"Mr. Hijikata, although the food manual is fully entrusted to me to make, the right to pass is still in your company's hands. Regarding the details of the layout, if we have time, let's talk about it now?"

Seeing Megumi Kato's concentration, a drop of sweat dripped from Mr. Hijikata's forehead.

"Our company has always advocated strictness and quality, and Mr. Xiao can rest assured about the contract."

"Don't worry, I've always been very at ease with Xiaohui!"


After a while, Kato Megumi patted Bai Ye lightly and handed him the contract back.

Bai Ye opened the contract and saw the part where Megumi Kato drew a circle with a pencil. He couldn't help but smile, and confidently pushed the contract to Mr. Hijikata.

"It may be that your company's employees are too busy, and I can understand that the contract is slightly flawed. As long as it is revised, what do you think, Mr. Hijikata?"

"Let me see... Well, it's my problem. I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao, this is someone else's contract. I got it wrong when I was in a hurry."

With a formal smile, Mr. Hijikata took out a new contract from his briefcase.

Bai Ye shrugged, took over the contract, flipped through it, and signed his name with a flick of a pen.

"I wish us a happy cooperation."

"It's a pleasure to work with, and Mr. Xiao has a great secretary, and he will definitely achieve great things in the future."

Bai Ye smiled, and he was very happy to hear that Kato Megumi was recognized.

"Thank you for the compliment, but Xiaohui is not just my secretary."


PS: The reward progress report is 33 (5100/10000), and 7 updates are due. This is a normal update.

Thank you for the spicy strips of [Yingli Li Tianwaifeixian], the spicy strips of [Reconstructed God of War], the dog food of [Awu Egg], and the 2 spicy strips of [The Strong and Busy Mouth].

I watched the live broadcast of the pcr at night, and the little prison rice received six stars! That's it for today, and I'm going out the door tomorrow.

Get a big guy's PY "Ghosts and Gods Walking in Everyday Fans"

Fusion of the world: the original wish of scum, there is a girlfriend at home, bunny girl, four lies, Natsume friend account, wild god

Chapter 178 Chapter 176 Will the red bracelet date really happen without incident?

Mr. Hijikata left.

Bai Ye stretched his waist and let out a comfortable long cry, which instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding customers.

Kato Megumi smiled and nodded apologetically to the surroundings, and tugged at the corner of Bai Ye's clothes.

"Senior, your voice is too loud to affect others."

"Ah... I'm sorry I can't pay..."

After apologizing to the people around Megumi Kato, Bai Ye drank the cola full of ice, then lay down on the table, let out a long sigh of relief, and looked sideways at Megumi Kato, who was also lowered.

"The contract is finally signed, thanks for your hard work, Xiaohui."

"Senior also worked hard~"

Half-length bangs crossed her brows along with Kato Megumi's tilted head, and she tapped the contract just signed on the table with her fingers.

"Have I helped the senior?"

"Yes, thanks to the presence of Xiaohui, you have also seen how many traps there are in the first contract. Without you, I would suffer."

After being praised by Bai Ye, Megumi Kato didn't smile as usual this time, at least her eyes weren't smiling.

"This is the credit of the seniors. Without the red circle, I can't see the subtle difference between the two contracts. I just did a very simple job."

Bai Ye shook his fingers and showed a meaningful smile.

If this is at home, he will definitely touch Kato Megumi's little head and love her lovely humility.

"It's not as simple as you think. The contract is to plunder interest as much as possible within the rules. Even if I have the ability, the other party may not give me the opportunity to play."

"If it was just me, Mr. Tufang would definitely interfere with my contract review. In the end, I might sign the contract out of face and luck, which would eventually lead to losses."

"Xiaohui is as meticulous as silk, I am very relieved to hand over the contract to you, and then deal with Mr. Tufang. We cooperated seamlessly in this wave!"

After listening to Bai Ye's analysis, Kato Megumi smiled again, and the softened eyes showed that she accepted the fact that she helped Bai Ye, and there was a faint sweetness in her heart.

"If you can help the senior, that would be great~~"

Bai Ye couldn't hold back in the end, and reached out and tapped Kato Megumi's pretty face that could be broken by bullets.

"Hmm~ I've been able to catch some fish for a while now. Let's go on a date later. Where does Xiao Hui want to go?"

"Where do you want to go..." Kato Megumi slightly tilted the corners of her mouth, her face was sunken with cute dimples, and the smile in her eyes was even more prosperous, "Before this, there is one more thing."

"what's up?"

"Senior, what about my pay?"

remuneration? !

Bai Ye raised his brows, instantly suppressing the surprise surging on his face.

The concept of "reward" is not unfamiliar. Bai Ye has such a close relationship with the girls in the club today, and it is "reward".

However, Kato Megumi is not included here.

Shirogane was certain, certain, and certain that he never mentioned the deal to Megumi Kato.

So, how did Megumi Kato know about the "remuneration"?

'Is it a coincidence? ’

"Senior, senior?"

Kato Megumi waved, recalling Bai Ye's distant thoughts.

"Ah, ah... I'm sorry, I was a little surprised to hear the reward from Xiaohui's mouth."

"Why is the senior surprised?"

Kato Megumi approached step by step, her pale yellow eyes blinked with slender eyelashes, with a suspicious tone.

Bai Ye was startled, he replied subconsciously, but he didn't expect the other party to ask questions.

"Because...Xiaohui gives the impression of a silent dedication, does not take the initiative to ask for it, is easily ignored by others but is indispensable, so...a little surprised, of course I will not prostitute for nothing!"

Kato Megumi watched Bai Ye for a few seconds and said:

"I'm very happy to be able to help everyone, but sometimes I also look forward to what I will get for my efforts."

Bai Ye understands that this reward cannot be escaped.

Of course, he didn't want to run away, but he was looking forward to what Megumi Kato wanted in return.

"What Xiaohui wants, as long as I can do it."

"It's very simple, as long as the senior doesn't move, one minute is fine."

Do not move?

To be honest, Bai Ye's heart jumped when he heard "Don't move", especially Kato Megumi's face suddenly approached, and his heart beat even more violently.

Do you want to kiss? !

But he thought about it carefully, Kato Megumi's face is relatively thin, and it is impossible to do very intimate actions in front of everyone. If the other party is Shi Yu, he can still look forward to it.

Kato Megumi spread out his palm, which was a red bracelet.

"Is it my bracelet?"

"Senior, the mouth is also a part of the body."

Bai Ye could only watch Megumi Kato tie the rope around his right wrist.

Kato Megumi released her hand and happened to reveal the red bracelet on her left wrist.

"The reward I want is for the senior to wear a bracelet this afternoon, is that okay?"

Bai Ye smiled and held her hand.

"Do I still have the right to refuse?"

. . . . . .

The scooter was parked in a high open space.

Megumi Kato leaned against the shade of the tree, while Shiroi leaned on the railing and looked into the distance, pointing to a building the size of a grain of rice.

"Xiao Hui, where is your home?"

"Mmmm." Kato Megumi imitated him to look into the distance, "I can't see the senior's house."

"So far, it's weird to see it."

Bai Ye led Megumi Kato back to the shade, and it was too uncomfortable to bear the full output of the sun in the summer.

This is a small mountain, and it only takes 1 minute to drive a small motorcycle at the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, including the time to turn around and slow down.

In highly urbanized Tokyo, it is very rare to have such a hill.

"Why did Xiaohui want to come here, did you often come here to play when you were young?"

Kato Megumi lightly tapped her toes, her expression gloomy.

"I only came here when I was a child. If it wasn't for the senior, I probably wouldn't think of it here, um... This tree is still there, just like when I was a child."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Because the senior suddenly asked me where I wanted to go. I've been to comic stores, shopping malls, and coffee shops before. The seniors have never been to a special place. It seems that this is the only place I know."

A special place for the one and only you?

He received Megumi Kato's thoughts, and the underlying meaning was comparable to a confession, and it was beautiful and heavy.

"Does the senior feel hot? The sun today cannot be ignored."

"In terms of heat, Xiaohui, you are wearing a small jacket, and you are sweating on your forehead."

"Mmmm." Kato Megumi took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead, then fanned himself with a small hand, "It seems that this is not a good place for a date, it's still hot under the shade of a tree."

Then, she handed out a handkerchief.

"Do you want to wipe your sweat, senior, seeing how hot you are?"

Bai Ye laughed dumbly, thinking that this is not Megumi Kato's true purpose, right?

Fortunately, Kato Megumi didn't take the initiative to wipe the sweat, otherwise he really didn't know how to respond, but he also saw Kato Megumi's aggressiveness in attacking.

"Let's go, Xiaohui, if it's good to come here in autumn, it's too hot in summer."

Kato Megumi had no objection, fiddled with the bangs that were slightly wet with sweat, put on the helmet and got into the car, with a small hand on Bai Ye's shoulder.

"Senior, where are we going?"

"Take you to a cool and comfortable place."


Reward progress report: 34 (5400/10000), owed 7 updates, this is a normal update.

Thanks for the spicy strips of [It's really 123], the spicy strips of [Qiu Mi], and the spicy strips of [Cangyanqiong].

This afternoon, I went to my best friend's house to pay New Year's greetings. In the evening, I chatted with my junior high school classmates I hadn't seen for a long time. This chapter was written by me in the middle of the time.

Everyone is ready to start work, and I will start the official update tomorrow.

Chapter 179 Chapter 177 It's not a Shura field, it's more like a Shura field

In summer, when it comes to a cool and comfortable place, the first impression of Bai Ye is a piece of sweet ice for fifty cents. The owner is amiable, and the ice room where the boys can sit and play game consoles all afternoon is none other than the ice room.

Today, the ice room has changed. It is no longer just 50 cents of sweet ice and 1 yuan a bottle of Coke. Last year, when I returned to China, the boss changed from an old man to a former bastard. What remains the same is that a glass of ice drink can sit for an afternoon. rule.

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