Island Fishery

Chapter 826 826 Sign up for the competition

Chapter 826 826 Sign up for the competition

Li Shu chatted with Huang Yun, and then he talked about his plan.

"Jing Lao San has already gone to the capital, and should be able to find 2,000 workers tonight, and bring the workers to Danguan City tomorrow.

Organize training first.

Subsidize travel expenses for those who don't want to do it, and then take 200 people to the island to build temporary residential areas and temporary living areas.

After the lawn mowers and small tillers are transported up, 2,000 workers can go to work on the island. "

Li Shu looked at Huang Yun on the opposite side of the phone. A carbon pen was flexibly turning back and forth between his fingers, showing a unique sense of beauty.

"2000 people? Where can I find so many people?" Huang Yun was very curious.

"The short-term labor market." Li Shu said with a smile: "Every city has a short-term labor market, which is usually closed on a daily basis and the wages are relatively high.

The short-term labor market in Danguan City is relatively small, and so many people can only gather in the short-term labor market in the capital.

After all, not all short-term workers are willing to leave the capital and come to Rabbit Island to work for a while.

And there is no need for skilled workers such as carpenters, bricklayers, and painters. They need to be selected, that is, two-way choices, so only the capital can satisfy them.

There are more than 20 short-term labor markets in the capital of Malaysia, and there are several short-term labor markets in the same district.

It is generally easier to find one worker who can be followed by hundreds of workers.

Those who often do part-time jobs often know some acquaintances in the same industry, which can be regarded as ordinary friends, and they all have contact information with each other. "

"Oh, so that's how it is." Huang Yun had never known the part-time labor market, and felt very curious.

Chat for a while.

The two ended the video call.

Li Shu sat up straight and searched the computer for programming competitions related to primary school students.

If the little girl can win the award, then she will also be praised by her parents, and it will also be of great benefit to the little girl's future development.


A game came into Li Shu's sight.

"Singapore Primary and Secondary School Students Programming Contest?" Li Shu slid the mouse with his right hand, pinched his chin with his left hand and thought:

"Shouldn't there be competitions for elementary and middle school students? Especially for high school students, hey~ It's a disadvantage for elementary school students to compete with high school students.

Especially some high school students, who are super perverted~ No, the deadline for registration is February 10, 2020.

This has already exceeded the time, what a waste of emotion. "

Exit the page and continue searching for other matches.

He took out a big coconut from the white jade ring, opened a small hole with a hole opener, and put a white straw in it. Li Shu drank the sweet coconut juice happily.

There are so many programming competitions for elementary school students, many of which are organized by a city or an education and training company.

Li Shu felt that these competitions were too small and he had to pay a large entry fee, so these small competitions were immediately kicked out of consideration.

"Huh~ Southeast Asian primary school students programming competition? This competition seems to be good. It has been held for 8 times, and each time there are more than 20,000 participants?

The deadline for registration is March 2, 2020. "

Li Shu logged on to the competition website to check, and felt that the competition was quite big and formal.

Log in to several discussion platforms and ask, and there are many positive comments from netizens, and some parents say that after winning the award, they will be promoted to junior high school for extra points.

"What is the operation of adding points to junior high school? Well, I'm ignorant, maybe it's the school admission policy of other cities, at least Danguan City doesn't have such a policy.

There are many people who say that the game is very difficult? Many adults have a headache after watching the game title...

Well, just apply for this competition, it's good to be more difficult, if you can still get a good ranking under the difficult situation, it will highlight your strength.

If you can't get a good ranking, it will let the little girl know that there are people out there, so don't just learn a few things and get overwhelmed. "

Li Shu put down the big coconut in his hand, contacted the official customer service, filled out the registration information online, and paid the fee.

Then look at the game process.

The little girl can complete the preliminary round, the second round, and the elite competition in the capital of Malaysia, and then go to the capital of Thailand to represent Malaysia in the finals.

"So many rounds?"

Li Shu downloaded the test questions of previous years' competitions, the on-site programming test, left the study with a stack of 2 cm thick A4 paper, and went downstairs along the stairs.

"Wow woof~"

The big yellow dog chased after him. He wanted to overtake Li Shu and run to the front, but when he overtook Li Shu, he bumped into Li Shu, and Li Shu, who was going downstairs, almost tripped over.

"This silly dog, did he trip me on purpose? He almost threw me into the mud." Li Shu chased after him and patted the dog's head.


The big yellow dog was very cheerful, jumping up and down, wagging its tail wildly, and pounced again and again.

"Go, go, go and play by yourself, there is dirt on your paws, and my pants are dirty."

Li Shu came to the sofa and sat down.

The little girl sitting on his left is cross-legged eating oranges and looking at cats and mice with an excited expression.

The big orange cat is lying on her lap with its fluffy little paws, watching cartoons with its eyes wide open. Whenever Tom Cat is bullied, the tip of her tail will start to swing nimbly.

Shake left, swing right.

The movement was gentle, and she was obviously happy too.

"Little girl."

"What's the matter, brother, I'll give you oranges."

"Okay, okay."

Li Shu took the orange petals handed over by the little girl and put it into his mouth, biting lightly, the sweet and sour juice of the oranges flowed into his mouth, and the taste was delicious.

"I signed you up for a programming competition for elementary school students. These are the test questions. Take a look."

"Wow~ Let me take a look." The little girl connected to the stack of A4 papers, looked at the ten lines at a glance, and there was a sound of flipping the pages.

"These topics are very simple, they are all basic things."

At first the little girl had a relaxed expression, but when she turned to the next test questions, her expression became serious, and her little brows frowned.


Let me see it too.

The big orange cat lay in the arms of the little girl, and stretched its neck to read the questions on the paper.

Blink, blink, well, I don’t understand~

"The first test questions are the preliminary test questions over the years, and the latter questions are the test questions of the next few rounds. How about it?"

The corner of Li Shu's mouth raised, and he picked up a big mango that was bigger than the palm of his hand from the fruit plate. The whole body of the mango was golden yellow, and when the peel was peeled off, a sweet smell rushed over his face.

Take a big bite of the pulp and chew, full of the aroma of the pulp.

"It's difficult." The little girl raised her head and frowned.

Li Shu was very happy, and said: "It's okay if it's difficult, study hard, tell Teacher Xun about your going to participate in the competition, and see if he can find some targeted training for you."

Programming knowledge is vast, and there must be some aspects to focus on during the competition, and you will not come up with whatever questions you want to come up with.

Mr. Xun is a master programmer of Mengba Group, responsible for instructing the little girl to learn programming. Of course, Li Shu gave him a generous subsidy.

"Oh, oh, good." The little girl's eyes became firm, and she raised her arms to cheer herself up: "I will definitely win the first place, and the prize of 1,000 ringgits must be mine!"

"Haha, don't talk big, talk about it when you can win the first place."

"By the way, where is the cicada monkey skin you got from school? What do your classmates say?" Li Shu asked curiously.

"The students have never seen it before. They looked at the Cicada monkey skin and thought it was novel." The little girl smiled and said, "Finally I gave the Cicada monkey skin to our Chinese teacher."

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