score line.

At this time, some teachers who had signed the employment contract were already a little panicked, and even vaguely regretted their decision to join Shanhe University.

But the final result was unexpected!

As soon as the Shanhe University promotional video came out, countless netizens said that they must apply for Shanhe University no matter what.

Subsequently, the National Education Bureau personally posted a post to congratulate Shanhe University on the first day when the number of applicants exceeded 700,000, setting a record high!


What panic, what regret?

Can you please stop talking nonsense with your eyes open?

For these days, I have been supporting Shanhe University all the time, and I have long regarded myself as a member of Shanhe University.

It’s hard for us to be teachers!

Three days have passed, and the students who filled out their application have already completed it, and the application system has been closed and statistics are being collected.

However, after the number of applicants for the second day came out, many schools still increased slowly as on the first day, and it seemed that the number of students was almost half less than in previous years.

As soon as this data came out, some university leaders immediately hated Shanhe University with hatred.

In their eyes, the reason why the enrollment data is so bad this time must be related to Shanhe University, which is popular all over the Internet.

But it was useless for them to hate. Ever since they learned that Shanhe University cooperated with the country, many colleges and universities had restrained their small actions, which also allowed Su Bai to be quiet for a while.

But in this situation, even if it doesn't come out clearly, it can still give you some stumbling blocks!

Soon after the data statistics were completed, Su Bai clicked in to take a look.

Although I had expected it, it was a different feeling when I actually saw the numbers.


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