He is not a rational person. On the contrary, he is very emotional and is easily moved by small things, but sometimes for the sake of the overall situation, he must suppress the turbulent emotions in his heart.

When you get off work and drag your tired body back home, there is no "welcome home" in your ear, and when the corridor in front of you is dark and empty, loneliness and sadness instantly flood your heart.

But when you open the living room door and find that the people you care about and care about are busy by the stove, the touch brought by a gentle glance is enough to dispel all fatigue and pain.

Bai Ye found that he really longed to be with the people he liked, and the hugs and smells from them made him feel at ease.

"Xiaohui, you are really amazing~~"

Here, Kato Megumi struggled to dry the quilt, looking back with gentle eyes, mixed with a hint of helplessness, and put a small hand on Bai Ye's shoulder.

"When the senior said I was great, he meant that I could dry the quilt while I was being held?"

"Xiao Hui, your Tucao skills are getting sharper."

"That's because the things the senior does are getting more and more unexpected, and he suddenly hugs me from behind. If I shout out, I can see the senior in the newspaper headlines tomorrow."

"Please raise your hand to let go of this kind of thing!"

Bai Ye let go of her mouth and became more and more unforgiving, and before letting go, she couldn't help but caress her willow waist that she was holding tightly.

At this moment, an untimely voice broke the warmth.


The embarrassment swept past like a cold wind, as if it blew away the sun.

But Megumi Kato's smile after sighing made Bai Ye feel warmer than the sun.

"Really, the senior didn't eat breakfast, right? If he knew, he brought breakfast. The senior's cooking is obviously better than mine, why should I do it?"

I didn't let you cook, did I?

This sentence Bai Ye only thought about it in his heart, but did not say it.

If you can't read Kato Megumi's words, Shiroi suggested to kiss her now, immediately, immediately, take her first kiss, hold her on the bed and push her down, and get her true heart.


You are completely out of touch with the harem. If you don't cherish the people in front of you, be careful to become the second An Yi Lun.

. . . . . .

Kato Megumi checked the refrigerator and took out a box of sauce, a few eggs, two drumsticks and a handful of vegetables.

"Senior, had a hamburger steak for dinner last night?"

"Yeah." Bai Ye was busy in front of the computer, "How did Xiao Hui see it?"

"Black pepper sauce and steak are a perfect match. There is still unmarinated beef in the refrigerator. Is the senior planning to give Xiao Mi some extra food?"

"Why do you know everything? This is my house. I want to check if you have secretly installed a camera here!"

"Because the senior wrote everything on his face~~"

Exactly the same answer as Friday.

This time, Bai Ye couldn't help rubbing his face.

"Xiaohui, I'll give Xiaomi some extra food at night. I didn't eat breakfast, she's full."

"That's right." Kato Megumi put the beef back in the refrigerator, preventing Xiaomi from picking up the bag, and said seriously, "If Xiaomi wants to eat beef at night, she has to exercise in the afternoon."


It was almost 11 o'clock and it was past breakfast time, so Megumi Kato chose to make lunch.

Compared with Bai Ye's cuisine, her cuisine is more peaceful, and lunch is a household dish known as Neon's home-cooked meal - Parent-Child Don.

"Senior, lunch is ready."

Putting the steaming lunch on the table, Kato Megumi noticed that Shiro was still focused on the computer, so he took a closer look.

There is a lot of text, the front of the text is marked with numbers, the list is clear, and it looks like a contract.

"Is this what the senior has been busy with yesterday?"

Bai Ye stretched his waist, and the scent that floated to the tip of his nose aroused his greed.

"Yesterday and today are all about this. It's better to do this kind of thing yourself. After lunch, we're going to go out."

Kato Megumi wiped the water on her hands and set the tableware.

"Am I going too?"

"That's right, what happened today is none other than Xiaohui."

Bai Ye prepared a small surprise for Kato Megumi. If Xiaohui accepts it readily, 99% of them can announce that An Yilun will also become a "loner".

Although it is not too bad to announce it now.

"Let's eat, Xiaohui's craft is my first time trying!"


PS: The reward progress report is 33 (9700/10000), and it owes 6 updates. This is a reward update.

Thank you [Shang Zhongyong] for the dog food, and [I would die without senior sister] for the dog food.

It's really strange why I still owe 6 updates even after paying one more update. . .

I will pay one more update tomorrow, and I will still owe 6 more updates.

Chapter 177 Chapter 175

Kato's self-recommendation for cooking was clear in the night.

Happiness has to be mastered by oneself, and hard work will pay off. This sentence applies to anyone at any time.

Megumi Kato paid and deserved to be rewarded. When he responded to Megumi Kato, why wasn't he also gaining?

The coffee table is a square table, and the tableware and chopsticks are placed on both sides by Kato Megumi.

Holding the bowl and chopsticks, Bai Ye got up and came to Kato Megumi and sat down next to her.


"It's more convenient to watch TV here."

Kato Megumi moved away silently, a flash of joy flashing in her pale yellow eyes.

"The TV hasn't been turned on yet, how should I watch it?"

"Then trouble Xiaohui! Ah... I haven't eaten all morning, I don't even have the strength to pick up the remote control..."

"The job is much heavier than the remote control, senior."

Kato Megumi got up and took the remote control to turn on the TV. When he came back, he pulled his clothes.

"Senior, if I go out today, will my suit fit?"

Bai Ye looked up and down, and finally paused for a few seconds on the black silk on her half-neck.

"very suitable."

Kato Megumi crossed her legs, rubbed her left foot lightly behind her right foot, slightly raised her right jade toe, and the sun shined through the gleaming black silk, and she could see the girl's crystal clear skin underneath.

"Senior, staring at girls' stockings all the time will give a bad impression."

"Ah... I'm sorry I'm sorry..."

Bai Ye coughed a few times, admitting that he was Meng Lang.

If there is a chance next time, he will continue, the soul of stockings control will never die!

Looking at it again, he found that Kato Megumi was very particular about what she was wearing today.

The upper body is lined with white knots and a dark coat, the lower body is a blue pleated skirt, and the feet are pink slippers... It doesn't matter much.

On the whole, it seems to have both the attributes of home and going out. She must have thought about the possibility of going out today.

"Enough is enough, I didn't go to a place that needs seriousness today. Xiaohui is willing to go with me, which has already saved me a lot of face."

"However, the senior still hasn't told me what to do today."

Bai Ye returned with a meaningful smile.

"Xiaohui is so smart, she should have guessed it."

Kato Megumi was expressionless, and gave Bai Ye a piece of chicken thigh meat in his bowl.

"I don't know, because the senior has always been mysterious."


After lunch, Bai Ye put the printed documents into his backpack, called Kato Megumi, who was washing the dishes and taking off his apron, and the two went out together and rode on their beloved little motorcycle.

Megumi Kato sat in the back seat with Bai Ye's backpack in his arms, and put his small hands on Bai Ye's shoulders to maintain balance.

"Can you say it now, senior, I'm already in the car, and I can't escape."

"Actually, I'm going to sign a contract. This is what I've been busy with this week."

Kato Megumi's eyes didn't change in the rear mirror, Bai Ye knew that something so obvious couldn't help her.

"The contract of the gourmet manual, the senior decided to take it?"


Bai Ye could sense that Megumi Kato was dissatisfied with her current status in "The Flash Girl".

Shi Yu is the screenwriter and copywriter, Ying Lili is in charge of art, and the newcomer Michitome Bingtang is the music producer, and even the most useless An Yi Lun also holds the position of "general in charge".

And she is just a "heroine" who has no reputation. She doesn't have her own areas of expertise like the others, and she has little effect on the advancement of "Glitter Girl".

Although An Yilun also asked her to keep replenishing her knowledge, everyone knew his true purpose, and it didn't matter whether she did something or not, it didn't matter if she was an empty vase, as long as people were there.

Bai Ye doesn't know why Kato Megumi agreed to join the club at the beginning, but it doesn't matter. Today, he will give Kato Megumi a new position in the club, so that she will no longer be a "mediocre vase".

This society, of course, is his "Gourmet Handbook".


The scooter stopped in front of the shopping mall they used to go to, and Bai Ye walked into Coffee\'shouse with Kato Megumi and came to a reserved booth.

"Please sit down, Xiaohui."

Bai Ye patted the seat next to him, and Kato Megumi sat down in response.

"Well... can Xiaohui get closer?"

Kato Megumi looked at the distance of half a body from Bai Ye, looked up and said:

"If we sit too close to each other, will we make a bad impression on each other?"

"It's alright!" Bai Ye said with an open-minded expression, "I said it at noon, it's not a serious matter, just take it as a day to go shopping together."

"Even when I was shopping, I didn't stick with the senior. What the senior said was very strange, and I felt that he was taking advantage of me all the time."


Kato Megumi didn't get close to each other, and still kept a distance.

Bai Ye shrugged, this distance is enough to show that their relationship is not ordinary.

After a while, a boy with a briefcase came to the booth and stretched out his hand towards Bai Ye.

"Mr. Xiao, it seems that you were earlier."

"Good noon, Mr. Hijikata."

After a while of greeting, the other party took out the contract in duplicate and handed it over to Bai Ye.

"Mr. Xiao is young and promising. It's great to be able to take over the production of the food manual. If there is no problem, let's sign the contract."

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Hijikata."

Bai Ye didn't sign it immediately, but handed the contract to Megumi Kato and winked at her at the same time.

"Please, Xiaohui."

Kato Megumi understood, took out the contract he brought from his backpack, and compared it with the contract handed by Mr. Hijikata according to the place marked in red by Bai Ye.

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