Island Fishery

529 Chapter 529

529 Chapter 529

Li Shu drove three cars, grandpa, boss Jing, the little girl and the big yellow dog, and the big orange cat squatted in the carriage, the night wind was blowing, the big yellow dog squinted, and the long dog hair was blown back by the wind.

The little girl huddled in the carriage and let the plum tree in front shield her from the wind: "Hiss~ It's a bit cold.".

With a helpless expression on his face, the grandfather took off his coat and put it on the little girl as a coat, and looked at the little granddaughter and said loudly: "It's dark at night, don't run around later!!".

The little girl also responded loudly: "Okay!".

The noise of Sanbangzi was too loud, coupled with the whistling wind around them, they couldn't hear each other if they didn't speak loudly.


The big orange cat hid under the little girl and looked up at the stars in the sky. It seems like Ben Meow shouldn't be here, it's a bit cold, but it seems to be quite interesting.

Soon after, Sanbengzi went north and got off the road, and started driving on the bumpy dirt road, boom boom~

"Meow!" The big orange cat felt like he was about to be vomited.

Fortunately, Sanbengzi stopped by the river a few minutes later. Li Shu and Boss Jing carried the diesel engine and the water pump down the gentle slope by the river. tight.

The moonlight is like water, and the tall reeds by the river sway slightly in the night wind.


croak~ croak~ croak~

There are many big toads screaming in the small river where the river is almost dry. There is a touch of confidence in the loud voice. This is the male toad courting the female toad.

"Use a rope to tie it tighter. After the machine is started, the suction will be too strong. If you don't tie it tightly, the plastic water pipe will be blown open, and then you will be in trouble." Li Shu said by the river.

"Understood!" Elder Jing Dalian said.

Grandpa, the little girl, the big yellow dog and the big orange cat are standing on the bank of the river. The big yellow dog was biting the mosquito in a circle, and the sharp dog teeth made a clicking sound when they hit.

Judging by its proud appearance, it is obvious that the pain in the nose is no longer there. The resilience of the rhubarb dog is really amazing.

"Little demon, stay away from the river." Grandpa pushed the little girl to prevent her from approaching the river. There were too many people drowning, and he was very afraid of accidents.

The little girl was held by her grandfather's arm, and she leaned half of her body to look into the river, just to see what Li Shu and Boss Jing were up to.

"Brother, why do you need a machine? Can't you just use the water pump?" The little girl asked curiously.

The pipe at the other end of the pump was stretched into the river, and everything was ready, Li Shu straightened up and patted the dust on his hands.

He laughed and said: "The diesel engine provides power. After the diesel engine is started, its wheels will turn rapidly. Because the wheels of the diesel engine are connected to the wheels of the water pump through a belt, the wheels of the water pump will also turn and start pumping water.".

"I don't quite understand." The little girl was slightly confused.

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you have this general impression in your heart." Li Shu said with a smile: "Just like a car, the machine also provides power.".

Grandpa smiled slightly as he listened to the exchange between Li Shu and the little girl. He very much hoped that his grandchildren could live in harmony.

He smiled and said: "Little tree, I'll go to the field to rectify the field ridges first, and you can spread water belts later.".

"Okay." Li Shulian said.

"Xiao Yao, will you leave with me?" Grandpa asked.

The little girl thought for a while, then shook her head: "I'm with elder brother.".

"Alright then, Xiaoshu looks at the little demon."


da da da ~

After grandpa put down two shovels and rolls of water tape, he drove away in three jumps.

He needs to go to the cornfield first to reinforce the field ridges to prevent the water from overflowing the field ridges and flowing into other people's fields when the ground is watered later.

Li Shu and Boss Jing spread rolls of ribbon-shaped water pipes to the northwest, and the ribbon-shaped water pipes need to be laid all the way to the ground.

A snail-shaped water ribbon was quickly spread on the ground, and the little girl ran with the big yellow dog and the big orange cat.

"You need to bend over to operate. It's really a laborious job." Li Shu straightened his waist in the middle. The water belt needs to pass directly through other people's cornfields. Li Shu's movements are careful not to let the water belt press down on other people's homes of corn.

"Boss, there is someone on the right!" Boss Jing said suddenly.

Li Shu straightened up and looked to the right, and all he could see was black corn that was as tall as a person. The wind blew through the corn field and made a rustling sound, and the crickets around him were so loud that they seemed to shatter their wings.

"Who's there!!" Li Shu said loudly.

The little girl, the big yellow dog and the big orange cat all looked to the right.

"Which one!?" The corn on the right shook, and a middle-aged man with a slightly hunchback poked his head out.

"Uncle Min? Is your house also watering the ground in the middle of the night?" Li Shu immediately recognized the middle-aged man as the villager "Li Xiaomin". People feel at ease, one person is full, and the whole family is not hungry.

"Hiss~ It's a little tree, don't you smoke?" Li Xiaomin is in his early thirties, but he looks like he is in his 40s after years of hard work. He holds a cigarette in his right hand and holds half a cigarette in his arms.

He usually doesn't bring a lighter when he goes out. When he finishes smoking a cigarette, he uses the remaining fire from the previous cigarette to light a new one.

Cigarettes are always in hand.

The reason why Li Xiaomin knew Li Shu was because he bought cigarettes, beer, melon seeds and snacks for the fishers by the river when he came back last year.

The scene at that time was extremely sensational.

So Li Xiaomin remembered Li Shu, a young man who didn't go back to the village very often, but was extremely generous.

"No, no, no, Uncle Min, you also control and control. Smoking is too much and it costs too much money." Li Shu would not say "smoking is harmful to health", because Li Xiaomin dismisses the saying that smoking is harmful to health.

If he wants to say that smoking is harmful to health, then Li Xiaomin will definitely refute him with a straight neck. The reason is nothing more than that some big shots also smoke and many people smoke but they live to be more than 90 or even more than 100 years old.

But when Li Shu said "it costs money", Li Xiaomin had nothing to say.

"It does cost money. The cheapest Liqun I smoke is 5 yuan a box, but it costs a lot of money a day." Li Xiaomin said: "My dream is to be able to smoke Liqun's leisure cloud, but leisure cloud It’s really expensive, 100 yuan for a box, and 5 yuan for a cigarette, it’s like stealing money.”.

"Haha." Li Shu laughed instantly.

100 yuan a box, Li Xiaomin obviously can't afford that 100 yuan, but the money to buy a box of Leisure Cloud is enough to buy 20 boxes of Liqun cigarettes he is smoking now, and he is obviously very reluctant.

"Hey, when did you get married, and your daughter is so old?" Li Xiaomin lowered his head, looked at the little girl in surprise, and said, "Well, you can bring a dog, why do you bring a cat? It’s easy to run away.”.

Li Shu: "......".

"This is my sister, what kind of girl." Li Shu said helplessly. He saw that Boss Jing had spread the water tape to the ground a hundred meters away.

He smiled and said: "Okay, I'm going to water the ground, let's talk later, big orange cat, let's go.".

"Meow~" the big orange cat even followed.

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