Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 420 Transformation, Darkening, and Public Opinion Deification (Original)

"If I could refuse that troublesome sister's request, she wouldn't die of overwork."

These words deeply touched Fu Liyu, who was watching the animation.

If... if my father was like this and could make up his mind to confront his brother, or even go to court, then the family's current tight situation would be solved.

Grandma's alimony, grandpa's pension after his death, and even the house in his hometown...

"It's so noisy..."

"What a stupid mother..."

Faced with Kaneki's last struggle, Kamishiro Rise gave the final heavy blow and said, "If she loves you, she should abandon her idiot sister. In fact, you also hope that she will do that."

"Stop talking..."

Kaneki begged and said.

However, Kamidai Rise represents the deepest part of his heart, and this is the truest thought in his heart.

He hoped that his mother would choose to abandon that troublesome sister because of him, instead of working hard to support her sister. In the end, he died of overwork and abandoned Kaneki to live alone in this world!

However, Kaneki's mother chose the stupidest approach. As Kamishiro Rise said, Kaneki, like his mother, wants everything and doesn't want to lose anything.

On one side is her biological sister who she grew up with. Maybe she and her sister had good memories when she was young, so she couldn't bear to part with this relative.

On one side is her biological son who she gave birth to and has her own blood. She actually loves Kaneki very much.

It's just that she couldn't let go of anything and wanted everything. As a result, she died in the end.

Fu Liyu could feel Jin Mu's pain, because he couldn't help but have the idea at this moment that if his father could ignore his so-called brotherhood and force his brother to break with him...

Their family's current financial situation will not be so tight.

For the sake of the brotherhood that even his brother didn't want, his father chose to put his family in trouble because of this family affection that was already in name only.

It is also very difficult for some families to provide housing. Is it difficult for their family? !

Their family doesn't even have a house yet, but they have to raise five people. Now that grandma is old and sick, she has to go to the hospital to prescribe a lot of medicine.

The uncle’s family is having trouble affording a house, but they already have two rooms, so what’s the difficulty?

Fu Liyu slowly gritted his teeth.

Not to mention Kaneki in the anime.

Fu Liyu still has two parents, but his family situation is a bit difficult, but his growing up environment is still extremely good.

But Kaneki...

After her mother died, she became an orphan and is still suffering extremely painful torture.

"Mommy mommy……"

In that white mental illusion, his heart gradually collapsed, and he cried and said, "Why... why did you leave me alone..."

"I'm very lonely……"

"I don't want to be alone..."

"I...I hope you choose me..."

"I hope you can live for me!!!"

Kaneki's mentality completely changed, and the hallucination god Rise on the side suddenly smiled, approached him step by step, and asked questions.

"Even if you don't save your aunt, you won't hesitate?"

"No matter what!"

Kaneki shouted back hysterically.

As Kamishiro Riyo gradually raised her voice and asked questions filled with joy, Kaneki kept answering frantically——

"Even if it hurts others?"

"No matter what!!"

"Even if it takes lives?"

"No matter what!!"

At the last sound, even Jin Mu's voice was completely broken. He screamed loudly with his eyes wide open and crying like crazy.

"Good boy~~"

At this time, Kamishiro Rise smiled with genuine joy...opened her arms and came to him.

"That's right, Kaneki."

She gently raised Jin Mu's crying face, put her forehead against his so that their eyes met, and said, "Sometimes one must give up one party to protect the other, but your mother failed to do this. That’s not gentleness… it’s cowardice.”

"Because you are not strong enough and don't have the consciousness to give up, are you still willing to continue to be hurt?"

"Can you forgive someone like Gecko?"

Kaneki's pupils gradually turned red, just like the bright eyes of a ghoul.


He said with utter hatred in his voice.

In the sea of ​​pure white flowers transformed by Jin Mu's inner illusion, a white flower suddenly... turned red as if it was a sign of something.

It turned into an enchanting red Lycoris flower. This flower, known in legend as the flower of the underworld, also known as the flower of the other side, is as beautiful as splashing blood.

"If the Bronze Tree's power increases, there will probably be heavy casualties in Area 20 sooner or later."

Kamidai Rise said again.

"I won't let them succeed."

Kaneki's weak voice was filled with a hint of determination at this moment.

"Your important friend Yingliang, as well as the companions at the antique coffee shop, may all be treated like just now."

Kamishiro Rise smiled again and said.

Then...another flower from the other side bloomed.

"The guy who took away my place...will never forgive me."

When Kaneki's murderous words appeared, the flowers of the other side, as bright as blood, bloomed as if they had woken up.

"Do you have that kind of power?"

At this time, Kamishiro Roshi asked with a smile again.

Yes... Kaneki is just a human who has just become a ghoul. Is he really powerful enough to kill a ghoul?


Kaneki said without any hesitation.

"You mean...willing to accept me?"

Kamishiro Rise...opened her bloody eyes that represent ghouls.

She represents the sadistic side of Kaneki's heart, the ghoul side.


"No, no."

Kaneki said in denial.

Then there was a sound that seemed like the shackles were being broken.

Then in the scene, Kamishiro Riyo was pushed down by Kaneki into a sea of ​​flowers.

Because of this, countless white flowers that originally represented purity and kindness, representing Jin Mu's kind nature, turned red under them.

Fu Liyu really likes this kind of literary and artistic expression.

It was full of artistic sense, but it also allowed him to clearly see the speed and situation of Kaneki's mentality change.

"I just have to surpass you."

In Kaneki's mental illusion, Kaneki held Kamishiro Riyo under him in an ambiguous posture.

The sea of ​​flowers beneath them had completely turned into blood-red flowers.

"Even if it's the wrong choice?"

Kamishiro Riyo asked him finally.

But what he wants to do is...

"It's not me who's wrong..."

Kaneki's eyes were open, but silent tears were flowing down, and then he said firmly, "What is wrong is... this world."

At this moment, with them as the center, all the flowers turned into blooming flowers of the other side. The originally white sea of ​​flowers turned into a sea of ​​bright and shocking red flowers.

"That's good...Kaneki..."

Kamishiro Rise said in admiration.


In the bloody sea of ​​flowers, Kaneki kept opening his big mouth... and began to devour Kamishiro Rise under him.

But Kamishiro Rise still said in admiration, "Survival means eating the weak and the"

In the splatter of blood, Kaneki's face had already been stained with blood. At this moment, his originally full head of black hair... turned into pure white in an instant.

Like a symbol of death...pure white.

"I... am a ghoul."

Kaneki turned his head. His pure white hair and his only one eye made him look so numb. He stared straight ahead and said without any emotion.

He... admitted his identity as a ghoul.

And the next moment, in the real world, the gecko once again held a vise and approached step by step the tortured golden wood, whose fingernails had been dried by blood and stained black.

"Kaneki! This rare and pleasant time is coming to an end."

He said to Kaneki with some regret, "Baijiu broke in here, and my mission... is to fight them."

Shiroji is a ghoul investigator who belongs to the Ghoul Countermeasures Bureau and performs the task of expelling and hunting ghouls. Qualified investigators can hold "Kuink" as a weapon.

Because he has a badge that looks like a "dove", he is called "White Dove" by the ghoul group.

"Anyone who hinders the Bronze Tree from achieving its goal must be eliminated."

The gecko didn't notice at all that Kaneki no longer roared in fear, and said to himself, "There is no need to say more about humans, including ghouls. Ghouls that go against the principles of the Bronze Tree..."

"For example, the one you worked at before was... called an antique, right?"

He lifted off his mask, but he had no idea that his words had completely offended Kaneki's anger!

However, he was still gradually approaching Jin Mu, and then said cheerfully in a perverted voice, with a cheerful emotion, "Kin - Mu -! Let me plunder!"

"Finally... let me eat them all!!!"

His ferocious face, which really resembled a gecko, gradually got closer to Kaneki.

Originally, the tragedy of the gecko came from the perverted human investigator. Fu Liyu had seen the previous plot and felt a little pity for him.

But... no matter how pitiful his past was, he should stop treating others like this after taking revenge on the perverted human investigator.

As a result, the gecko not only continued to enjoy torturing others, but also the existence of ghouls...

This kind of scumbag is simply disgusting!

But at this moment, Kaneki moved.

However, Gecko was suddenly startled, because he actually saw... the shadow of that woman from Jin Mu.

"It's... so funny. What a boring guy."

Kaneki said mockingly.

But in Gekko's eyes, it was as if Kamishiro Riyo was speaking to him.

But this made him even more excited, and in an instant he turned from anger to laughter, and said, "Hahaha, you are indeed the best, let me plunder it!!"

He directly released his son.

But the next moment...

Kaneki actually broke free from the chains on his hands and feet, and then... rushed towards the gecko!

The gecko didn't seem to react to Kaneki's terrifying speed and ability to break free from the shackles, and was directly strangled by Kaneki's neck with the chain.

"Give it a try."

Jin Mu opened his eyes and said coldly.

But instead of continuing to strangle the gecko, he jumped and landed in front of the gecko.

At this moment, "Unravel", the theme song of Ghoul, sounded.

Fu Liyu suddenly felt goosebumps rising on his skin, and he felt an unprecedented sense of pleasure.

Gecko was looking at Kaneki, who had completely changed. He was a little dazed and gasping for breath. At this time, blood gushed out of his forehead.

"It's really disgusting."

Kaneki wiped the remaining blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

At this time, Gecko realized that a large piece of flesh on his forehead had disappeared, and blood could not stop gushing out. He said, "You... ate me?!"

"It's like the rotten fish intestines."

Kaneki ignored him and continued to say with some disgust.


Gecko was completely angry, and his kagune kept attacking Kaneki like a flexible tentacle.

But Kaneki was extremely flexible and dodged effortlessly.

Although eating some of the food from the gecko didn't taste very good, it had restored a lot of strength for Kaneki.

He dodged all of them very flexibly, and while dodging the gecko's kagune attack in the air, he also kicked the gecko in the opposite direction.


Gecko is not a freeloader, he is an S-class ghoul, and he grabbed Kaneki's calf directly.

And he showed an extremely ferocious and cruel expression, saying, "I won't let go!"

But the next moment...

Kaneki took the initiative to twist his calf, blood and flesh rolled, broken bones pierced his skin, and then his other leg didn't feel anything at all, and kicked the gecko hard!

The gecko was kicked back by the huge force in an instant.

Kaneki stood in place, and his twisted calf rotated automatically under the drive of the powerful muscle group, and then healed itself to its original appearance.

He raised his head numbly and seemed to feel no pain, with a frightening cold look in his eyes, and said to the gecko in the distance, "Do you think I can still feel pain at this point?"

The cruel torture of the gecko during this period of time has gradually made him accustomed to the pain.

This kind of physical pain is nothing to Kaneki.

Gecko... the monster raised by the human investigator in the true sense, now has raised a monster that is more terrifying than him!

But... I have to say, Kaneki is so handsome now!

So handsome!

In the exciting theme music, Fu Liyu just felt so happy in his heart.

It was as if all the previous depression was released at once.

Kaneki has finally transformed from a cowardly and powerless ordinary person to a handsome and powerful strong man who will no longer be cowardly.

Gecko was extremely angry. Kaneki, who was once treated as a plaything by him, actually hurt him now? !

"Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!"

He folded his fingers, and then his body was wrapped by more kagune... He became a half-kagune!

"Look at me crushing you into mud!"

However, Kaneki at this time also folded his fingers like him and made a sound.


Facing the attack launched by the gecko like a beast, he easily dodged it.

Then, he punched and kicked the gecko continuously.

After dodging the heavy punch from the gecko with the kagune wrapped around it, Kaneki moved forward and hit him hard with a hook.

But then, the kagune behind the gecko grabbed his body and threw it hard against the side wall!

Kaneki's body hit the wall, making a loud noise and splashing countless dust.


Kaneki walked out like nothing happened, and then the area behind his waist suddenly cracked, and the bloody kagune opened like a red spider lily.

He was smiling silently at this moment, looking up at the gecko with a cruel expression, and said, "Now... it's my turn."

At the moment he folded his fingers, the kagune behind him pointed at the gecko like a sharp spear.

The gecko was furious, but the next moment, Kaneki rushed towards the gecko like a fox!

The kagune of the two collided violently, bursting with flames.

However, Kaneki's kagune broke the gecko's kagune like a spear.


The gecko wailed in pain.

Then Kaneki jumped in the air, and the kagune behind him slammed the gecko on the ground together! !

The gecko was knocked down instantly, and in a big pit, he was seriously injured and defeated.


So cool!

Fu Liyu really felt refreshed from the bottom of his heart. The frustration of the previous eleven episodes was fully vented in the last part of the twelfth episode.

It was like the sweetness of drinking milk tea again after a month of school without drinking milk tea.

Although the gecko was knocked down, Kaneki did not let him go.

The tail kagune behind him suddenly pierced the gecko's arm, and blood and flesh splattered out.


The gecko screamed in pain.

However, Kaneki broke his fingers again, and asked the sentence indifferently and ruthlessly, "1000... minus 7."

This is... giving back to the gecko the way the gecko treated him!

The gecko lying on the ground looked at him with fear in his eyes and clenched his teeth.

This time, he once again remembered the pain of being tortured by the perverted human investigator.

However, he hesitated.

Kaneki did not hesitate at all, and broke his limbs with his kagune again, and said, "I'll say it again, 1000 minus 7."

The gecko lay on the ground, and he was unwilling to turn back into the tortured being.

However, Kaneki broke his limbs over and over again and asked, "1000 minus 7."

Finally, the gecko collapsed completely, crying and saying over and over again, "993, 986, 979..."

He seemed pitiful now, but Fu Liyu didn't have any thoughts of pity for him.

The saying that poor people must be hateful may not be universal, but it is completely suitable for geckos.

It was tragic that he was tortured by human investigators and turned into a pervert, but he couldn't inflict what he suffered on others.

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Sure enough, the wisdom of our ancestors has a certain truth.

In this way, Jin Mu was very satisfied, but he rode on the back of the gecko, folded his fingers again, and said, "You want to eat me..."

"Then even if you get eaten by me... there's nothing you can do about it."

His eyes were open and he finally said.

With the end of BGM, the first season of "Magic City Ghoul" has ended.

But for the ghoul, this is...a new beginning.

Because no one expected the finale, it was so exciting! ! !

After watching this episode, Fu Liyu couldn't calm down at all, so he directly opened the comment area.

Sure enough, many viewers in the comment area made excited comments after reading it——

"Become a god! This episode!"

"Awesome! Old thief Qingshan!"

"It's so cool! The ultimate blackening, the ultimate enjoyment!!"

"Kaneki is so handsome! Handsome, strong and miserable! I really cried to death!"

"All adverse situations in the world are caused by the lack of ability of the parties concerned... This sentence really touches the soul!"

"Also, it's not me but the world that's wrong... Well, it sounds a little weird, but it's so right!"

"As expected of the work of the old thief Qingshan, Daqing really came out with a super and invincible wave in the end, right? It's so cool!"

"I would like to call Kaneki the three most painful male protagonists of the old thief Qingshan! Kaneki, Brother Huozi, and Agni! These three buddies are so miserable!"

"That's wrong, it's the four most painful male protagonists, Kaneki, Huozi, Agni, and David!"

"David finally sent Lucy away and died contentedly, so in terms of pain, it's still not as painful as these three brothers."

"It hurts! It really hurts!"

"Awesome, the blackening of metal and wood in the end is even more outrageous than Brother Huozi. You are not afraid of pain, right? Nestorian is ecstatic."

"That's wrong. Being unafraid of pain is equivalent to an innate waste body for the Nestorian Jiao. Brother Huozi's kind of body that can feel twice as much pain is an innate holy body."

"However, Jin Mu's spiritual pain... Ao Jingjiao is still ecstatic! It's so right!"

"If nothing else, this episode is so exciting! It's so exciting! The final episode of Ghoul is truly a masterpiece!"

Fu Liyu was also very excited. He looked at the comment section for a long time, but with his reserved personality, he would not post a comment.

Then he went to see some forums and software.

Station C’s own hot search, the finale of this episode of Ghoul has undoubtedly been promoted.

As for other platforms and forums... Since it was late at night and it had just been aired not long ago, it didn't ferment very quickly.

However, some people have already begun to discuss the finale of tonight's update of "Magic City Ghoul".

"I can only say that the old thief Qingshan never disappoints. All the grievances he felt before were just for the hearty catharsis of the finale."

"You can always trust the old thief Qingshan!"

"It's great. As always, the character creation of the old thief Aoyama is extremely full. Kaneki has changed from a quiet and timid ordinary person to a cold and ruthless strong man who is not afraid of pain. You can really see every little change."

"I can only say that the ghoul is really going to become a god. How could the old thief Qingshan turn over?"

"It's still... hard to say anything. I feel like this last episode was full of characters, but there's still something wrong."

"As a fan of "Protoss", I can only say that if Itchy Mouse had mastered the character creation of Qingshan, "Protoss" would not be scolded like this by the comic fans now. This character creation skills are so amazing. ”

After browsing these forums for a long time and seeing that his favorite "Magic City Ghoul" was praised by many netizens, Fu Liyu once again excitedly opened the last episode of "Ghoul".

This time...he wanted to watch it again in conjunction with the increasing number of barrages.

When it was first updated, the number of barrages was not that high, so it wasn’t that exciting to watch.

Moreover, Fu Liyu is used to watching the pure version of the drama first, so that the screen will not be blocked by the barrage for the first time, attracting attention, and seeing it more clearly.

Watch the barrage a second time and enjoy the fun of watching the show interactively with other people.

But just like that, he was so excited all night that he finally turned off his phone and fell asleep at 4 o'clock in the middle of the night in the extreme exhaustion after being excited.

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