Island Fishery

Chapter 528: Chapter 528

Chapter 528: Chapter 528

The 3 cm long worm is similar to a cuboid, green in color as a whole, and has many fluffs in the shape of ice crystals on its body. In the hometown of Li Shu, it is called thorn Jiaozi, star anise, and in many places, it is also called foreign pepper, tickle pepper and so on.

Ergou walked to the jujube tree branch, stared at the three foreign hot peppers lying on the jujube tree and gnawed on the jujube leaves, and said with a smile: "This year, there are few such things. , but there are three of them appearing here at once.”.

He turned his head and said with a smile: "Ashu, does the star anise have a name?".

"Yes, Moth." Li Shu said with a smile.

"Prickly moth?" Ergou was stunned for a moment, wondering: "A thorny moth? Is this a moth?".

"Yes, star anise is just the larva stage of the moth. When it grows up and matures, it becomes a moth." The plum tree picks up a small branch a few centimeters long from the ground, and uses the branch to pull the moth larvae on the jujube leaves.

"The moths are widely distributed, from HLJ in the northeast to Guangdong, there are all kinds of moths, but there are many kinds of moths, the green ones here are brown-edged green moths.

They eat not only jujube leaves, but also poplar, elm, willow and other leaves. They are not picky eaters. "Li Shu said with a smile: "There are also moth larvae that are tawny, taupe and so on. ".

The moth larvae looked weak and moved slowly. The plum tree pulled them, and they tried hard to stick to the branches, and even seemed a little wronged.

If you don't know the power of this thing, it seems that there is still some appreciation in terms of appearance alone.

"Wow woof~".

What are you looking at, let Ben Rhubarb take a look too!

The big yellow dog ran and jumped, and then used the second dog as a pillar, propped its paws on the second dog and stood upright. I saw it, it turned out to be a few small bugs.

"Go, go, Ashu, this big dog you raised is taller than me when standing up." Ergou even dodged and patted the dirt on his body.

He reached out and pinched a moth larva directly from the tree, threw it up and caught it, threw it again and caught it again: "So this thing is a moth larva? I didn't know it all the time, but since I was young, I never Have you ever seen the moth that this thing turns into?".

"Moths are generally active at night. In the dark at night, no one comes to the wild. Even if you see a moth in the wild, it's hard to think that the moth is an anise. Anyway, the moths are all about the same." .

Seeing Ergou throwing the moth larvae around, Li Shu kindly reminded: "There are no pores in the palm of your hand, so the thorns from the star anise can't hurt you, but... Hey hey hey...".


Before Li Shu finished speaking, he was surprised to see that the octopus, which Er Gou used as a toy, was caught by Er Gou and then rolled a distance from his palm toward his wrist.


Octagon rolls to the wrist.

"Hiss~ hastily, hastily, hastily", Er Gou shook his hands quickly, and the fat star anise fell to the ground, and Li Shu seemed to feel the little green thing grinning grinningly—did he screw up the idiot? There is a price to be paid for playing tricks on you, Mr. Octagon.

Er Gou's face turned green, and he even went to pick off the poisonous hair that pierced his skin. The burning pain on his skin made him regret it: "I made a fool of myself, I paid the price for my youth after all." .

Although it feels a bit inappropriate to laugh out loud, it's really funny to see Ergou's frowning face after failing in the approval of Ergou.

"Laugh if you want to laugh, is it painful to endure?".

"Hahaha~Although you may not like to hear it, I still want to say—yes! Let you brat!" Li Shu said with a smile: "It is said that jujube paste can cure the poison of star anise, try it quickly.".

Er Gou chewed a few jujubes into a paste and applied it to the painful area, and it really didn't feel so painful.

The big yellow dog was very curious about the star anise that fell on the ground, and then put his nose close to the star anise to smell it. The dark and wet dog's nose touched the poisonous hair of the star anise.


"Hmph, chirp~" The big yellow dog felt the burning pain in his nose instantly, and he stroked his nose with his paws, his face was full of pain, and there were tears in his dog's eyes.

"Big silly dog! A real big silly dog!" Li Shu couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, but he didn't stand idly by. He squatted down to fix the dog's head with his left hand, and removed the poisonous hair sticking out of the dog's nose with his right hand.

After the poisonous hair is removed, the remaining part of the toxin on the poisonous hair will not harm the dog anymore. As for the part of the toxin that has entered the dog's body, it can only be resisted by the dog's own resistance.

It usually takes a day for pain.

It was getting late, and the two went back.

After returning home, the big orange cat was lazily lying on a chair in the corner of the yard basking in the sun, its big tail was raised and lowered leisurely, when it saw the big yellow dog constantly scratching its nose with its paws full of pain, its face was instantly full Doubt: "Meow~".

What's wrong with you, big silly dog?

The big yellow dog felt that the big orange cat was laughing at it, and immediately ran into the house by itself.

After Li Shu entered the house, he saw that the white squirrel's mouth was bulging, which was a bit scary, and a little bit of peanut could be seen from the gap in its mouth.

" many peanuts did you stuff into your mouth? Spit it out!" Li Shu spread his left hand in front of the white squirrel.

huh huh~

The white squirrel shook its big fluffy tail, then began to take out the peanuts from its mouth with reluctance, 1234... 12, 13, 14...

Li Shu's face was covered with black lines.

The mouth of a squirrel is its backpack, which has an amazing capacity. Some wild squirrels can even stuff 8-9 hazelnuts into their mouths, which is terrifying.

After dinner, Grandpa said to Li Shu: "Because the river water is limited, it's better to water the last piece of land as soon as possible, otherwise the nearest section of river will be used up.

And I need other people's water pumps, but other people's water pumps are also used during the day, so I plan to squeeze the time to water the last piece of land tonight. ".

"Watering the ground in the middle of the night?" Li Shu frowned and said, "If there is a problem with the water pump, I can buy a water pump.".

"It's not just a problem with the water pump. In fact, I prefer to water the ground at night. The moonlight is very bright and there is a flashlight so I don't have to worry about not being able to see it. The advantage is that it is cool at night, and the weather is too hot during the day." Grandpa said.

The weather is hot during the day and cool at night, which is indeed an advantage at night. Of course, it is easy to get sleepy at night and it is easy to affect the sight.

"Okay, let's water it at night, I will go with Boss Jing, grandpa, you can rest at home.".

"This is not okay, I can't sleep at home.".

"I...I'm going too!" The little girl suddenly joined in the fun.

Li Shu: "......".

"You'd better stay at home, there are wild beasts in the fields, be careful to take you away." Li Shu threatened her.

"Brother, you are lying~ I can show you the water!".

In the end, he couldn't hold her back, so Li Shu decided to take her with him. He prepared strip-shaped plastic water pipes, rubber shoes, shovels, water pumps, machines, etc., and everyone set off in three jumps.

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